Please read: Pending Lawsuit from Venomous Snake Bite - Page 11 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 03-30-2004, 11:55 AM   #101
Ken Harbart
Lisa, who is unemployed, is worried about the bills.
Unemployed, yet she's buying venomous snakes for her son. Then again, I wouldn't be especially surprised if I learned that this whole thing was the mother & son's plan all along.
Old 03-30-2004, 12:14 PM   #102
Originally posted by Ken Harbart
Unemployed, yet she's buying venomous snakes for her son. Then again, I wouldn't be especially surprised if I learned that this whole thing was the mother & son's plan all along.


It sure does sound that way to me that this was not an accident but more of an incident especially when they were inquiring before-hand if it would kill him!

From: []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 5:48 AM
Subject: please read

i was wondering how venomous my atheris chlorechis like on a scale of 1 to 10 for it to kill me if i got but i promase i will not take any more chanced like that in my life i promase well you are the nicest herpetoloigst i have ever talked to you know your $hit man thanks again for everything and 1 more thing since i bought my bush viper a couple of months ago she hasend shed at all not even any signs for it but she eats and drinks she's verry healthy sorry to bother you soo much but i just trust your knowlage if you can write back a.s.a.p. i would highly appreate it thank you again for everything.......... sincerely,

From speaking to Lisa Drago’s attorney he (the attorney) told me he knows Lisa pretty well which leads me to believe Lisa has tried suing someone else before using his services.
Old 03-30-2004, 04:35 PM   #103
From speaking to Lisa Drago’s attorney he (the attorney) told me he knows Lisa pretty well which leads me to believe Lisa has tried suing someone else before using his services.
Considering the facts, this would not suprise me at all. It's baffling to me that a mother would allow her son to risk his life to earn a few bucks, and ruin someone else's life in the process. Best of luck to you.

Old 03-30-2004, 05:30 PM   #104
Two different stories

I find it kind of odd how only days after I started this thread the media was notified and there story changed.
Old 03-30-2004, 05:34 PM   #105
Excuse me Pardon me Gray Poopon

Someone correct me if i read that wrong.

They had the snake for 7 months.
They used a polyvalent and A antivenom for Rattlesnakes most likely Corfab or the old wyeth.

That to me reads like they are mixing antivenoms.

Steve be glad you saved those e-mail you can definately i believe show the mother is fabricating things. When i feal better ill call you.
Old 03-30-2004, 08:30 PM   #106
Ok i have to take this report apart partly because I am sick and board and partly because things are not sitting well with me.

One of Vinny Drago’s dreams is to meet Steve Irwin of TV’s “The Crocodile Hunter.’’
I just can not help but wonder if he was doing exactly what he see's Steve do?

Vinny Drago owned his first pet snake at age 4. Reptiles and amphibians have been his passion. He grew up in Florida and caught many in their natural habitat. When he was in kindergarten, he even carried a coral snake off a playground because the teacher and students were frightened.
So 13 years keeping and working with reptiles and probably reading about them. I seriously doubt he would beleive Atheris to be safe animal. Next if the report is correct about the Coral { what the hell were teachers thinking. I seriously doubt that occured.

The guy had told me, if I had gotten bitten, nothing would happen. I would not even get sick. I would just have a little bit of pain, like a bee sting,’’ Vinny said.

Um and let us see here Steve's own E-mail said

On January 25, 2004 I received a phone call from the 17 year olds mother which concerned me very much. She told me her son has been free handling and kissing the snake on the lips. I asked her to return the snake to me for a full refund and not to allow her 17 year old to own any venomous. The parent ignored to accept the opportunity to return the snake and get a full refund.

On January 26th I received this e-mail from the 17 year old son.

From: []
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 5:48 AM
Subject: please read

i was wondering how venomous my atheris chlorechis like on a scale of 1 to 10 for it to kill me if i got but i promase i will not take any more chanced like that in my life i promase well you are the nicest herpetoloigst i have ever talked to you know your $hit man thanks again for everything and 1 more thing since i bought my bush viper a couple of months ago she hasend shed at all not even any signs for it but she eats and drinks she's verry healthy sorry to bother you soo much but i just trust your knowlage if you can write back a.s.a.p. i would highly appreate it thank you again for everything.......... sincerely,

My Reply to the 17 year old on 1/26/04
On a scale of 1 to 10 I would guess at saying maybe a 3
As far as the snake not shedding, it will when it’s ready to, try feeding it more often.

Oh boy I think that no place did Steve state bee sting an in fact the boy said he would not take any more chances. Furthermore the Childs parent had been informed and given the oppurtunity to bring the animal back after she witnessed him performing dangerous acts.

Vinny’s mother Lisa called the man the next day. “He said ... it would not hurt my son,’’ she said.
On January 25, 2004 I received a phone call from the 17 year olds mother which concerned me very much. She told me her son has been free handling and kissing the snake on the lips. I asked her to return the snake to me for a full refund and not to allow her 17 year old to own any venomous. The parent ignored to accept the opportunity to return the snake and get a full refund.

Ok now who is not telling the truth for some strange reason im thinking mommy.

“If I’d known there was no antivenom, I would never allowed Vinnie to have it.”
Ok so by her own admission she new it was venomous and allowed her son to keep it anyway.

After living with Vinny for seven months, the West African bush viper, about 19 inches long and 3 to 4 years old, has been a vagabond.
7 MONTHS 7 for mom to ask around or do a web search or contact a zoo or other qualified institute.

There is no Pennsylvania law forbidding the sale of exotic venomous snakes, said Gary Davis, president and founder of the Northeast Pennsylvania Herpetological Society.
The only laws concern native species, he said. The state leaves it up to each municipality, he said.
Chad Peeling, operations manager for Reptiland on U.S. Route 15 in Allenwood, said a lot of towns have laws against keeping venomous snakes.
“The real problem is when people do foolish things. It’s hard to legislate against that,” he said. “In terms of legalities, there are no broad statewide or nationwide laws preventing people from keeping venomous snakes,” he said.

Foolish damn skippy. Mom lets child keep a snake freehandling it that she is very much aware is venomous.

Dr. Kevin Washington got on the phone with Lisa, and she gave him all the information she could.
While the Conestoga Ambulance crew was putting a tourniquet on Vinny’s arm to prevent the progression of the venom, the helicopter was landing across from their home deep in the country.
Washington was spending just a month at Harrisburg Hospital as part of his residency training. This was his first snake bite. Dr. Ward Donovan, head of the toxicology department, has dealt with snake bites but never one with no available antivenom, Washington said.
The next step was checking with poison centers throughout the country to find the best antivenom, Washington said.
He also searched the Internet for information. He and Donovan settled on a polyvalent (a mix of antivenoms that included antigens that work on snakes similar to the West African bush viper) from South Africa. But the choice was a gamble.

I am so curious if they even bothered to call Venom1 who would certainly be able to help. But the settled on a Polyvalent i wonder which one?

Meanwhile, the hospital staff was giving Vinny rattlesnake antivenom at around 3 a.m., hoping it might help while they waited for the antivenom from Philadelphia.

Were two diffrent types of AV given !!!???

Ok enough im getting really pissed thinking about this is possibly a set up bite for monetary compinsation. If you think it hasnt been done before ask Wal-Mart about pigmy rattlers in their garden department.
Old 03-30-2004, 09:00 PM   #107
Originally posted by Mustangrde1

Steve be glad you saved those e-mail you can definately i believe show the mother is fabricating things. When i feal better ill call you.
I dont think those email would hold up in a court situation, im not saying they are but emails can be easy fabricated
Old 03-30-2004, 09:11 PM   #108
Seamus Haley
Look out Perry Mason, Vince has been watching old episodes of Law and Order and there's a new legal genius in town.
Old 03-30-2004, 09:15 PM   #109
You know, Vinny, you're correct: emails can be fabricated. Of course, so can phone calls. So if you go by facts alone, here is what we get:

Retailer makes a legal sale of a venomous snake to 17 year old.

Venomous snake bites 17 year old.


Stupid, yes. Illegal, no.

Of course, there are many other details that play into this story. However, I fear that posting them here will only give the plaintiff time to come up with excuses.

My advice to the seller: GET A GOOD LAWYER QUICK!
Old 03-30-2004, 09:15 PM   #110
who is barry masion? is that the kid who got bit by the snake, or something off topic?

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