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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

View Poll Results: Has the recent enforcement of the rules been successful?
Yes, and stay the course. 31 47.69%
Somewhat, but scale back a bit. 29 44.62%
Not really, so roll back to the way it used to be. 5 7.69%
No, you need to try something else entirely. See post. 0 0%
Voters: 65. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-18-2006, 06:56 PM   #101
Chameleon Company
Wendy Wendy !

Here was my post to Lucille:
Lucille asks
So tell me, is courtesy so much to ask?

I reply:
The answer is "no". Is it too much to expect? No. So, what do we do when its not offered? I think we have 80-90 posts on that now.
Here is your reply Wendy:
What do we do when common courtosy is not offered to us?

I for one think we rise above the snide remarks and show that we are the better person.

And there goes that being sarcastic to another member in a post, where are 80-90 post on common courtesty in this thread since we are only on post #96 as I type this?
I highlighted the comment about "sarcasm" Wendy. Going back to my post, the first two questions were asked by Lucille. She had complained that her questions had not been answered. The answers "no" were not sarcastic, were they? The last question was mine, not Lucille's, and was posed as the rhetorical issue of this thread, as demonstrated by my answer. It was not quoted as being Lucille's. I was answering myself. If I was sarcastic to myself, then so be it. Hadn't done that before.
Old 02-18-2006, 06:59 PM   #102
Originally Posted by TomO
Rich, not all opinions which are contrary to yours are necessarily an attack on this board or your handling of it. Some of us are contributing to the discussion with what we believe are the best interests of this forum at heart. Why - because we believe it has value, and that if your turn-around is successful, will continue to grow in value.
Sure Tom, I fully understand that. Why it would be like if I went to your house someday and you asked me what I thought of it. So I said I thought your choice of furniture sucked or asked you if a blind man painted your house. If you said you thought your kids were little angels and I disagreed saying that they were unruly monsters, hey it's just an opinion. No harm done. It's not an attack on you, right? Those are only decisions you made and doesn't reflect on you at all...... Certainly you couldn't get offended about those opinions of mine, now could you?

And if I came back every day to tell you those same things, well heck, maybe, just maybe, do you think I might wear my welcome a little teeny bit thin after a while? Just enough that aren't smiling as much when we exchange those opinions once again?

Just a thought..........
Old 02-18-2006, 07:04 PM   #103
Originally Posted by Chamco
As Sammy said long ago ...... "my sympathies". I do not know where you find the time. I don't know where I do either.
I don't "find" the time. I "make" the time to address things I think are important. Everything I do takes away from something else I should be doing.

I'm sure a lot of people consider me rude in the way I post. That's likely because I try to take the shortest path between two points. Even though the response may SEEM long, I try to pack as much MEANING as I can into as few words as I can. That leaves little room for ego-soothing embellishments. It's a fault I have, I know, but there is little I can do about it.
Old 02-18-2006, 07:17 PM   #104
Chameleon Company
Rich, I like Simon Cowell. I believe I have been accused of some rudeness here also.

I also just read your post to Tom, #102. I don't know if your analogy about his comments in the thread applies to how some of mine were received as well, but if I were a betting man, and looking at my # of posts, I would bet in the affirmative. Speaking for myself, but believing that I echo Tom as well, I don' think that we ever intended to be disrespectful or rude. Maybe direct at times, as you acknowledge that you are as well, but not in the same character as you pose in your hypothetical, with the visit to the house. If our criticism, and mine in particular, ever sank to the level of the example you made, then there's been an unfortunate, if not horrible, misunderstanding. And all the while, I thought we had done a pretty good job of respectful disagreement. Maybe I am seeing your reply all wrong, but if not, then its back to the drawing board. Wishing you well.
Old 02-18-2006, 07:51 PM   #105
What my tongue in cheek post was intended to point out is that you cannot criticise the works of a person without criticizing the person.

Providing an opportunity to give opinions is not an invitation to bash away at will or belabor points that have been addressed earlier. I can take a lot, but not infinitely so. I am not asking anyone to be respectfull at all, but asking everyone to not be disrespectfull, and have the good sense and grasp of the situation to know when the horse you are beating is very well dead.

Jim, I'm sorry but your reference to Simon Cowell went right over my head.......
Old 02-18-2006, 08:22 PM   #106
Ya know what, HELL is a valid forum, if you Jim are not a member then maybe you do not see the point of it, but its not what I think you think it is.

Yes we can scream yell and cuss but we do it to get things off our chest. Just as you aer doing here, but you are doing it without the screaming, yelling and cussing being so evident. I think most can see your screams and cussing, between the lines, but in HELL you say what you think how you think it when you think it with no points.

Anyone can call anyone anything in HELL, you want to call someone a liar, do it, please, but do it in the correct forum -- HELL

And you were sarcastic, not to yourself but to the reader, ME, and if none else took it that way, I guess its just back to the true thought and emotion cannot be viewed on plastic.
Old 02-18-2006, 08:44 PM   #107
Chameleon Company

Ya know what, HELL is a valid forum, if you Jim are not a member then maybe you do not see the point of it, but its not what I think you think it is.
Well, maybe its not what you think that I think that you think that I think etc. Wendy, I am comfortable in my opinions about it, and you in yours. I can live with you having your opinions. Can you manage with me having mine? As I stated earlier, I think it detracts from Fauna. If it were gone tomorrow, I would not be crying over its grave. But I will not castigate Rich if its here for eternity. I also have no care to debate it.

Rich ! I am LOL here ! I made an assumption that you watch American Idol, and confess to being one of those who does. Simon is the British judge who is as blunt as they get, and professes to actually be doing all contestents a favor by being brutally direct. He has an immense fan club, and I confess to enjoying him as a breath of fresh air. It was a compliment.
Old 02-18-2006, 09:21 PM   #108
lol JIm whatever you say, I have never downed your views or opinions, I junst think you need to step back a bit and think before you pick these battles.

HELL, heck if it was gone tomorrow Id not cry either, I doubt I even have 20 post there, maybe I do, who knows or cares.

Point being, the rules are the rules, PERIOD!

Like em... who cares
Abide by them.... one really should
Sliding by the mods.. a gift that finds the members lacking in the ability to report abuse

All in all, what are you posting for? A less strict system as I can see it.

Pick your battles, those you know you cannot win, drop it, those you think you can win, think twice before speaking, those you know you can win, think 3 times before speaking.

All in all this entire topic is and always was a dead horse.
Old 02-18-2006, 09:27 PM   #109
Chameleon Company
I want you to know that I appreciate our earlier exchanges in this thread. But I have one of those "hypotheticals" for you that, while it may not have you agreeing with me, may at least let you better understand our views (mine, Tom's others). You made earlier posts drawing distinctions between the derogatory nature of being called a "liar" vs. a "nimrod", etc., with "liar" being more of a factual label, and "nimrod" of lesser and derogatory value. You now have Rich's explanation, which I echoed as well. Without the benefit of Rich's opinion and explanation about "liar" here, is it possible that you could have been in a BOI thread and used the term "liar" as you saw appropriate, but in a way that would have been contrary to the rules? Would you have been "surprised" at the suspension and resulting $10 fine, if one had been levied? Might it have caused you some angst? We can be thankful that that little bit of gray is more black and white now, eh?
Old 02-18-2006, 09:28 PM   #110
Originally Posted by Chamco
Well, maybe its not what you think that I think that you think that I think etc. Wendy, I am comfortable in my opinions about it, and you in yours. I can live with you having your opinions. Can you manage with me having mine? As I stated earlier, I think it detracts from Fauna. If it were gone tomorrow, I would not be crying over its grave. But I will not castigate Rich if its here for eternity. I also have no care to debate it.
Actually my original plan had been to axe the HELL forum completely. But I believe it was Nicolai who suggested that instead of doing that simply charge $10 as an admission fee. Well, heck, what did I have to lose at that point? I thought for certain NO one would pay to go there, but at least I could say I tried that suggestion.........

Jim, no one can even READ the threads within the Hell forum unless they specifically pay to do so or are an Endowment level member. And the only reason I enabled it for the Endowment members is because a couple of them specifically asked for me to do so. So unless someone makes a conscious effort to go to that forum by paying for that privilege, it does not even exist as far as they are concerned. So how can it be a detriment under those circumstances? Even if someone pays that $10 and finds it unpleasant, there is not a person on this planet who will twist their arm to make them go there.

Sure maybe there is a bit of "curiosity killed the cat" involved. But who's fault is that besides the cat's?

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