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Old 01-13-2012, 10:08 AM   #121
Getting the procedure done is no differant than having a dogs vocal cords removed, clipping birds wings, or cropping cow, horse and dog tails, all so the pet is more favorable to people. Btw venomoid inc is the ONLY buisness that does the procedure.
Old 01-19-2012, 03:35 PM   #122
Wow. I'm a newcomer to this forum and still exploring but I just found this thread. I will not go into the venomoid issue as my opinion will probably not make a difference, no matter how eloquently put, as, to be brutally honest, one cannot reason with a person who has his head lodged in his anus. I am truly horrified at the actions of Raymond Hoser, and would like to take this opportunity, as an Australian, to condemn his actions.
Old 01-21-2012, 08:00 AM   #123
Ok. Lets see.

Try to make a Gaboon viper into a harmless corn snake. (Check).
Try to make the Gaboon viper as uncomfortable as can be. (check).
Care more about people thinking I am cool then I care about the safety and quality life of my viper. (check).
Spend xxxxx amounts of money to have a surgery on my snake to make him "harmless" so I can finally be man enough to clean his cage after he has sat in his own defication for a month. (check).

Yep. There you have it. Making a hot snake into a corn snake is sooooo cool. I wish I could be that cool. Tomorrow I think I am going to buy a Fierce snake for about $4k and then spend another grand or so or however much it cost so I can try and make it into a corn snake because corn snakes or cool and all but I want a deadly snake but I don't want to handle the deadly snake because I am a little that is too afraid to man up to the venomous snake I bought so I guess I will just degrade his quality of life so I can play with him like a corn snake. YAY!!!!

Leave the venomous snakes alone. If you don't want to handle a venomous snake because you are too afraid of the consequences WHEN you get bit then don't buy them. Venomous snakes are like fish. They are pretty to look at but they are a no go as far as handling. You can handle them when you have to for say cleaning and things but that is it.

People that want to make venomoids just because they are "all mighty man" are pretty pathetic in my book. My two favorites hots are the Gaboon Viper and the Bush Vipers and I would never do that to one if I could keep them. If I got bit by one and I died then oh well, happens. Don't degrade the quality of life of an animal just to suite your own needs. It is beyond selfish and pathetic.
Old 01-21-2012, 08:41 AM   #124
Originally Posted by rsellers44 View Post
Getting the procedure done is no differant than having a dogs vocal cords removed, clipping birds wings, or cropping cow, horse and dog tails, all so the pet is more favorable to people. Btw venomoid inc is the ONLY buisness that does the procedure. IS different. None of these are invasive procedures (other than the dogs' vocal cords, and they do not actually remove them...a procedure that most people, in my experience, are pretty non-supportive toward as well). I can't say that I have ever seen people "cropping" horse or cow tails, but even docking a dog's tail originally had purpose well beyond "making them more favorable as pets". Granted, mostly done for cosmetic reason today, and not necessarily one I support either, but still a practice done when the animal is only a couple of days old, heals within a couple more days, and in no way affects the animal's very basic way of life.

Simply put - for the most part, in human are comparing going to the doctor's office for a quick collagen injection to having major surgery and removal of say....your spleen.
Old 03-17-2012, 11:24 AM   #125
Personally I would never alter an animals normal physical state from the wild. If they are venomous they are interesting to everyone because of the highly evolved mechanism to secure and pre-digest food. The tongue of course is absolutely needed for all reptiles, no one would cut off the tongue I hope. The point is from "my opinion only" is they are not toys or to impress other collectors other than to look at them and talk about how cool they are. I under no circumstances free handle a venomous animal even Gilas. I got bitten by a big breeder I have with a good leather glove on. After 2 bites some of the teeth went through the glove! Never expected that one but I don't alter the Gila for my mistake.

Bill Lamoreaux
Old 03-21-2012, 07:21 AM   #126
By and large, I am going to preach to the choir, and as to venomoids, why own a hot that's not?

"The cool factor" as I call it, a dangerous thing really, yet predominant if you watch youtube enough, there are some risky hot collectors out there, yet, hot keepers are attracted to hot snakes or we wouldn't have them. There is a beauty in the animals themselves, and there is the beauty of how they eat and live, the power of their venom, the excitement to a hot keeper is intoxicating, memorizing, you could spend your whole life studying just ONE hot snake, and it would not be a wasted pursuit.

The "Not so cool factor", enter the venomoid, the hot that's not. Direct interference with how the animal lives and eats through an invasive surgical procedure that renders the snake into something else IMHO. These aren't fuzzy bunnies to hug and kiss. There are no shortage of species that are NOT hot that one can "snuggle up to" without a "kiss of death". What is the excitement of a venomoid, a mere shell of what it once was, one might as well own a dead and stuffed hot snake. There is a total lack of study in the true nature of the animal, a lack of admiration and respect for a truly magnificent animal.

I own hots for the awe they inspire in me, such grace, such power, so deadly, utterly beautiful. I feed live prey, not because I find joy in the suffering of a rodent, but to observe the complexity of the venom delivery, the behavior of the prey animal and the snake, the amalgam of the equation between predator and prey. The consumption of it's food that sustains it, doing so for the years from yearling to elderly adult in the last days of it's life cycle. Watching it grow to maturity, comparing information as to it's growth, diet, venom response in prey animals, the time between bite and death of it's prey. There is a solid fascination in hot herp keepers in the fact that our animals are in fact HOT. How can you truly have a love affair with a HOT that is NOT?

Well, there are my ramblings, for that they're worth. YMMV
Old 03-27-2012, 08:05 AM   #127
too keep my opinion on it short, i believe there is no "right" (or ethical) reason to do perform this kind of surgery. It does not benefit the animal in anyway by removing its venom glands, it only benefits the owner. This is just like people having their cats declawed, their dogs ear cropped and tail docked, its just cosmetic surgery as far as im concerned because again it does benefit the animal medically in any way shape or form
Old 03-27-2012, 12:05 PM   #128
I agree with you.
Old 03-28-2012, 03:47 PM   #129
Having read this, I am horrified that some one can claim here in Australia there is a law that makes it illegal to display venomous snakes, unless they are venomoids, this is not the case. In Australia it is a violation of he Veterinary Practices Act to perform an operation that has no benefit to the animal (hence tail docking in dogs is banned). We have never needed such animals and have never had a bite in a display or within our own collection which includes Pseudonaja textilis, Oxyuranus, and many other native Australian venomous snakes.

Education about our venomous animals must be done safely and by people who are competent to do so, but this does not mean we need to alter the animals, just the way we do things.
Old 10-09-2012, 11:33 PM   #130
Originally Posted by JordanAng420 View Post
I don't really want to debate the venemoid subject, I have done so previously on other forums. But I will say this. Surgeries are done to save lives or improve the quality of life. These are not surgeries but mutilations of the animals. There is no benefit to these operations for the animals, and people who admire them for what they are would never do such a thing. There are far too many non venomous snakes out there for people wanting pets. What next? Cut of a monitors tail so you can fit it in a smaller cage? When you have to mutilate an animal to keep it you are going against the very basic tenets of proper husbandry, fulfilling the animals needs. Such behavior is reprehensible and tantamount to when runaway slaves were hobbled in an effort to prevent them from escaping. If one does not have the capabilities to properly care and house animals then they shouldnt have them.
This is an old thread, and I am just reading to find out more about the subject and people's sides on the procedure.

I admire cobras, but not so much as to own one, or breed it. Unless it was endangered and I was releasing them back into their natural habitat.

Taking out the venom to gain a profit or to get closer is kind of a sick cowardly way ... if you want the cobra, I say respect it's power and face it head on. What was said above was true in my eyes,

If you love the animal, you'd respect what being it is, and not try to change it to fit your needs. It should be its needs you are concerned with.

If you don't agree, I don't dislike you or anything. This is just my stance on the subject. I will always admire from afar, or stare death in the face if I truely want to interact with one.


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