Did you know you can get Emu eggs in the mail?!? LOL! - Page 15 - FaunaClassifieds
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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 03-31-2008, 10:57 PM   #141
Hope he recovers soon.

Could he have caught a chill from being outside? (Is it cold there?) Hopefully its just a case of stomach flu or something and he feels better soon.
Old 03-31-2008, 11:05 PM   #142
Cheryl Marchek AKA JM
I don't think its respitory~ it's not been that cold here~ the turkeys have been out as long as he has and they are fine...........

I honestly think he ate something~ and it's my fault because I let him run around us while we were working on Fort Emu and the Emu fence...........he could have eaten almost anything~ he's such a nosey little son of a gun and usually eats everything he finds...........I should have been more careful.

I'll let y'all know how he is doing tomarrow
Old 04-01-2008, 01:56 AM   #143
Awww Cheryl, I'm sorry to hear he's not feeling well. I don't know if it would be something he ate (unless it was something like metal or glass), I've always known emus to pretty much have stomachs of steel and be able to eat most anything they have a mind to without it bothering them.

Do you suppose that he just got really stressed out with the move outdoors?

Keep us posted on how the little pooper does.
Old 04-01-2008, 09:39 AM   #144
Mooing Tricycle
I wonder if you should bring him in for Xrays?.... if you were working on the fort, was there any metal around that he could have swallowed? a loose Nut, or washer would look tasty to him, and would probably clog him up or irritate his stomach?

Poor lil fella, i hope everything turns out alright, Im also just hoping that hes just a really needy bird and got really stressed because he wasnt with you guys anymore, and was stuck outside, and now being inside, maybe hell start to do better...

*hug* GOOD LUCK LITLLE Ebay/Peck!!
Old 04-01-2008, 10:22 AM   #145
Cheryl Marchek AKA JM
Thanks so much for all the support everyone. This is all unknown to me~ we are just kind of winging it here!

A lady who raises emu began emailing me last night~ and clued me into a book I bought which will hopefully help.

He looks better this morning. More alert~ better at fighting me! Had 3 movements with some solid matter in them now. Still not eating on his own~ but I did get some emu food into him this morning by wetting it and attempting to shovel it in. THAT was messy~ I'll do that on the porch next time! I think he's going to be okay if we can just get him eating on his own again. Still in the kitchen today. The emu farmer who wrote me says he should not have been put outside into fort Emu overnight until he was 3 months old~ so it is possible this is a temp issue and not that he ingested something awful. Now that he is warmed up, on the antibiotics and getting some calories in him hopefully we can get him back to himself~ I'll get some poultry vitamins at the store when I go into town this afternoon and offer both the antibiotic water and the vitamin water~ and keep assist feeding him until he eats on his own again. Then he will stay in the kitchen or the garage at night until he is 3 months old even if he does go back to Fort Emu during the day.
Old 04-01-2008, 10:27 AM   #146
That's a quite positive update and it will help that you have an 'expert' to help now. Hope Ebay starts to feel better soon.

Keep us updated, a lot of people are living their emu dreams vicariously through you.
Old 04-03-2008, 09:58 PM   #147
Cheryl Marchek AKA JM
He ate! He ate some turnip greens tonight! Just now! Not much~ but a little voluntarily!

I've been assist feeding him 3 times a day~ not enough to make him full~ just enough to keep him alive. Got terramycin, and poultry pac vitamin/electrolytes in his water~ been dusting the butter worms and dog food pieces I've put down him with Bene-Bac (stomach bacteria for birds). He seemed better~ but did not show interest in food. The today he started picking at the food pieces but not eating them. Just now I was fixing a dog treat and he came over to beg like he did before. I offered him a dog goodie but he snubbed it~ so I offered some turnip greens and he took them!! I didn't give him to many~ just a small handfull and then tore up a bit more and put them on the emu food hoping to get him to eat the emu food when he goes for the greens. He's not taken any yet~ but

He did eat voluntarily tonight! A little~ but that's a lot more than any other time this week!!!
Old 04-04-2008, 02:39 AM   #148
Great to hear, Cheryl!
Old 04-04-2008, 03:03 PM   #149
Cheryl Marchek AKA JM
Okay~ I've got a few new pics for y'all. I probably won't be updating this thread every week anymore. Ebay is getting bigger~ it's getting to be the busy season for the snakes and I've got other animals on my mind too. Ebay is still very interesting~ but I'm just not sure he is once a week interesting anymore! I'll be sure to update on his continued improving health and I'll try to post pics of him at least once a month~ if your really jonesing for an update you can check my web page and see if I've posted anything new (probably not if I've not posted it here~ but there could be~ and there will be pics of the other birds and what not around here)

near the bottom of the page there are several links to "an emu in my kitchen"~ below all the snake and rodent links.

So anyway~ a few new pics of Ebay~
Here he is helping wash the car~ unfortunatly his definition of help involves stealing the sponges and running like a lunatic across the yard until he finds the appropriatly muddiest spot to drop the sponge!

He also closely supervised the construction of the new Emu Fence with So-chee and my sister Karen

I caught a pic of him this morning nibbling a little greens off the top of the emu food bowl......naturally~ he is picking the greens OUT of the emu food and NOT eating the emu food~ I ordered some emu "maintenance diet"~ I'm hoping that will be more palatable to him.

Ebay looks a little wet in the pic because apparently turkeys ARE smart enough to come in out of the rain......but emu are NOT! I had just snatched him out of the rain and run back into the Kitchen with him. He could have gotten up and gone into Fort Emu with the turkeys~ but he was sitting out in the rain wondering why he was wet!

He's had a rough week~ and I'm feeling like I've had a pretty rough couple of weeks myself. But~ at the end of the day~ With a face like that who wouldn't spend all their free time and a good part of thier SHOULD be doing something else time trying to coax him to eat.....just so he can crap whatever you get into him back onto your kitchen floor?

I'm a very lucky lady~ to have such a great husband he understands~ supports me completely and doesn't give me any grief at all.......even when his wife is so busy forcefeeding an emu in his kitchen she can't get any of her regular chores done....so he has no clean clothes and no food to eat!

See y'all in the funny papers!
Old 04-04-2008, 08:30 PM   #150
Laura Fopiano
Cheryl, you and Scott are amazing! I am so happy that ebay is getting better and that you are so busy with your new life. I hope you are holding up during the round of storms that are headed your way. Just remember to "go to the basement" LOL All of our love Bryon and Laura

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