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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-21-2005, 03:48 PM   #141
I just noticed that you did give an answer to my question. Thank you.
Old 11-21-2005, 03:49 PM   #142
Chris Kennard
That was directed at Cat as the quotes were hers.
Old 11-21-2005, 03:56 PM   #143
I have read it..

Originally Posted by WebSlave

Seriously folks, call up the display of Wes's warnings and take a look yourself. This pretense of trying to make Wes Pollock into the injured Mr. Innocent here is laughable to the extreme.
Do you all just like hearing me repeat myself?
I in no way think that wes is innocent or a saint by any means. Did i think that he earned most of the warning points and fines he got, you bet. Were there a few that were questionable, you bet. I read most of what happened here and know that he got under your skin a lot, and know that he had a hard time doing what you asked him to do. Maybe he felt a little self intitlement for be one of the people at the forefront on the BOI. Maybe he thought you wouldnt ever find that last straw that broke the camels back. Maybe he was just sick of the site and where it was going and actually wanted to get banned from here, i dont know what his true motives were as none of us do.
I am just in the opinion that he did more good then harm. This whole thread might be a futile fight for nothing as he may not even want to come back here. there are only a few possible outcomes from this.

1) Wes doesn't want to come back - end of story
2) Wes does want to come back but we dont raise the money - end of story
3) Wes does want to come back and we raise the money - fauna has a little more money for whatever is needed
4) You change your mind again and decide not to let him back no matter what - end of story.

In my opinion #3 benefits you and fauna the most but in the end no matter which option plays out it will not matter to you one way or another, you have neither lost nor gained anything if things just stay the way they are. If #3 actually does play out I hope he will be a little more careful on the site about following the rules because at $1,000.00 for 100 points works out to be 10.00 a point everytime he disobeys the rules again.
Old 11-21-2005, 04:14 PM   #144
critical bill
The bottom line for me is that a ton of bad bad people in this industry stayed far far away from coming here with the likes of Wes around. Those that came around were chased and those that stuck around were not made to feel confortable or welcome at all. I would imagine there were even a few that even stopped to think about scamming someone for fear they would wind up here with Wes or similar posse to deal with. Why was it so important for Niel Gubitz to prove to Wes that Sal Tornambe, his partner, was changing his ways and paying off his old debts? Why? Because of Wes. Thats why. They were out to prove something to him. He hounded them to do the right thing over and over again. Those days are over now. Even with the rump kickers that still remain you wont be seeing much rump kicking at all. Why bother? I know I'm not going to risk being able to obtain the valuable information I need or sacrifice the money I could make or chat with folks I've come to be friendly with. For what? To be fined and banned for helping in way that is completely necessary for some individuals? Sometimes the only way to get to the truth is to beat it out of a person using tactics that Wes was a master at. Period.

Lets not forget the personal trips he made to sellers homes because they wouldn't meet their end of the obligation...just to help out a fellow member. If it was within his realm of possibility to help you you didn't have to ask. He's done his fair share if not more to give this site its credibility.

I wouldn't pay a dime for him to come back, I want compensation for his absence as should every member on the long list he's helped.
Old 11-21-2005, 04:19 PM   #145
critical bill
Originally Posted by critical bill
I wouldn't pay a dime for him to come back, I want compensation for his absence as should every member on the long list he's helped.
Ok ok I'll kick in $100. Its worth that to see a few bona fide turds go back under their rock.
Old 11-21-2005, 04:23 PM   #146
Jim O
Originally Posted by Chris Kennard
you came on here being unprovoked personally and insinuated that I was being sarcastic.
Only because you were being exactly that. Do you watch football? The guy holding his hands up as if he never touched anyone is usually the one who committed the most blatant of fouls when you watch the replay. That's you. I have no beef with you, just telling it like I see it.

Here's a nice definition of sarcasm:
A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
Now, what you said:

Originally Posted by Chris Kennard
And there ya have it folks. Surely such a popular fella has fifty supporters who are willing to cough up twenty bucks to get him back in here. Put your money where your mouths are!
Splain me Lucy how that is not sarcasm.
Old 11-21-2005, 04:28 PM   #147
critical bill
Originally Posted by Jim O
Splain me Lucy how that is not sarcasm.
Ahhh yes...this very thing you comment on that Wes would have curbed with this Chris fellow most immediately....and with just one word.

Can you guess that word Chris?
Old 11-21-2005, 04:32 PM   #148

I agree with every thing you just said in that post...BUT...

Originally Posted by critical bill
I wouldn't pay a dime for him to come back, I want compensation for his absence as should every member on the long list he's helped.
You know what the chance of this happening are? As a business view this would be completely out of the picture for Rich. Maybe all the people that Wes helped out over the years with those personal visits and the help on the BOI would be willing to kick in a few dollars as well. Rich stated that this site is handled as a business and we must remember that. As a business the site needs the people that help keep it free of the scammers that would want to ruin the reputation of this business.
A lot of people take me the wrong way as I always speak my mind no matter what and sometimes i might come across as being abrupt or insensitive or even obnoxious at times, but at least they know where i stand. My stand on this issue is plain as day, I like WES and want to see him back on this site and am willing to kick in a few bucks to get him back here. If they don't understand my opinion after all the explaining i have done on this thread i guess they never will.

The Man on the white horse comes to aid us in our time of need, racing in to help us on his gallant white steed, for he always has our back in a fight, he is there to help us turns the wrongs to right.
Old 11-21-2005, 04:42 PM   #149
Originally Posted by critical bill
Ok ok I'll kick in $100. Its worth that to see a few bona fide turds go back under their rock.
well the list grows.

nicolai - 40.00
Jimo - 50.00
Chris K - 20.00
bill L - 100.00

ttl = 210.00

Hmmm...I am beggining to wonder if all those doubters will be proved wrong. A few people might just have a little egg on thier face when all this is finished playing out. I guess friendship and the need for someone like WES here does have a value to some people.
Old 11-21-2005, 05:10 PM   #150
Chris Kennard
Serious misconceptions....


The bottom line for me is that a ton of bad bad people in this industry stayed far far away from coming here with the likes of Wes around.
That's just ludicrous. People stay away from here to avoid incriminating themselves if they have done wrong. If they stay away due to Wes, it's because they're disgusted with his puerile arrogance. I think the latter is a stretch as it is always entertaining to watch Wes make a mockery of himself.

Those that came around were chased and those that stuck around were not made to feel confortable or welcome at all. I would imagine there were even a few that even stopped to think about scamming someone for fear they would wind up here with Wes or similar posse to deal with.
WO-H-H-OW! That's quite a statement. Perhaps his speudonym should be Clark Kent! I've got news for ya'. A scammer is a scammer is a scammer. Wes nor anyone else can make a leopard change his spots. Let's not lose sight of the fact that Wes created more turmoil than solutions, thus the excessive warnings, points, fines and suspensions. Oh, and ultimately, his banning. Or do you think his insubordination is a figment of webslaves imagination?

Why was it so important for Niel Gubitz to prove to Wes that Sal Tornambe, his partner, was changing his ways and paying off his old debts? Why? Because of Wes. Thats why. They were out to prove something to him. He hounded them to do the right thing over and over again.
Do you really believe that Gubitz or Sal give two cents about what Wes thinks of them? Do you honestly think those guys have changed there spots? I doubt it. Perhaps you could ask Gubitz and Sal yourself. I'd be interested to hear their reply.

Those days are over now. Even with the rump kickers that still remain you wont be seeing much rump kicking at all. Why bother? I know I'm not going to risk being able to obtain the valuable information I need or sacrifice the money I could make or chat with folks I've come to be friendly with. For what? To be fined and banned for helping in way that is completely necessary for some individuals? Sometimes the only way to get to the truth is to beat it out of a person using tactics that Wes was a master at. Period.
Is that what you think this site is all about? Rump kicking? This paragraph is an insult to this sight and those who work hard to make it what it is. Let me remind you that the BOI wasn't developed to police scoundrels, but to expose good and bad ethics used by dealers so that people would be able to decide for themselves whether or not it is worth the risk to do business with them. Wes' "tactics" that he was apparently a "master" of, lol, were nothing to be proud of...period.

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