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General Business Discussions This is a general purpose forum open to business related topics concerning Reptiles and Amphibians that are neither appropriate for the Board of Inquiry, nor sales, purchase, or trade solicitations.

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Old 10-30-2002, 12:07 PM   #11
Seamus Haley
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think you may be thinking of the kid who had all kinds of problems with keeping leopard geckos, and is still trying to get more herps. Despite everyone telling him he shouldn't.

This is the kid that claims to have bred African Rock Pythons, among others back when he was 12.</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Ah. I do have trouble keeping them straight half the time...

our mabye i GUSt gaT confYouSd wiT da tyPEN!!!!!1111111

I think you may be right though, They're simply typing in &quot;ignorance&quot; and I'm trying to read it in english. I need some sort of on-line translation program and there isn't one on google or babel.
Old 10-31-2002, 03:03 PM   #12
I know that this will take a while at least 4 yrs i have more time then most of you do and if you don't have to do anywork and have a unused albino lying around e-mail me, very funny about my sis i was palying but shes <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>?? &nbsp;

&quot;I also wouldn't trust anyone who communicates so poorly, there is ANOTHER thread entitled &quot;First Rule of Buisness, How to &nbsp;Succeed&quot; &nbsp;that you should read as well.&quot;
Ease up, i know for a fact you have spelled many things wrong and its not easy typing with a keyboard that freezes and a modem.

&quot;This is the kid that claims to have bred African Rock Pythons, among others back when he was 12.&quot;
Come back with me to when i was twelve and prove me wrong then.

This was an idea as many people are always wanting a &quot;snow&quot; ball but don't have the time or the money to start it i know that RDR's dbhl hets are 20,000$ does anyone here have that kind of cash lying around? or willing to spend it without even having snows?

When i first thought about this it sounded good wit of course a few problems but i never thought of so many, ill just sell soem stuff and buy my own albino then and &quot;try&quot; to make my own.....its weird tho...people jump on the chance to make fun of the little people, next tiem you guys make a mistake or need anything don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!! It won't happen!!!!! Trust me i try to be nice and jsut ask and i get bashed i try to state what i did and do and future plans and i get bashed so....what exaticly can you put on the boi without being bashed i ask??? heres the answer nothing..after my stuff is sold i am gone....thats a promise!!! Or if it doesn't sell ill go to Lees at least noone bashes you for who you are just waht your animals are like.....Act. I am gone now screw this don't expect any replies unless i am desperate or bored i got ripped asked for your help and look i still don't have anything!!!!

Anyone here wanst anything get back to me before i talk to webslave.
Old 10-31-2002, 03:15 PM   #13
o wait a sec. i spelt playing wrong i am sop sorry that you can't figure out what i am trying to say with it but......reptiles, snakes, and rodents o my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &nbsp;I know some of you are very nice and i am not talking the few of you, the people who have done bussiness with me know i am not a rip off even if the deal goes sour, anyone with anything important or just want to make fun of me send it here: P120_Cartman@excite.com o and i more then likely won't reply to them, or aolim also i hope that you all get screwed buy peopel on here i know who are selling stuff thats not theres and have no interest in sending you anything!!
Now have fun and get lost!!!!!!!!!!!

Those of you who are clos eto me know why this is getting to me so easily!!

None of you have even had the guts to call me, or see me at a reptile swap or even bother to talk to me at tinley all because i was 14? whats up with this?
Anyone who wants to get a hold of me better do so soon i ahev more important things to deal with!! yet, i try to make tiem fo rmy only real hobby that brings me joy yet you all screw me over!!! &nbsp;Same for all (Most not everyone) you!

Also theres people on here younger then me posting crap that you wouldn't think twice about buying yet you know my age and refuse to do bussiness with me? Guess what? they're all in Il and i would have been willing to try and help anyone who got ripped now i think i will help them get your stuff!!!!!!!! Instead of being against after all it doesn't have anything to do with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun, and Happy Halloween thanks for making this yr and esp. this month a living Hel* for me, Anyone who wnats to bash me in person see you at Lees this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just page me!! Don't expect me to be friendly about it or anything sorry about all this rambling not!!!!!!!!!!

Webslave don't delete this its my last post and want it to stay!! so you can attract more low lifes to your site....
Old 10-31-2002, 04:29 PM   #14
Dianne Johnson

First off, you are surely bright enough to realize that many adults are not going into business with anyone who is a minor on this scale of project, much less just loan out such an expensive animal. &nbsp;It isn't a strike against you, just common sense. &nbsp;You should also be bright enough to realize that anyone in their right mind is going to question that a teenager has a Axanthic ball python worth $7000-$8000. &nbsp;You may very well have exactly what you claim to, but you can't expect anyone to just take your word for it. &nbsp;Most of us wouldn't take another adult's word for it, much less someone who is under age.

Second, regarding spelling and basic grammar, that is an integral part of good business. &nbsp;If you cannot communicate clearly, you are going to lose business - professionalism is a must. &nbsp;If you want to conduct business with adults, you need to come across as well spoken and mature. &nbsp;Name calling and insults are simply proof of inability to act maturely. &nbsp;I am not saying you have to use big words or anything of that nature, just write/speak clearly and make sure what you write is clear and spelled correctly. &nbsp;Yes, we all make spelling errors, that is a given. &nbsp;A freezing keyboard and modem are hardly excuses for taking your time and proof reading what you write before hitting submit. &nbsp;I, too, have a modem and a keyboard that occasionally sticks and it hardly affects my ability to post intelligently.

Lastly, you said you've asked for help and no-one gave it to you. &nbsp;I saw where you were advised to post it on the BOI with the facts and names. &nbsp;That's about all you can do unless your parents choose to step in and see if they can persue some sort of legal action. &nbsp;I saw no post that treated you badly or belittled you. &nbsp;If you want to be treated like an adult, you need to act like one, or at least like a mature, responsible teenager. &nbsp;Respect is earned, not owed. &nbsp;Giving a little respect goes a long way towards earning it.

Old 10-31-2002, 04:30 PM   #15
Seamus Haley

You wanted to be treated as an adult, you were treated as an adult would be, told a few honest facts in a frank manner... And you now complain about people being mean or &nbsp;cruel.

You can't have it both ways. Either you're an adult and can be treated as one in that matter or you're a &nbsp;child and need to be coddled and have the truth hidden from you.

Make a descision so I know if you need &quot;fwuffy nice widlle wesonses&quot; or if you can be treated as &nbsp;a rational, thinking, responsible human being. I have hesitated to say this before simply because it was rude but... What you proposed &nbsp;was just plain stupid your plan, your proposal for the breeding loan, the entire thing just showed this astounding lack of brains.

I was fairly respectful in my original response, I treated you how I would any other adult who proposed the same thing. You complain that people are abusing you because you're young and they can't see that you're capable of professional dealings and breeding projects generally undertaken by individuals with a strong understanding and a good deal of experience... But the fact that you complain about the frank and honest assesment just proves that it's true. Your &nbsp;response only helps support my thoughts that you are not ready for this sort of undertaking at this point (Not that it was going to happen ANYWAY because it was a ridiculous request) and cause me to question if you should even have animals.

Adults... competent, rational adults... &nbsp;can deal with critisism.
Old 10-31-2002, 07:32 PM   #16
The BoidSmith
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Who did you buy the axhantic from? Is it from a proven line?
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>


Although you said you are not going to post anymore maybe you could answer my previous question. It was a straight question and I was expecting a straight answer if you were serious about your business proposal.

Best regards,
Old 10-31-2002, 08:36 PM   #17
Neil Gubitz
Patrick.... you are working on a totally wrong impression.... there is nobody here that would berate you for just being 14, it's the way you are PERCEIVED, when all we know about you are your typed words.... I'll give you a PERFECT example.... scroll through the threads, and find the one about PEG'S PETS.... in that thread, you will find some posts by a 14 year old GIRL!! She is probably the most intelligent, well-spoken, rational, educated, and street-smart 14 year old you'll ever want to meet! And her typing and spelling skills (at 14) are IMPECCABLE!! If she had written to me about buying one of my animals, and she didn't mention her age.... she'd have that animal on her doorstep TOMORROW! The point being, it's not how old you are, it's how old you are PERCEIVED!!
I'm 50, and FAR from perfect! If I don't know (or am unsure) of the spelling of a certain word.... I have a DICTIONARY sitting RIGHT HERE! I USE IT! That's the only way you're ever going to learn and get better.... and, above all.... RE-READ WHAT YOU JUST TYPED BEFORE YOU HIT.... &quot;ADD REPLY&quot;! You'll be amazed at what you'll be able to find AND FIX, BEFORE you put your words out into the WORLD for ETERNITY!! Is that the way YOU want to be remembered?? I don't think so, or you wouldn't be putting up a fight to get your &quot;name&quot; back!
Again.... it really doesn't matter if you breed the rarest snakes in the world! If you can't communicate with the people that want to BUY your snakes.... they WILL NOT BUY THEM!
The MOST IMPORTANT thing you could do for yourself right now.... even if you have to ask your parents for help.... DO NOT send anything out, BEFORE IT IS PERFECT!! You will be AMAZED at the amount of increased respect you will get from everybody! Take your time, think about what you want to say, type it down quickly, then.... GO BACK OVER IT WORD BY WORD!! How many times have you seen posts by ADULTS who can't spell and don't know the correct way to form a legible sentence?? They are PERCEIVED as being &quot;not so bright&quot;.... would YOU rather deal with someone who might have trouble grasping the concept of a new idea, or someone with PERCEIVED intelligence?? It's a no-brainer, isn't it?
With your &quot;go gettem&quot; attitude.... you could probably really make a niche for yourself in this business.... IN THE FUTURE!! For NOW.... LEARN ENGLISH and the proper way to use it, and, obviously, learn how to spell.... if you can understand that I'm REALLY only trying to help you.... try following my advice, and see how well it works!
Good luck!

Old 11-01-2002, 02:54 AM   #18
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Since crossing an amelanistic animal with an axanthic animal will just produce animals that are het for both traits, in order to get the final &quot;Snow&quot; morph lacking both the melanin and the xanthin you'd need to cross the offspring to one another which would give you approximately 1/4 the clutch displaying the desired trait... </td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Actually if you were working with only one recessive trait....then it would be 1/4.
But since you are working with two recessive traits...
then it is 1/4 x 1/4 which equals to 1/16

Math and Ratios is my thing.
Spelling and English is definately not.
But then again....I use to have excellent grammar and spelling skills....Until I came to this country.

No offense meant. spam_It is just in the phillipines we were always acustomed to speaking correctly and always being corrected if we didn't.
Here in the states...if you speak correctly no one can understand you. spam_They start thinking you are a nerd. Or you are to stuck up. spam_Or you are uncool. spam_None of that means anything to me know.....but growing up it sure meant a lot.

Looking back on it......I can't believe I let idiots who can't speak their own language influence me. spam_sheesh
Old 11-01-2002, 12:19 PM   #19
This is the time frame you'll be looking at for this project.
Maybe next year eggs from an axanthic and an albino. Now you will have a cluth of double hets. So after 3 years they will be old enough to breed and on the 4th year you'll have some eggs. Now in a 1/16 chance of a snow. you could get really luckly and get a snow that year. But most likely you'll have keep breeding them for years to get that one snow. You really need to plan on at leaste ten years to do this project.

Also if your axanthic is not proven then this should be the first thing you do, and this will take about 4-5 years. As for doing a breeding loan. 99.9% of people out there will not do breeeding loans at all. Then when you get into high dollar animals. It goes down even more. The reason being is why send you an animal they can breed themselves and make a profit.
Old 11-01-2002, 02:08 PM   #20
Seamus Haley
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually if you were working with only one recessive trait....then it would be 1/4.
But since you are working with two recessive traits...
then it is 1/4 x 1/4 which equals to 1/16
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Good point Ritchie, I must not have been thinking properly when I wrote that post... Going to try posting a picture of a Punnet square online here, it may turn out sideways...

Calling &quot;A&quot; normal melanin and &quot;a&quot; amelanistic...
Calling &quot;X&quot; normal xanthin and &quot;x&quot; axanthic...

First Cross is easy enough, aaXX crossed with AAxx will produce 100% AaXx offspring, het for both traits.

Second Cross, I try to place a graphic on here, should be interesting to see if I have the slightest idea how to do THAT anyway...

AAXX would be normal animals, AaXX would be het for albino, AAXx would be het for axanthic, aaXX would be albino, AAxx would be axanthic, aaXx &nbsp;would be albino het for axanthic, Aaxx would be axanthic het for albino, and aaxx would be the snow morph... So I stand corrected (reminded) that it would be 1/16th snow morphs and an even bigger load of possible hets.

Which just makes it even more unlikely that it would

1) succeed based off the way this kid seems to run through animals on his classified ads... Has one up selling 2.2 d'alberts, another looking for 1.1 to buy...

2) succeed based off the genetics involved combined with the small clutch sizes of ball pythons

3) get started period because he still hasn't proposed a normal 50/50 split breeding loan but apparantly wishes to continue to offer the highly questionable animals already in his posession and his request is simply ridiculous.

4) get started because apparantly he can't deal with adult critisism, he wants to be treated as one would any other herper, but only when it &nbsp;comes to positive things rather than the honest interpersonal interactions that genuinely help. He wants money and animals to go in his direction without needing to prove himself capable of earning them. Coddled into the industry doesn't work.

Ah well, if this graphic fails to show up and anyone has a photo hosting account and doesn't mind giving me a hand getting it up, I'd appreciate it.

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