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General Business Discussions This is a general purpose forum open to business related topics concerning Reptiles and Amphibians that are neither appropriate for the Board of Inquiry, nor sales, purchase, or trade solicitations.

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Old 08-28-2007, 07:54 PM   #11

In this case he only received half the requested deposit and from a third party. It's not a transaction that is going well or is likely to go well. What if both people send him money, each sends half, and then they both back away and both make claims against Steve? Does Steve want to try to deal with the resolution of multiple paypal disputes?

If one person gives a full deposit, that's one thing. But the complications that are involved with this current transaction are not worth the headache in my opinion. And again, I wouldn't want to take money from someone who can't commit to a business transaction. If he sent a full deposit that'd be a business transaction. But as is, who knows who this third party is that sent half of a deposit and whether that person is aware of the terms or just trying to help a friend (or is it the parent of the original party).
Old 08-28-2007, 08:29 PM   #12
Obviously, Steve doesn't want to deal with any PayPal disputes. Your scenario doesn't really work, though, because once a person sends a deposit, the animal is being held for them...anybody else sending a deposit would have it promptly returned, with an explanation.
Regarding the amount of the deposit, again, the option of just returning it and not investing time or effort with that customer was offered right at the start. If Steve accepts it, a plan will need to be outlined for payment - which has been done.

A third party? perhaps in a way. But ultimately, the transaction is with the person sending the money. The fact that Joe Blow communicated with Steve and reached an agreement is irrelevant, since John Smith is the one that sent the money. Steve is now dealing with John Smith, and Joe Blow really doesn't have any input on the situation anymore. John is the customer, even if it turns out that Joe will be the recipient of the snake. Considering the scenario that both would be contributing to the payment - well, IF Steve accepts that, he will have to make an agreement with both parties about who the responsible party is, who will be the recipient, and what happens with funds if either party does not live up to their end of the deal. I will admit that I have never been in THAT particular situation, though I have done 3rd party payment deals before.
Old 08-28-2007, 09:25 PM   #13

Steve has been dealing with one person previously, now a second person is involved.
Steve received half a deposit from the second person, acting in the name of the first person, but also asking for pictures as if he's an interested third party.

There are three parties involved. Steve and both parties who are purchasing the animal together but apparently are acting somewhat independantly and only one person has sent Steve money, which amounts to half the requested deposit.

You also have the issue that you don't know anything about the two parties. The more people involved the more complications to turn the deal sour.

I can entirely understand Steve's gut feeling. I wouldn't personally want to accept a deposit for a deal I didn't have faith in. Business is business, but if you don't think there's a snowball's chance of the deal going through, don't accept the deposit. That's my opinion.
Old 08-28-2007, 10:11 PM   #14
Originally Posted by E2MacPets
I can entirely understand Steve's gut feeling. I wouldn't personally want to accept a deposit for a deal I didn't have faith in. Business is business, but if you don't think there's a snowball's chance of the deal going through, don't accept the deposit. That's my opinion.
I understand it as well. I don't really understand why there is an issue, since I started my responses by stating that he had 2 options - refund the deposit and forget the deal, or accept the deposit and consider it a sale.

I guess can (in a way...if I really try) understand that some might take exception to my statement that Steve (SPJ) would be justified in keeping the deposit if things fell through, but I haven't seen any compelling argument for me to change my mind about that. Apparently, our minds are operating on different tracks tonight - I'm not quite sure if I am missing your point, or you are missing mine - but I am not disagreeing with the option of refunding the deposit...I never stated anything even close to that.
Old 08-28-2007, 11:21 PM   #15
Originally Posted by LadyOhh
I would refund the money and refuse the sale as well.

If you don't feel comfortable, AND it involves a living creature that can be taken advantage of, in my opinion, don't do it.
Especially if this is the animal I'm thinking of, I'd want it to go to someone who will at least try to breed it, and knows how to care for a BP. If this person (these people) are unreliable about getting you the proper amount of money how do you know there is an adequate set-up for the snake? That would be part of my concern with selling an animal. If they are this disorganized in a transaction, how disorganized are they going to be when it comes to regular feeding, care, etc. Who's house is it going to be at even. Sounds almost like a couple of kids really. (Another topic really... but the kid next door has several snakes which he got on the internet and they are all in the same cage! He tells everyone they aren't... but 3 BP's and an Anaconda). I guess for me the bottom line is I wouldn't feel comfortable with the care the snake might get, regardless of the money issue so I'd refund the money and not deal with them further. As far as ethics go HHMoore is right, you did say a deposit is non-refundable and they didn't send the arranged deposit AND didn't communicate the change and get it ok'd, etc, so you have compromised your own rule as it is actually. Keep the deposit if you want but either way I wouldn't sell these flakes the snake even if full payment shows up tomorrow (that part I would send back).
Old 08-28-2007, 11:49 PM   #16
Originally Posted by bullfrog100000
how do you know there is an adequate set-up for the snake?
That was also brought up in my email to both of them. If they are having trouble coming up with the money, how do I know they can care for the animal? Also, with missing 2 promised deposit dates and then sending half of what they sad they would, how do I know they will follow thru?

Originally Posted by bullfrog100000
if this is the animal I'm thinking of, I'd want it to go to someone who will at least try to breed it, and knows how to care for a BP.
It probably is the animal you are thinking of and I will admit I am being very selective and unmoving in the price. I have refused a few offers on him so far and I am not going to sell him to the first person that waves cash at me (especially if I am getting that odd feeling about the deal).

So far I have not recieved a response from either of them regarding my questions.
Here is my last email to the original person that contacted me.
I am a bit leary to continue this deal. The deposit did not arrive on the 2 times it was supposed to and instead of the $100 you said was below that was coming, it was $50.
Are you certain that you will have the funds available to will be able to complete this deal and pay the balance on Friday as well as have funds to have the proper set up ready for him when he arrives? I can issue a full refund for the deposit right now if you do not think you will have the funds Friday.
Old 08-29-2007, 01:40 AM   #17
[color=Blue]Ya well -w/ two or three people involved it seems an answer would easily be made quickly. Just bet their young, and not really ready for this responsibility.
I think its time to quit asking them anything and make a decision based on your feeling. You'll be happier in the end not worrying about how the animal is doing etc. I was talking to a breeder /friend who had a similar situation recently and went thru w/ the sale because she felt somehow obligated or guilty to say no after saying she would already. She is still worried like crazy about what kind of situation her lizard is in now.
I know some breeders can become cold or detached from the animals/ or humane issues etc. involved w/ the pets as it becomes a bigger and bigger business for them. Case in point the WC Horned Mountain Dragon we are now dealing w/ who has mucho problems etc.. (Long story) Theres a thread going.. Anyway, ,,The animals always lose in that proposition. And aside from that, people really should listen to their gut instincts, and /or first impressions in any situation. They are real and there to guide you.
Old 08-29-2007, 11:37 AM   #18
I guess for me if it becomes to much of a headache with red flags I would kindly tell them to contact you when they can make the deposit.

On a side note. Welcome back Steven, kind wondered if you were still dealing with reptiles.
Old 08-29-2007, 12:43 PM   #19
Reptile Basics
Always listen to your initial instinct!

I have done more deals online-and off-than most. I can count the number of times I have been screwed over (in either direction, selling or buying) on my fingers and toes. Not a bad percentage really. With only two exceptions I saw every one of them coming but went ahead against my better judgement. It is bad enough getting ripped off but knowing it is coming and then having it happen is worse. I have avoided countless additional "problems" just listening to some of the voices in my head.
Old 08-29-2007, 01:27 PM   #20
Thanks Mark... I guess I made more of an impression than I was aware of. I've been out of both the business and hobby side of things for a few years actually (and got screwed by Chris from Top Shelf Exotics at the tail end). My fiance shares my passion and has her own fair share of animals, so it's only a matter of time before I start fresh myself.

I'm looking forward to reading how this scenario plays out... keep us informed, Steve.

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