I actually had some educational discussion on KS - Page 2 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 04-21-2004, 07:54 PM   #11
robin d.
But I'm still young enough to enjoy the eyecandy without feeling dirty.
shoot i still enjoy the eye candy without feeling dirty, we are older but not dead! geeze!! but it was ridiculous, the forum was flooded and it was TOTALLY OT and quit annoying i mean if you want to do that make a chat room or get msn and meet up but not vlog up a bunch of sometimes usefullspace to coment on how "fine" this one or that one is....
just rather uncalled for and very imature in a mostly imature forums which led to its outragiousness
Old 04-21-2004, 08:06 PM   #12

I don't think you ever get to old to enjoy "Eye Candy". Can't comment about the feeling dirty part tho.



As For KS being OT, I stopped going there a long time ago because most of the posts had nothing to do with Reptiles. A post would start off OK, but would quickly turn into something having nothing to do with the origional post. Other than the abundance of reptile pictures there, i found it had little to offer me.

The immaturity ran rampent.

Old 04-21-2004, 08:18 PM   #13
Golden Gate Geckos
It's a good idea, Robin! but...

what if here we could ask rich to place a FAQ page and caresheet page oat the top of this forum? i like some basic question and answer the things we see repeated quite often at the other site; as well as a caresheet link
...there would still be the same old problem of getting people to even read it! There is a link to a basic caresheet as well as a 'SEARCH' function on the top of the KS Forum, too. Apparently, most people don't know it's there, or if they do, they don't bother. Sometimes, I think it is the interaction of posting that people are looking for rather than just doing boring research.
Old 04-21-2004, 08:34 PM   #14
robin d.
Sometimes, I think it is the interaction of posting that people are looking for rather than just doing boring research
i definately agree but i think that maybe a highlighted careshett FAQ sheet at the top might give some of the newer folks some other options or even if its just a link site like submit an informational only links regarding genetics.. good caresheets maybe some of our favorite stuff online as far as leos. maybe not nessicasrily just for newbies.. maybe genetics papers and or articles.. i dunno just a thought
Old 04-21-2004, 08:38 PM   #15
what if here we could ask rich to place a FAQ page and caresheet page oat the top of this forum? i like some basic question and answer the things we see repeated quite often at the other site; as well as a caresheet link
Seems to me that I actually solicited something like this a long while back, but no one took me up on it. One purpose of the sponsorships I have for each forum is sort of a quasi moderator status of someone who will be on hand most of the time to help give people a helping hand when needed. So far I haven't seen the need for actual moderators in the discussion forums, since there really hasn't been all that much traffic that needed moderating.

Whatever happened with the scheduled leopard gecko chats? Did that fizzle out?

But anyway, if someone has a FAQ or care sheet they want to post here, just go ahead and post it and let me know. I will stick it at the top of the forum and even highlight it to help catch peoples' eye.

This goes for ANY forum on this site as well. I will certainly help you all as much as possible to help me make this site the information resource I had hoped it would become.

BTW, I haven't completely given up on my original design for the discussion forums that I implemented then removed. But I think I will wait for traffic to warrant before I consider doing that again. Anyone not remembering what I am talking about can look at the structure I use on my CornSnakes.com Forums. This has been working extremely well over there, and I had hoped it would prove useful in this structure as well. But I think it was too much too soon when I originally implemented it here. But I can definitely see where segregation of the topics can be a real benefit for people with specific information needed or wanting to share.

Anyway, just let me know what you want me to do.

Old 04-21-2004, 08:55 PM   #16
Whatever happened with the scheduled leopard gecko chats? Did that fizzle out?

Quite the contrary, we have had a chat the first Tuesday of each month since we announced the chat. They have been quite good too.
Old 04-21-2004, 09:11 PM   #17
Originally posted by KelliH

Quite the contrary, we have had a chat the first Tuesday of each month since we announced the chat. They have been quite good too.

I think its great to hang out with some of you guys on the chat in the evenings... hope we can do it some more
Old 04-21-2004, 09:23 PM   #18

If you guys want we can change the chat to a weekly event, maybe every Tuesday night at 8PM CST, and have the first Tuesday of every month be a Guest Chat? What do y'all think?
Old 04-21-2004, 10:00 PM   #19
Hey Kelli, I think that is a great Idea! get some of the people who have been in this forever, like Tremper, etc...etc...
That would be so interesting.
Old 04-21-2004, 11:24 PM   #20
Re: Chat

Originally posted by KelliH
If you guys want we can change the chat to a weekly event, maybe every Tuesday night at 8PM CST, and have the first Tuesday of every month be a Guest Chat? What do y'all think?

That sounds like a great idea Kelli. I can recall somke of the old Guest Chasts over at KS, in fact just fineshed reading some of the transcripts. I went into their reptile chat once last week and thought I was in an AOL chat room. No one was really talking herps and there was no topic at all

Just my $0.02

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