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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 06-25-2013, 05:31 PM   #11
Sorry about the double "r" Harold, sausage finger syndrome.
Old 06-26-2013, 06:02 PM   #12
Originally Posted by Wilomn View Post
Thanks Harrald, I"m glad some of the readers are smart enough to get it.
So I'm stupid now? Because I think you're wrong? I guess I am stupid, 'cause against my better judgement, I checked this thread again.

Rape. Culture. Victim Blaming. You're both doing it. Why don't you Google it for yourself, since you don't seem to grasp the idea when I explain it. Or do you truly not care? Take a minute. See if you're wrong. You obviously feel strongly about this. Why not go educate yourselves so you can at least PROVE how wrong I am. Spoiler alert: I'm not.

To say over and over and over again that she has no blame, but if she had chosen to stay sober it wouldn't have happened, IS BLAMING HER. You are saying that her actions, in part, led to her being raped. That. Is. Victim. Blaming.

How can you truly not understand that you are placing blame on her? How? Gravity doesn't choose to knock someone down the stairs. Men do choose to stick their dicks inside vulnerable women. Why you would even make the comparison is staggering. THERE IS NO LAW OF PHYSICS THAT STATES WHEN A WOMAN IS DRUNK, A MAN CANNOT CONTROL HIMSELF AND WILL RAPE HER.

I hope if you have kids they're girls. We don't need more boys being raised by people who think it's up to the girls to not get raped.
Old 06-26-2013, 06:04 PM   #13
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
but it was her level of drunkenness that seems to have been at the root of the mess.


Old 06-26-2013, 06:22 PM   #14
You are out of your damn mind. You start an account on this forum to just gripe and moan about what one person posts on this topic? GROW UP! Yes it was wrong for them to violate her, and she was stupid to put herself in that position by drinking that much. Both parties (victim and violators) are in the wrong in this situation.

ROOT of this MESS being that she should have never put herself in that type of situation, and then to get so drunk that she could get taken advantage of. She should have known better. Now on to the violators, YES they took advantage of the victim, and YES they should have known better as well. They should have NEVER violated her, and taken advantage of her the way that they did. PERIOD.

Now just because you want to piss and moan about the way that Wes is explaining his OPINION, that makes him a bad guy...WTFE. If you can't see what he's saying without the DRAMA that you're choosing to bring into this thread, then that's your problem. I can clearly see what point he is making, and NO he is not VICTIM BLAMING. Now if that's as far as you can see then you are not seeing past the end of your nose.

Harald gets what Wes is saying, and I do as well. It's your problem if you want to take things the opposite way of the way they were stated and misconstrue what was typed to put your own opinion out there.

BTW, no one said you were stupid, he clearly just stated that he was glad someone was smart enough to understand what he typed out. WHERE in that statement does it say, "Sarah is stupid, and you're smart Harald"?
Old 06-26-2013, 06:30 PM   #15
Originally Posted by meatisadelicacy View Post
I hope if you have kids they're girls. We don't need more boys being raised by people who think it's up to the girls to not get raped.
It's not up to the girls to not get raped, it's up to them to be aware of their surroundings, and not put themselves in a position to where stupid things can happen to them. POINT BLANK! If you think that someone else should be looking out for the girls in society, then that's BULL, PERIOD. I don't know how the hell you were raised, but I'll be damned if I'm going to raise my KIDS to think that everything is hunky dory and people look out for other people. That doesn't happen these days. And if you think that people still care about other people, then you're going to be in for a world of hurt if something happens in your life. People don't give a flying Rat's ARSE about other people, or the predicaments that they put THEMSELVES in.

I have a daughter, and she is going to be brought up the same way I was; Take care of 'YOURSELF' and don't let 'YOURSELF' get in a position where stupid can happen to you. If 'YOURSELF' cannot do that, than 'YOURSELF' needs to get out of said situation, before doing stupid to put 'YOURSELF' in a worse predicament.

Now if you can't comprehend that, then I don't know what to tell you. Be a BIG girl and watch over 'YOURSELF' because no one else is going to do so for you.
Old 06-26-2013, 06:32 PM   #16
Originally Posted by Wilomn View Post
Thanks Harrald, I"m glad some of the readers are smart enough to get it.
Wes, I totally understood what you were saying, and
Old 06-26-2013, 06:52 PM   #17
Originally Posted by Mistyck View Post
You are out of your damn mind. You start an account on this forum to just gripe and moan about what one person posts on this topic? GROW UP! Yes it was wrong for them to violate her, and she was stupid to put herself in that position by drinking that much.

ROOT of this MESS being that she should have never put herself in that type of situation, and then to get so drunk that she could get taken advantage of. She should have known better. Now on to the violators, YES they took advantage of the victim, and YES they should have known better as well. They should have NEVER violated her, and taken advantage of her the way that they did. PERIOD.

Now just because you want to piss and moan about the way that Wes is explaining his OPINION, that makes him a bad guy...WTFE. If you can't see what he's saying without the DRAMA that you're choosing to bring into this thread, then that's your problem. I can clearly see what point he is making, and NO he is not VICTIM BLAMING. Now if that's as far as you can see then you are not seeing past the end of your nose.

Harald gets what Wes is saying, and I do as well. It's your problem if you want to take things the opposite way of the way they were stated and misconstrue what was typed to put your own opinion out there.

BTW, no one said you were stupid, he clearly just stated that he was glad someone was smart enough to understand what he typed out. WHERE in that statement does it say, "Sarah is stupid, and you're smart Harald"?
No, I did not start an account here just to educate ignorant people who blame victims like yourselves, but when I see it happening over and over again, I'm disgusted. I started an account to find some cool animals, and I find another place for men to blame women for the brutal acts committed against them.

YOU SAY YOU ARE NOT VICTIM BLAMING. THEN YOU SAY "Both parties (victim and violators) are in the wrong in this situation." Are you truly that stupid? That you can't comprehend that saying "the victim is wrong" is placing blame?

And sweetie, I know that there are bad people in the world, and we need to protect ourselves. The sad thing is that when it comes to rape, it's not about teaching BOYS NOT TO RAPE, IT'S ABOUT TEACHING GIRLS HOW TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. You're saying that men cannot control themselves. They don't have compassion or rational thought. It's up to women to keep themselves safe. Men are dangerous animals. I'm not surprised you don't understand why this is wrong.

No matter how you try to say you aren't blaming her, you are. You're willfully ignorant, and that's a sad thing.

Lemme show you an example if what is and is not victim blaming.

Those boys shouldn't have raped her. -Not victim blaming.

Those boys shouldn't have raped her, but she was drunk. -VICTIM BLAMING

You guys keep adding a "but". VICTIM BLAMING.


I'm done with this thread. Have fun patting each other on the backs, basking in rape culture, and being no more enlightened than you were a few days ago.
Old 06-26-2013, 06:52 PM   #18
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by meatisadelicacy View Post
I hope if you have kids they're girls. We don't need more boys being raised by people who think it's up to the girls to not get raped.
Hmm, this must of been posted on the wrong thread. I can't find where anybody stated that.
Old 06-26-2013, 07:05 PM   #19
Originally Posted by meatisadelicacy View Post
No, I did not start an account here just to educate ignorant people who blame victims like yourselves, but when I see it happening over and over again, I'm disgusted. I started an account to find some cool animals, and I find another place for men to blame women for the brutal acts committed against them.

YOU SAY YOU ARE NOT VICTIM BLAMING. THEN YOU SAY "Both parties (victim and violators) are in the wrong in this situation." Are you truly that stupid? That you can't comprehend that saying "the victim is wrong" is placing blame?

And sweetie, I know that there are bad people in the world, and we need to protect ourselves. The sad thing is that when it comes to rape, it's not about teaching BOYS NOT TO RAPE, IT'S ABOUT TEACHING GIRLS HOW TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. You're saying that men cannot control themselves. They don't have compassion or rational thought. It's up to women to keep themselves safe. Men are dangerous animals. I'm not surprised you don't understand why this is wrong.

No matter how you try to say you aren't blaming her, you are. You're willfully ignorant, and that's a sad thing.

Lemme show you an example if what is and is not victim blaming.

Those boys shouldn't have raped her. -Not victim blaming.

Those boys shouldn't have raped her, but she was drunk. -VICTIM BLAMING

You guys keep adding a "but". VICTIM BLAMING.


I'm done with this thread. Have fun patting each other on the backs, basking in rape culture, and being no more enlightened than you were a few days ago.
I am not your "Sweetie", and you're full of . If you want to continue your BS, then please feel free. I have been raped, and I shouldn't have put myself in the position I was in when I was raped. So if you want to keep spouting off at the mouth, then go for it, you ignorant plebeian. If you think that just because a woman can get drunk, act a slut, and dress a slut that it's not her fault for MONITORING her surroundings, then you seriously need HELP.

Sorry you feel that you have to spout off at the mouth and continue your "boys should know better" crap. But some men just don't GIVE A DAMN! And if you think that it's because they way they were raised, or not raised, that's not entirely true. If you want to attack me and tell me that I'm IGNORANT for my beliefs that a woman had better watch out for herself, then BY GOD I guess I'm ignorant. But you "SWEETIE" are ignorant too, by your own definition. ENJOY. And don't let the door hit you where the good LORD split you on your way out of this thread. Good riddance.
Old 06-26-2013, 07:09 PM   #20
You see exactly what you want to see, and that's not our problem. If you want to continue to think that it's "men blaming women for situations" then you're out of your damned mind. You can spew off all you want about men this, men that, but dammit, WOMEN need to be held accountable for their actions too. Quit being so damned sexist towards men and get your head out of your butt and see this thread for what it is...

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