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Old 01-06-2013, 06:55 PM   #21

I truly hope they get their @$$ handed to them AGAIN
Best of Luck My Mid West Friends!
Old 01-07-2013, 11:30 PM   #22
Dennis Hultman

Bank of America Freezes Gun Manufacturer's Account

Bank of America has reportedly frozen the account of gun manufacturer American Spirit Arms, according to its owner, Joe Sirochman.

In a Facebook post dated December 29, Sirochman wrote the following:

“My name is Joe Sirochman owner of American Spirit Arms...our Web site orders have jumped 500 percent causing our Web site e-commerce processing larger deposits to Bank of America. So they decided to hold the deposits for further review.

“After countless hours on the phone with Bank of America, I finally got a manager in the right department that told me the reason that the deposits were on hold for further review -- her exact words were -- ‘We believe you should not be selling guns and parts on the Internet.’”(emphasis added)

Sirochman also wrote that he told the bank manager that “they have no right to make up their own new rules and regs” and that “[American Spirit is a] firearms manufacturer with all the proper licensing.”

He also noted that he has been doing business with Bank of America for over 10 years, but will now be looking for a new bank.

According to Unlawful News, this isn't the first time Bank of America has targeted a customer involved in the firearms industry.

McMillan Group International was reportedly told that its business was no longer welcome after the company started manufacturing firearms – even after 12 years of doing business with the bank.
Old 01-08-2013, 12:27 AM   #23
Dennis Hultman
Alex Jones vs. Piers Morgan: "1776 Will Commence Again If You Try To Take Our Firearms"


Alex Jones, one of the people behind the petition to get British host Piers Morgan deported, appeared on his CNN program tonight to explain his support of the Second Amendment and and to denounce those who want to confiscate weapons.

ALEX JONES: We did it as a way to bring attention to the fact that we have all of these foreigners, and the Russian government, the official Chinese government -- Mao said political power goes out of the barrel of a gun, he killed about 80 million people because he's the only guy who had the guns -- so we did it to point out that this is globalism, and the mega banks that control the planet and brag they have taken over -- in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, you name it -- brag that they're going to get our guns as well. They've taken everybody's guns, but the Swiss and the American people and when they get our guns, they can have their world tyranny while the government buys 1.6 billion bullets, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, predator drones, armed now in U.S. skies, being used to arrest people in North Dakota.

The Second Amendment isn't there for duck hunting. It's there to protect us from tyrannical government and street thugs. Take the woman in india, your piece earlier on CNN earlier, I was watching during Anderson Cooper's show, didn't tell you the women of India have signed giant petitions to get firearms because the police can't and won't protect them.

Te answer is -- wait a minute, I have FBI crime statistics that come out of a year late, 2011, 20-plus percent crime drop in the last nine years, real violent crime because more guns means less crime. Britain took the guns 15, 16 years ago. Tripling of your overall violent crime. True, we have a higher gun violence level, but overall, muggings, stabbing, deaths -- those men raped that woman to India to death with an iron rod 4 feet long. You can't ban the iron rods. The guns, the iron rods, Piers, didn't do it, the tyrants did it. Hitler took the guns Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! It doesn't matter how many lemmings you get out there in the street begging for them to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them. Do you understand?

Jones also addressed gun deaths in the England, where the number is extremely low due to severe restrictions on firearms. Jones points out that people are fleeing the country, including Piers Morgan, which Jones uses as an opportunity to point out Brit's involved in the U.K. phone-hacking scandal.

ALEX JONES: I already said earlier that England had lower gun crime rate because you took all the guns. But you have hoards of people burning down cities and beating old women's brains out out everyday. They arrest people in England if they defend themselves, that's on record. My God, you have a total police state. Everybody is fleeing the country because -- you've had to flee, bud. Yeah, you fled here. Why don't you go back and face the charges for the hacking scandal?

PIERS MORGAN: Answer this question. How many --

JONES: Why did you get fired from the Daily Mirror for putting out fake stories? You're a hatchet man of the New World Order. You're a hatchet man! And I'm going to say this here, you think you're a tough guy? Have me back with a boxing ring and I'll wear red, white, and blue, and you'll wear your Jolly Roger.
Old 01-08-2013, 12:31 AM   #24
Dennis Hultman
Old 01-08-2013, 07:26 AM   #25
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post

Bank of America Freezes Gun Manufacturer's Account
I think this happened back in April 2012. Kind of weird nothing ever came of it and no other details were ever released.
Old 01-08-2013, 08:02 AM   #26
Originally Posted by Focal View Post
I think this happened back in April 2012. Kind of weird nothing ever came of it and no other details were ever released.
From Facebook. Snopes says undetermined but I doubt a manager would say "we dont think you should be selling weapons online"

This would have been national news if true and most of us would have heard about this back in April instead of now.
Old 01-08-2013, 08:12 AM   #27
The article is being posted all over and being portrayed as "new" because of the upcoming legislation on gun control. I also do not think that the person who would make that decision (to hold the funds because he sold guns) would ever speak to the customer and there would be a million other excuses they could have gave than the one that would be a media nightmare. He obviously got his money back by now or else he would still be kicking and screaming.
Old 01-08-2013, 08:23 AM   #28
They can launder Cartel Drug Money and yet someone selling "arms"
very successfully via the internet and it is some how not in their best interest
to welcome the cash flow?

Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post
Old 01-08-2013, 08:39 AM   #29

That last line in this article shows the distributor is equally as ignorant.

McMillan is now refusing to accept Bank of America cards from customers for payment.
Old 01-08-2013, 09:19 AM   #30
Love him or hate him,the facts are the facts.!

Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post

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