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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 04-06-2003, 03:22 PM   #21
Richard please. These telemarketers get a pretty good wage for sitting around being hung up on. They choose this job because it is easier than lets say Burger King or Taco bell. And the pay is more.
When they CHOOSE to work at a company they are CHOOSING to take all the bull crap that people put out!
These telemarketing places are not so rural you see cows on the way to work, generally it is smaller places with lower cost of living, but the average is about 30 to 50 thousand people in the area. They could work for Merry maids or waitress, they don't because they like the money for sitting on the phone.
I am fully aware of circumstances. I am fully aware that they know what they are getting into. No matter what we do on the other end of the phone they still bring home the paycheck.
Old 04-06-2003, 03:31 PM   #22
By that logic, no special anything should be extended to any POWs that are rescued, because they knew it was a possibility when they signed up for the job. The logic I see being used to justify people being asses to telemarketers is that they (the telemarketers) should have expected that when they hired on. When a cop is shot, does everyone say, "Well, he should have known that could happen when he applied for the job." And please, they don't "invade your home." That's like saying spam invades your home, or commercials on tv. Only difference is you can be a jerks to telemarketers and maybe make someone feel like crap, but you can't do that to spam or commercials. It's a big excuse to be a jerk to someone.
Old 04-06-2003, 03:48 PM   #23
I think you are reaching here. Putting telemarketers in the same classification as soldiers or police? Arent we mixing apples and oranges here?
Yes we all bleed the same blood, but telemarketers are not putting their life on the line.
Like I have said, I have a son in the Navy, I have worked in the computer end of telemarketing, they couldnt be further apart.
The telemarketer that succeeds are the ones that don't take the job personally. That don't whine every time someone says something mean, who realizes that they are never going to see the person on the other end of the line nor is it likely they will talk to them again. And they laugh at those rude hang ups.
The person who can not have that attitude should not take the job.
How can you even put the telemarketer who wants to find out how your new microwave is doing vs. our men and women fighting for this country?
Your way of thinking just boggles the mind.
Sheesh, you amaze me. LOLOLOLOL
Old 04-06-2003, 03:49 PM   #24
Richard were you once a telemarketer ? no offense but i have to say you have set yourself up for what will follow .POW fought for someones rights that they themselves as a country couldnt do them selves so yes a POW deserves a special mention and notice in society they did it because people like you and I wouldnt do it or choose not to .
When a cop is shot, does everyone say, "Well, he should have known that could happen when he applied for the job." And please, they don't "invade your home."
well i say they should have known the risk when they signed on BUT they did it voulantary not by a gun to the head .. same as telemarketers no gun simple choice . and yes i would if able complain to tv EXCECS about the stupid @ss commercials they show , and to say to be a jerk is to use telemarketers a a scape goat is .. well absurd i fully retain the right to be rude to anyone at any given time when they invade or waste my time with something has no importance in my life .. I am selfemployed so iknow the ups n downs of the world but yet i dont sit at home and call people and ask .. would you like a new kitchen .... ( No thank you ) are you sure ill knock off 10% ( no thank you ) well if i knock off 10% and give you a free sink base would you buy my cabinets ? ( no thank you i need to go ) ok before you go why wont you buy my cabinets ? ( heres where the call goes south ) see after 2-3 no's the point shopuld be very clear as to why im not interested in the damn cabinets or anything else you have to say becasue at the initial time of decling the product there should have been yeah maybe one more attempt in the sale then drop it say thank you have a good day and make the next futile call but to answer the phone and have a recording to tell me me to stay on the line for a very important offer a operator will be with me shortly ? what the !!!! click
then as soon as i get back to what i was doing be it work or sitting on my @ss it rings again with the same VERY IMPORTANT message and a voice ya im gonna be rude you bet your paycheck because i didnt call asking about it so how bad do i need what you are selling ?
Old 04-06-2003, 04:16 PM   #25
Well Alan said it much nicer than I. But when you start mixing apples and oranges I tend to get sarcastic.
Still laughing, you have got to be joking.
Old 04-06-2003, 04:18 PM   #26
Lightbulb An Idea

In the scope of hostage or holdoff situations the police will set up bright lights and turn on loud music for sleep deprivation. Why dont we just give the telemarketers the guys phone number and tell them he has 10 credit cards all with an available balance.

Better yet, lets give them Saddams phone number.....that idiot would give up after 14 hours of non stop ...."hello mr Hussein, would you be interested in ****.

Well anyway food for thought
Old 04-06-2003, 04:19 PM   #27
Actually, I have never been a telemarketer. What I find upsetting is the apparent double standard. It's ok to be an ass to a telemarketer because of what they do. Does that make it okay to be an ass to the valets? How about to servers? Should you bite off the meter reader's head because they need to get into the back yard? Is it okay to toss rotten food at a garbage man? They should expect to get dirty and smell bad anyway.

I agree that being called by telemarketers is annoying, I don't like it anymore than you do. But I don't use that as an excuse to insult someone for doing their job. It doesn't somehow make them more deserving of being berated. Believe it or not, when funeral homes aren't hiring, no burger place will hire a person with a degree in Mortuary Science because you are overqualified, but telemarketing places don't care.

It's fine to be annoyed, it's fine to hang up on them, it's fine to be a jerk and berate and insult them, but that is exactly what it is, being a jerk. You are free to be a jerk if you like, I would fight for you to have that right, but I am free to call you a jerk if you act like one.

I can't believe I am the only person here saying that another person's job is not justification for treating them like crap.
Old 04-06-2003, 04:39 PM   #28
Telemarketing as a job

First of all, I don't know many people who choose telemarketing because it's the ONLY option, it is simply the one they choose. Truthfully, I could give a rat's butt whether someone is working to raise a family, give all their money to a religious cult, or support a gambling problem. Why they're working is not the issue, and I think the martyr-speak about taking food out of children's mouths is a bit over the line, don't you?

Secondly, I am a salesperson, although not a telemarketer. I appreciate good salespeople. After 20 years in the business, I have a true admiration and respect for good salespeople, whether they're convincing me to Super Size it or selling me a used car. There's a way to be a decent telemarketer, and then there's the way that 99% of telemarketers do it. If you begin the conversation with "I apologize if I'm disturbing you, but I'd like to tell you about our brand new widgits if you have a moment" you're likely to get a reasonable answer. The problem is that most telemarketers are reading from a script, they don't listen to the person on the other end of the line, and they have no interest in or knowledge of what they're selling.

Has no telemarketer ever been taught that you sell with your ears and not your mouth? Most telemarketers seem to work under the assumption that as long as they keep talking, they're making progress. Unfortunately, many are even TRAINED to believe that. I don't know about you, but I feel a little insulted at the idea that I don't really know that I need aluminum siding on my house unless someone who can't even spell aluminum calls me on the phone to tell me that.

I've never bought anything from a telemarketer, even if I was interested in the product. The truth is, they are selling nothing that I can't buy elsewhere, and I refuse to encourage this sabotage method of sales.

I don't verbally abuse telemarketers. I simply say "No thank you" and hang up while they're still in mid sentence. I can't tell you how many times that's resulted in getting the same call the next day. It gets aggravating, and I fully understand why some people become enraged over the intrusion. Fortunately, I'm not easily ruffled.

Most telemarketers hate their jobs and it shows. I guess my recommendation is to let the experience serve as encouragement to find something else to do in order to earn a living.
Old 04-06-2003, 04:41 PM   #29
Look if a telemarketer is polite and takes no the FIRST time I say no thank you, then I don't get rude, I just hang up.
That is usually not the case. The minute they do not take my no for an answer THEY are being rude to me. I then have every right to be rude back! Sometimes I am working, sometimes eating dinner with my family, or sometimes just sitting on my duff watching a good movie. I have a private phone number. I have on my answering machine that I do NOT accept blocked calls. Does this sound like a person who wants calls from telemarketers? I think not.
It is the company that are supplying our numbers, yes supplying, NOT just random. And they do hire ANYONE! Am I to assume that the person on the other end is a nice person? When they have all my information. I have seen hackers get into these jobs.his readers. I know first hand what they can do, even to the extent that I have had to fix what they screwed up. Work release people get hired. Do you not get the big picture?
I am against these companies. I am against the fact that they have all my info, my name, where I live, my number, my SSN, my mothers maiden name, my acct numbers.
The more I say no thank you and tell my banks I do not want on their list (which even tho it is a pain in the a$$ I do) the more I am contributing to stopping this.
Like I said before, you have to take that job in stride, know that people do not want to talk to you and pick up your paycheck at the end of the week.
Old 04-06-2003, 04:47 PM   #30
Terese is 100% right, they do read from a script, and there is to be NO ad libbing! If a question is asked they go to a different screen to get a direct response. They are not allowed to waver from the script.
Not bad for money for just having to sit there and read. Oh wait, press an occational button.

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