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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 04-12-2013, 12:02 AM   #21
Old 04-15-2013, 10:02 PM   #22
Baby has officially made its presence known...you can see the baby move and kick now... I go in tomorrow for another checkup. Im already tired of going every 2 weeks, just imagine how I'm going to feel when I have to start going every week. Ugh, lol.
Old 07-20-2013, 10:55 AM   #23

I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant, and due at any moment. Had a scare Thursday that caused me to go to the hospital, and be hooked up to monitors for about 4 hours.

Turns out I have a bladder infection that was causing me to go into labor a little sooner than they wanted. I was having contractions, was dehydrated, and was dilating. I am currently 4cm dilated, but water has not broken yet. When they told me I was 4cm dilated, they followed up with saying that normally they don't let anyone out of the hospital that's 4cm dilated, but they're letting me go because my water hadn't broken yet. I'm on meds for my bladder infection, and am practically attached to a water hose to stay hydrated (I was told I need to drink about 2 gallons of water a day...WTF?!)

Baby is already in the down position, and turned, ready to come out. When I went to the Dr. last Monday, she predicted that I'd probably have the baby by the end of next week if not sooner. I go again this upcoming Monday for another appointment. We'll see what is said then.

Baby's heart-rate is 140-150bpm, which is really good. Healthy lil kid!

Oh, another thing I found out yesterday is that, apparently they read my first ultrasound wrong, and gave me a wrong due date...Geesh, miracles of science. lol Apparently my due date is supposed to be August 3rd, not August 18th. Either way, they don't think I'm going to make it. lol
Old 07-20-2013, 11:29 AM   #24
I am so excited for you!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your adorable baby!!!
Old 07-22-2013, 06:52 AM   #25
Best of luck Brandi. Carrying into August, Might be a tad uncomfortable
Old 07-27-2013, 01:57 AM   #26
Update!? Anxious for baby news....

And keep drinking the h2o!! It's good for you.
Old 07-27-2013, 08:59 AM   #27
Well my appointment came and went...

I am back down to 2cm dilated... Apparently it was my bladder infection causing things to progress as fast as they were. Though the contractions are still strong as hell, they aren't close enough together or frequent enough during the day/night to cause any concerns of labor coming too soon. They no longer think that I will go into labor before my due date...Which is a good thing, but at the same time I am totally miserable.

I have nothing but immense pressure on my pelvic area, hurts to walk, stand, and hurts to sit for long periods. Sleeping has become a thing of the past (which I knew was coming when I'd have a newborn, but damn! .) Sleeping on my sides hurts my hips, (even with pillows), can't sleep on my back, (can't breathe), and if I try to sleep sitting up, I get heartburn. I have gained a TON of water weight in about a week. Was very consistent with my gain/loss during the whole pregnancy, but this last appointment they said I had gained about 6-7lbs in one week. They were concerned about the rapid water weight gain, (yet I'm still dehydrated...wtf?), but weren't concerned enough to want me in the hospital. Which is good because I would have been peeved had I had to spend the rest of my pregnancy in the hospital.

I was put on semi-bedrest as of the last appointment. Meaning, unless I absolutely need to get up, (food, potty, do something for my daughter, go to Dr. appointments), I am to stay in bed comfy...(I want to know what their definition of comfy is...really ) I'm already tired of being home in bed, and just want to get up and walk around.

They THINK (I really am wondering if this kid in me is just doing this for spite,) that I might make the whole 9 months...(which I believe is 1-2 more weeks.) The thing she said to me at last appointment was, "We can't tell for sure, but while you're dilated, your water hasn't broken, and your contractions just aren't coming like they should. You could make term, and then some. If you go too long after term, then we could induce, but we'd like things to just progress naturally." (Got to love having a midwife who's all for nature just taking it's course.)

I go in for another appointment this upcoming week (Mon or Tues, can't remember.) Maybe things will have progressed, but doesn't look (or feel) that hopeful.

I am getting permanently FIXED after having this one. I cannot handle any more "oopsies" coming along. I try and be responsible and be on birth control (for both my kids), and all I do is wind up pregnant. So apparently BC is like fertility drugs for me. Isn't that grand? So I'm just going to say, "No More!" and get permanently fixed. Just have to wait 6 weeks after having this one, and I can get the procedure done.
Old 07-29-2013, 01:47 PM   #28
I am so irritable, and uncomfortable! I get pissed at the littlest thing, and seriously have almost no patience right now to deal with my 6yo. The site of the SO makes me want to scream bloody murder, and throw things. I just want to be done with this damn pregnancy.

I go for another appointment this afternoon. Supposedly I'm at 40 weeks (according to some reports, and others I still have 2-3 weeks), but we will see what they say today.

I seriously do not know how much longer I can deal with this...I am totally frustrated with EVERYTHING.
Old 07-29-2013, 01:53 PM   #29
I'm waiting on the tears. When you spontaneously burst into tears....that's when you know you're really ready.....

I'm sending labor vibes to you! Keep drinking water!
Old 07-29-2013, 02:05 PM   #30
Oh I did that already...I had a cry-fest after I yelled at my 6yo for chewing on her electronic pen that goes with her game. I literally took the toy from her, threw it in the trash, then broke out in tears... (got toy out of trash and put away in drawer, since I had told her she was not to chew on things, and she continues to do so.)

I cried about 5 minutes ago because my text messages went off with some idiot asking a stupid question about something I have for sale instead of reading the ad.

I am...I think the best word to describe it would be; DONE! I'm just DONE! If they don't figure something out today, then I don't know what the hell I'm going to do, because my nerves are shot, my body is doing nothing but hurting, and my mind...Well...Yeah, my meds aren't even helping at this point. UGH!

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