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Old 04-23-2009, 12:26 PM   #21
Mooing Tricycle
Whats everyone elses opinion on this? Whatre you guys thinking????

Im not very happy right now... there were some great words had, but it seems some of those other members are very stubborn on this bill.
Old 04-23-2009, 01:04 PM   #22
Heart and Soul Reptiles
I agree. I think we shouldn't back down, I don't think we should let up on the response, if we do it will make it seem like we are satisfied with what they are "going" to decide to do. I think we should emphasize on the breeders and collectors and the industry as well, it seems like all they heard was that pet owners are worried, not the entire industry!
Old 04-23-2009, 01:21 PM   #23
My alarm didnt go off! so what happened, are they still voting on it for the next 10 or is it passed on?
Old 04-23-2009, 01:29 PM   #24
I won't back down, not even in the final hour. I'll fight for the right to keep these animals lawfully and without their restrictions. I can't believe with the amount of commerce and pet trades this would impact negatively, that they are moving forward so quickly. I do understand their concerns with invasive species, but I think this is too hasty and not well thought out. The gentleman (and I use that term loosely) who was their primary go-to guy just didn't seem to be all that well prepared. What's HIS contact info so we can swamp him with letters?

With our economy still in the crapper , I can't believe this is even seriously being considered. I'm a bit angry about it, but I'm going to channel that into writing more letters and making more phone calls. SHAME on those who aren't doing their part.
Old 04-23-2009, 01:53 PM   #25
I also watched! Seems like to me that most that are backing this Bill had no answers to what few questions were asked. I think IF they do come up with a revised version, those that are into reptiles (ecsp. Venomous and large constrictors but not limited to) will be effected the most IF passed!

Right now after watching, I AM PROUD TO BE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA!

And I also believe that this is ONLY the start, and we need to keep up with everything we are doing and get MORE people involved!
Old 04-23-2009, 02:16 PM   #26
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by MagickalMorphs View Post
Watching right now. I'm hearing some good points being made. I agree, we DO need some legislation but nowhere near the all or nothing that's on the table right now.
I sincerely disagree. What we need is for people to use common sense. If someone releases an animal into the wild, they need to be held accountable individually. Legislation only hampers those that already think above the level of an amoeba. The idiot that is going to release his animal in the everglades probably isn't real concerned if there is legislation on it or not. We need not have someone tell us that it is wrong. Legislation only prevents those that would keep the animals responsibly from acquiring them.

Then of course it is always a stepping stone to the next legislation.

Originally Posted by Mooing Tricycle View Post
i am annoyed too. especially about when he said that tidbit about permits....i wonder how they are going to implement a permiting system in the first place...... its LAUGHABLE, to think about how long that process would take, and how much more money THAT would cost!
Permitting also seems like a joke. I don't know how it works in FL but where I'm at permitting anything always ends up being nothing but a money making scheme for the government.

You start out at $20.00 dollar permit the next year it is $50.00 and in five years it is $250 and up. You don't need to know anything. You just pay the government. Look at captive propagation permits in states. It's nothing but a money making scheme to increase a already bloated bureaucracy at the state and federal level.
Old 04-23-2009, 04:04 PM   #27
Understood and agreed, Dennis. On all counts. I think I probably worded my original statement wrong. That's what happens when you're a dumb hillbilly. What I meant was, that we DO need laws in place (preferably the simple, enforceable kind!), but not the blanket all-or-nothing they are currently trying to pass. I agree wholeheartedly that if someone is releasing animals into the wild they should be boiled in oil. But the problem I see there is that we can't even enforce our own borders - who will be out there looking for people to dump pets? I can't even get the folks from the city to come pick up cats and dogs people dump off, I can't imagine getting them to respond to my accusation that someone dropped off a llama in my yard. LOL

It would be great if we could just remain law-free and do what we want with no one to answer to, but we get to thank those folks that screwed that up for us. I don't see us coming out of this one without some new government BS restrictions. I'm not saying at all that I like the sound of that - I don't. As a Libertarian I resent the government in MY business. But, it's going to be a fight from here on out, like it or not.
Old 04-23-2009, 04:10 PM   #28
I turned on the hearing at about 10:30 or so, so I missed the beginning. I do have several opinions on what happened. I was on the phone with Cathy for a bit until the guy from SC came on, then she kicked me off the phone. Thanks lady! LOL.

There was supposed to be 22 committee members, of which NINE showed up. How much of a smack in the face was THAT to the American people who took the time to email, write and call them. I don't care that the Senator from WA does not get my vote since I live in PA, I am STILL a citizen of this country who's Congress is supposed to represent the entire country. Where those several got off not going I don't know, but THOSE are the asses that need to get the most emails, calls and letters from us now. Of course, be polite, but I know that I am going to voice my opinion that I am upset that they were not there, especially when it has been said over and over that there was a bigger response to some Senators to this than to the Stimulus bill. <rant mode off on that topic>

I think it was a waste of time simply because every committee member that DID show up was already of the mindset that the bill needed serious revisions. So why did they waste the time and money on a sub-committee hearing and not take that time to meet with the "panel" they had put together privately, get the bill revised, and THEN present it to the sub-committee? Why waste the time of the panel members in that type of scenario? Plus, why waste the time of the "grassroots" level (that the one committee member praised) that we had to put into this as it stands when they are (supposedly) going to make major changes?

Now, I was impressed with a few committee members there today.

First, the guy from SC just rocked the show. I like the fact that he was so openly (yet professionally) opposed to the bill, and wasn't seeming to take crap answers from anyone (kudzu anyone?).
I was also impressed by the guy from Virginia. He seemed to want to put it out there that not only would the pet/food industry be affected, but it would go "beyond those gates" if they closed (speaking of the tilapia guy's comments about farmers, etc). I think he wanted to make the lightbulb go off for the others that this is bigger than little Johnny who wants to own a bird or snake. As much as WE would love to focus on that idea, it IS much bigger than us as pet owners (although we would be affected in so many ways).
I think Meyers did an amazing job, and I loved how he just looked like he wanted to smack the Chairwoman. He didn't step down on his opinions, and I think he represented the pet industry as a whole (owners and business people) very well.
Probably the one that impressed me the most was the representative from Am. Samoa at the end. It seemed like the lightbulb suddenly went off for him near the end that maybe this DOES affect more than the aquaculture industry like he originally intended to do (according to him). It's like he sat back and went "oh $hit, this is bigger than what I thought" and seemed to open up a little bit. Not a bad thing since he is co-sponsoring the bill.

The idiots -
First, the representative from the Virgin Islands. She was just so stupid. "Thank you Madam Chairwoman for introducing this bill...blah, blah, blah, we have lionfish invading our area, blah blah blah". Just shut up. Your lionfish in the Virgin Islands are not going to invade Pennsylvania, just like the burmese pythons in Florida wouldn't live in Wisconsin (I liked Meyers references), and the birds that might live here won't affect either of those places. I just wanted to punch her in the head. I think Meyers did too. He should have, for all of us. Leave it to the states to figure out their own laws, and go catch some lionfish for dinner. I hear they taste great.
Second, the Fish and Game guy. Could have have BEEN anymore vague? Was he even awake? The only time he gave a solid answer is when the bitch from California asked him for straight "yes" or "no" answers near the end. He needed to stop taking so much Valium and educate himself on this issues since it WOULD be his department that would be handling this whole thing if it is passed. Friggin moron.
Third, the scientist "my great grandfather brought kudzu over but he wasn't the only one" idiot. Contradict yourself much? The data is not all there to make this happen now, but do it anyhow. And that is supposed to happen HOW? Guess? Moron. I hope he chokes on his great grandfather's kudzu. Maybe the government will pay someone to choke him with it like they did to plant the crap in the first place.

Overall, I think that we are going to need to keep up the work we can to sway these guys the right way. I am also planning on contacting PIJAC and USARK to find out what us show promoters need to be doing at our upcoming shows to help push this even more. My next show is not until after the "vote" in 10 days, so I am not quite sure what I can/should do on the bigger level with the show to help. I know I am getting my letters together, getting the phone list together, and being ready to start all over again...
Old 04-23-2009, 04:56 PM   #29
Diego Velarde
MR. Marshall Meyers kicked ass! but I felt that we didnt have enough allies in there besides Mr Martin and a couple of the subcommittee people like Mr Brown, he also kicked ass and Faleomavaega was good too.
And props to Wild Creations for writing such a great letter. (I think the letter was read by Mr Brown from SC)
And I hate Powerpoint presentations, everyone likes pictures and believes in them too, thus making a strong point. We needed a scientist on our side as well
Old 04-23-2009, 06:21 PM   #30
Exclamation HR-669 VIDEO!

I just wanted to post this so that those of you who missed it can go back and review... get as hot blooded as the rest of us did. OOH! and don't miss the fish guy!

Let me know if for some reason this link doesn't work.


(I'm on my 2nd run of the video!)

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hr669, live webcast

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