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Old 03-03-2005, 01:15 PM   #321
If evolution were a fact, the fossil evidence would surely reveal a gradual changing from one kind of life into another.
The whole problem about this is, is that scientist themselves have a hard time noticing a diffference. The have a feeling all fossils should fall into a certain categories. I did a timeline based upon human fossils found. you can see a slight change in them over the 100's of thousands of years. Even scientist debating where certain fossils fall into at. Here is the link
Also, if evolution were founded in fact, the fossil record would be expected to reveal beginnings of new structures in living things. There should be at least some fossils with developing arms, legs, wings, eyes, and other bones and organs. For instance, there should be fish fins changing into amphibian legs with feet and toes, and gills changing into lungs. There should be reptiles with front limbs changing into bird wings, back limbs changing into legs with claws, scales changing into feathers, and mouths changing into horny beaks.
Yes, actually there is. There is a fish still alive to this day that developed 4 leg bones that ran along 4 fins, thats related to a fish that could walk onto land. There are lung fish that are so adapted to breate out of water if they dont, they can die. Life began at the sea first and not on land.
Here is the link that talks about the fish

Link to Other Fish normally not known about. (lungfish, ETC)

Information from Berkleys Evolution Dept link
Old 03-03-2005, 04:58 PM   #322
The whole problem about this is, is that scientist themselves have a hard time noticing a diffference. The have a feeling all fossils should fall into a certain categories
Like I mentioned before. Believing in evolution requires a great deal more "FAITH" than believing in a intelligent creator! Actually based on your above statement it would seem to me that they are trying to force jigsaw puzzle pieces together in order to prove a theory that is antiquated as the one that stated the world was flat! The theory of evolution is presented as a fact when it is not. IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN. If anything just the opposite is true in more ways than one. This is both irresponsible and malicious on the part of its proponents and goes against everything that good science is about! By the way the Bible had always stated that the earth was round along with a sleu of other NOW well established scientific facts.
Old 03-03-2005, 08:31 PM   #323
actually i was not talking about faith or believing, its just the changes are so gradual its hard to seperate the 2 different hominids from each other at periods of time, where both flourished the land. Natural Evolution is a very slow and gradual process, that takes several hundreds of thousands of years. Every time earth went through and ice age things changed. All this stuff is shown in the timeline i put together.

Example there is a skull for homo-habilis (first hominid) dated 2.0 million years ago. Then 1.8mil years ago homo-georcicus And Homo-ergaster were found. This was noted from the location where geogicus was found "This skull and Nearby Skulls Form A Near Perfect Transistion From Habilis to Ergaster". The same time period More habilis skulls were found. 1.7-1.6 mil years ago more ergaster skulls were found. Then 1.5 years after that homo-erectus was discovered.

Another example is in the austalopecies. The A.Boisei in 1.8 million years ago's notes. "oh5, First though to be human ancestor, but was dropped over habilis" Another found to be 1.7 million years ago notes "The cranium is similar to that of OH5, but is smaller and has other differences such as the lack of a sagittal crest" Then a 3rd from 1.4 million years ago. "Although it has many features specific to bosei, it also lies outside the previously known range of variation of that species in many ways, suggesting that boisei (and maybe other hominid species) May have been varible than othen thought (delson 1997)"

See there is a pattern to this, every 200,000 years the species normally evolves enough TO warrant a new classification to scientist. There is where i think all the confusion is at. Even our own homosapiens species falls under different categories too. Mainly sorted by era's of evolution, That always seem to follow ice ages.

If we did not and do not evolve explain then how come it took a good part of 200,000 years to reach where we are at in this world now then. If god was so great and almighty and figured we needed to know where gold was at, then why not give us the intelect that we have now. Instead of placing us on a land with nothing but a fruit tree and some useless gold? To fend ourselves against "his creatures"

The theory of evolution is presented as a fact when it is not. IT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN
What is proof of evolution? I ask this as i see proof all the time around me. Is it a math problem? Is it video footage of something evolving into something else? I never understand what the "proof" should be. It's been re-created with cells that evolve into more complex cells.... Here is some images, that give you a idea that independant evolution is real in animals too.

One can say the very same about where is proof in the bible too. It was and is presented as fact, each time something is proven wrong another phrase from way after the first one was wrote, is quoted to explain it. When has anything said in the bible been proven to be true? Did moses, adam and the rest really live to be almost 1,000 years old? For years people have been looking for proof that the arch noah used was real, sill nothing at all. The more i read it and use rational thinking the more things i see wrong with the whole book.

19: These three were the sons of Noah; and from these the whole earth was peopled.
20: Noah was the first tiller of the soil. He planted a vineyard;
21: and he drank of the wine, and became drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent.
Anyone else see anything wrong with this? I do not know when wine was invented, but according to the bible it was already in existince by the time moses was done with the floods. Just how many fossils of winemaking items and bottles have they found to date back to moses's time? which again according to the bible was only about 1,700+ years into creation? since the bible claims that both adam, and his sons all lived to be 900 something years old. If you apply the "every day is 1,000 years" thing to this, it works about to be almost 2 million years. So that would mean that its using real earth days.

Oh, and here is more proof of evolution. This one is funny though, everyone would get a good laugh at it

I think i am done commenting on this (once and for all this time), i dont like to argue against religion. since i know it can anger to those who hold beliefs into it. Normally this is how these arguments over creationism and evolution end. All i have to say is give it time, eventually one side will prove itself out.
Old 03-03-2005, 09:46 PM   #324
Mike, Chad & everyone else..... You do Realize that most of this will fall on deaf ears? (or eye's in this case) No matter what you put up there, Charts, Pictures, Theory's, Quotes, words etc... never at one time will you convince all people at all times of all things! There will be believers, un-believers, doubters, fanatics, fundamentalists, creationists, atheists and fauna people!
In other words this "train has no end" Hang on you could be in for a long ride!!!
Old 03-04-2005, 12:22 AM   #325
Yeah I'm not seeing the point in discussing this anymore...no one is going to agree with anyone...regardless of what evidence is presented and regardless of how strong or weak the evidence is (I still don't see how after having and breeding animals in captivity one can contest evolution...and I still want to know why if everything was created the way it is today...genetics allows for evolution...but whatever...). I'll probably still read whatever gets posted...but even if I rabidly disagree with things...which I'm sure I will and fighting the urge to disagree with things right now...I won't post again! If I do someone please flog me...
Old 03-04-2005, 12:45 AM   #326
I'm kind of curious.

How come all you guys only speak of the judeo/christian version of god?

I think the first commanement, and WHO KNOWS whether the translations we have now are even CLOSE to the original wording, was to have no OTHER gods before me, meaning the god to whom this request/demand is attributed. If even this guy acknowledges not only the existance of but the worship of OTHER gods, how can you just assume that none of the others have fiddled with things?

What's with the "there is only one" thing? What happened to all the other gods. After all, if he was the one and only, why would he say to put him first? Why would he mention any rival gods at all?

And, if there are other gods, they must by being gods have godlike powers. And, if they have godlike powers, then they can do anything. And if they can do anything how can we rely on anything being factual? And if nothing can be relied on to be factual, how do you know what is for real, as in evolution, or what is not real, as in proof that evolution does not exist?

Who's to say that Ol' Monkey NumNums, god of all banana is NOT the one who scraped off some hair, shortened some arms, lengthened some legs, adjusted some teeth on one of his favorite chimplike pals and said "man, what a waste," discarding his ruined hairless banana eating monkeylike being and at the same time giving the poor abandoned creature a name, man, then moved on to other more interesting projects. Projects like planting fake dinosaur bones, artifically aged with special monkey god-carbon technology to appear as if they had been underground MILLIONS and MILLIONS of years.

What about poor Ol' Monkey NumNums?
Old 03-04-2005, 03:21 AM   #327

I have finally been convinced of something. I once was lost but now am found. OL' MONKEY NUMNUMS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT. I am buying a compound in Montana as we speak. I will devote all of my life to spreading the word of the good Ol' Monkey NumNums. Anyone is invited to live on my compound and give up your freedom and all worldly possesions in the name of Ol' Monkey NumNums. I have to go now and search for discount bunk beds and the best place to buy purple Kool-Aid in bulk.
Old 03-04-2005, 09:48 AM   #328
Don't forget to buy a big ass drum to pound on!
Old 03-04-2005, 04:56 PM   #329
Why are we still arguing over evolution? Its a matter of opinion and you cannot argue that someones opinion is wrong because it is THEIR opinion! Some of you can give the best agruments that evolution happened, but that doesnt mean a creastionist will convert and become an evolutionist. So why, 150 (or more) posts later, are we still arguing about it?
Old 03-04-2005, 05:00 PM   #330
I had NO idea we were arguing. I thought it was thoughtful as well as fun considerations bantered about by reasonably intelligent adults, or semi-adults, anyway.

You guys really need to let me know when I'm in an argument with you.

Shucks, even.

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