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Old 07-09-2004, 08:24 PM   #31
Seamus Haley
The shipper was zooalogical based in miami fl
see if anythings done if not everyone can ship hots UPS
There has been no retraction!
Zoological 2000 also hasn't addressed it though, to my knowledge. It could easily still be poor reporting Bud, a lack of a retraction isn't really proof.
Old 07-10-2004, 08:43 AM   #32
bud mierkey
Post hello seamus

Your right as always.
Thanks for not calling me names and starting it up.
If there is no retraction, we will see if there are charges are filed.
Then We will see what happens next.
This is not the boi forum also.

Old 07-10-2004, 10:58 AM   #33
I’ve said it on other forums this story has shown up on. First the Media always blows these reports so far out of proportion its not funny so take it with a grain of salt.

Next with Mario being in business for so long and knowing the laws and the penalties it’s very hard to believe he would risk his business and the fines to ship illegally.

Also in the original article it states the Ordinance the persons violated was that of keeping dangerous animals.

Who actually dictates what a dangerous animal is and what is not. Statistically speaking Horses, Dogs, Cats, Parrots and other animals people would conceder domestic harmless pets have a much higher rate of physical attacks and fatalities then Reptiles. The CDC “Center for Decease Controls" statistics show that clearly.

This link will give some stats on snake bites in the US annually
45,000 bites of that 8,000 are venomous of that 12 or less are fatal.

Compared to Dogs as cited by the CDC.

You may also wish to do a search on the CDC site for other animal injuries you will see just how low venomous rank on it.

Here is the Bismarck Law itself

If we go by their definitions of “Dangerous” Any animal could be construed as dangerous so where is the line drawn. Yes I see it said poisonous or sting but goes on to mention size and propensity to be bite as well as aggression.

The law is there yes to protect people, but is in its writing a very bad law. If we went by stats any animal could be construed as “dangerous” Keep in mind as well North Dakota has no regulations regarding venomous snake ownership.

IT IS NOT the responsibility of the Import/ exporter to know every law and ordinance in the world. IT IS the responsibility of the buyer to know their local laws. You can not fault the Seller if he/she is in good faith selling the animal under the known laws of the state.

We also CAN NOT and DO NOT always have ways to verify the skill level or knowledge level of a person we sell to. I can spend a week online and reading books and be able to fool a seller as to my skills and knowledge. Vendors have to use good faith and judgment based on what they hear from the potential buyer.

And again if you believe what the PRESS puts out you’re a fool. I have been on hand of an envenomation that did make the news and the reports were so incorrect it was not funny. The Media had to make it sound like it was extremely life threatening for people to read it. So they used buzz words to spice it up. Not at all out of the ordinary for the media, actually is more the norm.

As to these two people unless they actually come on a site and post their accounts we will never know the truth.
Old 07-10-2004, 02:17 PM   #34
bud mierkey
Thumbs up bismark ords

That bismark ordinance was quite interesting .
The unalterd dog or cat section was funny.
Its funny a dog I found tangled up in its cable in my yard was fixed but it still snapped me in the face nearly missing me.
I think each dog has its own personality nutered or not .
but its their ordinance.
I wonder how many people observe the reptile ordinances in their citys?
good post
Old 07-10-2004, 10:33 PM   #35
I was directly involved in the whole proceeding. Yes, the animals were shipped UPS labeled as lizards, they have the reciepts. Yes the buyers were idiots and yes the dealer could have avoided the whole thing. There was never a snake related statement made by the buyer to me, to the police, to the dealer or the media that could have even in the most remote possibility made ANYONE think that this individual had ANY experience, let alone enough for a mamba. Both the buyer and the dealer were completely at fault in their own respective areas, both of which have accepted their individual responsibilities.
Yes, the media does say some silly things as a norm where these things are concerned. Other than only using part of a couple of my sentences thus altering my direct meaning, they reported very acurately...considering.
I can't quite understand how/why everyone is defending the buyer. It's like everyone is living in LA LA land and doesn't want to accept that 95% of the reptile keeping population...simply, just shouldn't.
I would like to know what the neysayers on this topic think as to what qualifies someone to own a mamba? enough money to buy one? Well then, like I said before, if the SERIOUS private collectors don't stand together and rid themselves of the testosterone backed fools and start policing themselves then, next time it might be your collection next.
Old 07-11-2004, 08:47 AM   #36
bud mierkey
Warning! As I thought!

The buyer was under screened by the dealer.
The dealer Then shipped the order circumnavigating all the laws!
If the papers ID if the dealer is correct.
Its time for this to go to BOI!
We got some bad guys slinging deadly herps.
Try to buy a gun its not as simple why not with a deadly herp?
I we don't act we all lose!
I thought some of this new license fee would go to Enforcement!
Old 07-11-2004, 09:20 AM   #37
Terry if this is all true please post the pictures of the receipt and the shipping box and receipt and all other information that can prove it. To many times we have heard rumors or accusations with any proof being made for our veiwing to back up the statements. Im not saying your lieing im asking for direct proof so if there are problems the community can be made aware of it.

As to who / whom may own any venomous snake. I firmly feel all states really should adoupt the FL venomous permiting system. It may have some flaws but it is the best out there so far. atleast then we know or hope that everyone would do the right thing from the trainee to the inspecting officers. If its fallowed through with correctly it could save a lot of grief.

Directly to answer the mamba ownership question. I do own a few of them and have worked with hundreds of them and can say with proper knowledge , respect and handling tools they are not that difficult but knowledge of the species as well as handling techniques are a must. Then again that goes for any species.

To many people look at venomous as deadly monsters when in fact they are nothing more then a snake. YES VENOMOUS and requiring certain safety precautions. Once a person gets past the eewwwsss and awwwwwws of venom and looks at the snake as a snake and shows it the proper safety precations do a hazardous animal it is no more or less dangerous then any other animal that can pose a risk of danger.


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