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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 02-26-2007, 09:26 PM   #1
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Sammy, you had to be there. In less than 30 minutes he tried to ding me three times not knowing that he was limited to one. It amused me. Then I figured I would rub his nose in his stupidity.
Wes, I know. And I also know full well that you aint disputing points given and all of that. You simply took an opportunity to rub someones nose who you dont like. It's a familiar tune.

There are plenty of folks here who could justifiably single out many members of this community and for any number of reasons. Stupidity, inability to think for themselves, prejudice, talking out both sides of their mouthes, lying, stealing, scamming, stalking, trolling, playing the false martyr, etc, etc, etc. It is all there for all of us to see. And yes, most of us do see it. As plain as day.

But to take most of these people to task over it..... whats the point? Is it going to make the situation better? No. Is it going to change any of these people or other peoples perceptions? No. So my attitude is why bother? If it aint going to improve the situation or help bring about a positive change then it aint worth my time.

Change. HA! What an ironic word that is. For all of the "CHANGE" that has gone on around here, change is one of the things that I havent seen. It is still the same old story lines that have been in place for a couple of years now. Same story lines, same little cliques, same pettiness and same small mindedness. Change. HA! The only thing that has really changed around here is the different ways Rich has found to create income off the site. That is the only "CHANGE" I have seen around here in years.
Old 02-26-2007, 09:30 PM   #2
Originally Posted by shrap
The only thing that has really changed around here is the different ways Rich has found to create income off the site. That is the only "CHANGE" I have seen around here in years.
To quote a former? member,


You are hereby inducted into the Fauna Illuminati Society
Old 02-26-2007, 08:27 PM   #3
Well, maybe I "ASSumed" based on the plural "mods" and "they" that you must be firing at more than one.
Old 02-26-2007, 08:29 PM   #4
Chameleon Company
He had a hardon for me for some unknown reason so I smacked him.
Ever seen the old Three Stooges clips where Curly always ends up hitting himself. He was probably pitching a tent too.
Whoop ... whoop ...whoop ....whoop ... whoop ..... eh, wise guy huh ?
Summa y'all need ta lighten up just a tad.
You mean like making something like this into a thread ... OK.
Old 02-26-2007, 08:29 PM   #5
Wes, now that you are finished mopping the floor, could you channel your efforts into a serious "bad guy" situation?
Old 02-26-2007, 08:35 PM   #6
Fig, I appologize. As someone who is good with words I dropped the ball on the title here.

I hope that someday you can find it in your heart, the great everylovin gusher of a muscle, to forgive me my transgressions, er gression.

Really, I am serious, that was poorly worded and I will do better in the future with my word choices.
Old 02-26-2007, 08:37 PM   #7
Old 02-26-2007, 09:00 PM   #8
Now, I know.
Old 02-26-2007, 09:30 PM   #9
Ok I thought a lot of what Laura has said, and there is a thought process that needs to be corrected. Laura like others did not pay to ding, she paid to support the site, of all the current members who have benefactor membership or endowment, I only know of one person who raised their membership after the roll out of this program. (there may be more not sure) Without getting into my feelings about that person, only she can answer for herself as to why now she has done this.

So lets call the new mods just that Mods and call the appointed mods, Super Mods maybe not technical but at least we can put a term to the concept. And we can do so without creating the neg feeling that its these mods fault that they have the power.

As Cat says, they didn't ask for the power so lets not look at them that way. How they use the power, don't use, or as the case may be misuse the power is on them as individuals.
Old 03-01-2007, 01:42 PM   #10
Laura Fopiano
Originally Posted by Dragondad
Ok I thought a lot of what Laura has said, and there is a thought process that needs to be corrected. Laura like others did not pay to ding, she paid to support the site, of all the current members who have benefactor membership or endowment, I only know of one person who raised their membership after the roll out of this program. (there may be more not sure) Without getting into my feelings about that person, only she can answer for herself as to why now she has done this.
Okay Michael, I'll bite. Who is the "she" that you are referring to??

As far as upping memberships to mod levels, yes I am guilty of that. I bought a new coin for my partner and love, so he can share in the duties of moderation, just like all of the other "honey do's" that I ask for. I did it because he regularly posts here and has supported this site as I have for years.

So Michael, who is "she"???????

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