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Old 01-09-2005, 09:30 PM   #31
Lightbulb Dose he ever stop...


I have no problem with reading comprehension, you need to get a life!!! Maybe you had one to many, ooops did I say that!!!

You're barking up the wrong tree, if you think your little insults make you feel good, go for it. You're nothing but bitter about this whole thing or you would NEVER have opened your mouth in the first place. You think your some big hot shot, which is fine I could care less. No one cares about you and your BS. I must say you are good at twisting the truth in your favor. To bad this time you have no standing. Lets not even talk about females, we all know you have issues there. If you got animals from Kalam, where are your Ankaramy, I know you would not pass them up(don't answer that I don't care)?

As for me going after you, that could not be further from the truth. You're the one starting all the BS talk, I am only protecting my interests. You have made yourself hated by many, looks like the kingdom you once thought to have is now in ruin. Honestly I could care less, like I said I have done my OWN thing with out the NEED to use your name or anyone for that matter. Matt, I don't care what you do, JUST LEAVE ME OUT OF IT PERIOD! :scatter:

Keep on thinking those animals came from Kalam, lets see a bill of sale!!! Or where these "under the table" too. Please Matt, you are going no where with this. Considering the way Kalam's Pardalis are collected I don't think an Ambanja would be collected, when the collectors did not even go to Ambanja. What about the other male??? Pardalis were sold to only 3 people and you were NOT one of them! Careful with the threats Matt, there is no need for them. The difference between us is that "I" work on FACTS and you work on BS. Your games have been PROVEN time and time again. Please Matt, put this all to rest, I have better things to do then to play childish games with you on here. Funny how "I" stay on topic and you find reasons to go off topic. Do you need to get something out? Let it out, put this all to rest once and for all. Do your OWN thing and "I" will do mine! There is no need to be bitter. Best wishes!

Happy Chameleon Keeping!
Old 01-09-2005, 10:58 PM   #32
Does he ever stop?

Unfortunatly for you I don't. Nice to see that you got stung enough to wish I was dead though, now that will be a thought that will put me comfortably to bed tonight. As Jules Winfield once said "If you don't like scary answers cease asking scary questions.". So here is another scary answer for you: I didn't pick up any Anakramies for a reason, I don't need them because I've already got a small unrelated group hanging out in a Florida greenhouse. Why ask questions you don't want an answer to?

Please, while we are on the subject of females bring up whatever it is that you think you might know, I have no problems with the validity of the girls I've got going. You are the person that shouldn't bring up the sore subject of females since you have only 3, maybe 4 unrelated female lines in your entire collection and they are related to male here and a male there that you've kept as breeders. Since it has been proven that the supposed great One Eye line are hybrids, that must have hurt a bit, your pool of pure females is even less. That nice picture of that Tamatave hybrid that was sired by One Eye that guy from Razorbackreptiles posted was pretty conclusive. You might have picked up a couple females in this last shipment but who knows if they will turn out to be Kalambilobes or pure as unfortuantly accidents happen and wrong local females get shipped here and there. You see Johnny boy, you put a little too much faith in parties you shouldn't. Could turn out to be rosy for you but you are now working against time in regards to buying expensive animals whose market bottom will soon fall out.

Bottom line is that there is no bitterness on my end because again, what is there to be bitter of? I am just righting the record as you got a bit too cocky and a bit too loose in what you've posted and it has now come back around to take a nice piece out of your arse. Look to see what has been proven, please everyone, do a fauna search of my name or Chameleon Paradise and you will clearly see who is the bitter party is and who has been proven time and time again to look bad on this site. Info is out there, so please take a look.

As far as doing your thing without the use of other people's name... now Johnny there you go again getting a bit too loose in what you say. Let's face it, the only thing that is keeping you afloat is using the name of your "breeding partner" who has been supplying you with a majority of the animals you've been trying to sell and will hopefully get the Mitsios to you as well - although I've got something up my sleeve in regards to that local. But, if you need an example take those Mitsio pics you posted on KS. I think it is your name that is the smaller of the two listed and it seems like you are trying to ride the Mitsio express although you didn't have anything to do with getting them, breeding them or hatching them. I'd say you've been "crutching" it quite a bit there although I am sure you will not admit it but is clear to the few people who follows this stuff.

Ah well, enough for now I'd say. I'm ready to let this go but like I said, don't misstep again as I will be there to the clarify the situation without hesitation and as you've just learned the hard way, I don't stop.


...appreciate you mentioning "my kingdom" my son, although I think you will soon see it is far from crumbling
Old 01-09-2005, 11:16 PM   #33
Madd Season Morphs
Thumbs down Matt..

Im not going to get into this much more....But i have been looking around-and I noticed Kalam--Himself said he doesnt and wont sell to you...

So if you were there--opening bags,why wont kalam sell to you?

He doesnt sound to pleased to me..HELL ,doesnt even sound like Kalam even likes you...So you sent me his ph#..without his permission and ''told'' me and everyone else! What great deals we could get..Yet Kalam wont sell to you!

The stuff you are saying doesnt add up! And your mouth seems to be sending more clientel John's way...And you had to see John has already offerd me a great not trying to start crap....

I just want to know were you are getting your info? And mabey you know a diffrent Kalam then everyone else?

Old 01-09-2005, 11:33 PM   #34
Well, as usual Kalam doesn't come clean. Not surpising as he is looking after the bigger picture of how much money multiple people can bring him. Oh well, doesn't bother nor hurt me as I wasn't trying to sell the imports. It doesn't change the fact that the animals JL was trying to sell weren't in hand and if you want to get some animals you can still go directly to the importer.

Old 01-10-2005, 12:31 AM   #35
Thumbs down Again!!!


Show some respect, Johnny boy, Johnny Boy, and what other names your sick head comes up with. My name is John, and you will notice even though we don't see eye to eye I still call you by your name Matt. At any rate I will be the better man, so continue on with the BS.

The questions are rhetorical, I know you did not get a single animal from this shipment period. Till I see a bill of sale, that opinion will not change period. Face up Matt, stop being bitter about this. I am over it, you should be too. Once again if your so big and powerful, why must you always use me and anyone else you feel the need to, prompt yourself up.

I know more then you might think, don't be so bitter. You keep feeling the need to go off topic and though around all this BS. You still have not proven anything. It's not my business to get into how your females compare to mine, nor do I care. However if you wish to discuss my female line, its plain as day the One Eye line is BLUE BAR AMBILOBE. I have more then 75% of it here and I know for a fact what it looks like. Just because someone puts a bloodline on a chameleons dose not mean that's where it came from. You know damn well that male did not come from this line, and you know damn well that line is pure. You are not one to talk about being pure, this topic was discussed in a previous post.

I am very well into my breeding Matt, and I have no worries about my lines. Accept one female that happened to come from Cyclops and god knows what female. I have more eggs then I can handle, no worries there. I actually breed, hatch, and sell MY stock. I do have partners that I work with, and yes we do sell there stuff. You are not one to talk, don't get me started there. No one is being cocky, don't put words in my mouth. Simple fact is I got what I got and you are bitter, period. Please Matt, lets give this a rest. Your "Kingdom" needs some work, you know that little bubble you live in. Grow up!

Matt, I don't need anyone to keep me afloat. I do that all on my own, lets not go there. I did buy out lines, I did buy out breeders, so what. The main point is "I" do it, "I" don't ride coat tails. You can think up all these stories all you want Matt, just give it up you're getting no where. I did NOT ask for the Nosy Mitsio, I was offered them. Don't be bitter Matt, its only business. Typical you, always something up your sleeve to try and screw someone over, just give it up. I really don't care what you do, just leave me out of it, PERIOD.

Yes, its clear as day your full of BS. I have nothing to "Crutch" about, stop being bitter and give the games up, we all know your very good at them! If I am not mistaken, you were the one questing my first WC line. Hummm they sure did turn out to be some sweet grade A blue bars, with bars! I have nothing to hide what so ever, your actions here are clearly malicious, nothing has changed though if you think about it. Don't think for a moment you have ANYTHING on me, I don't step down to anyone. You must really feel something if you are so worried about what I do. Only thing needing clearing up is the BS that spills from your mouth. If you think you're trying to teach me something, you are crazy. Best wishes!

P.S.- I am not your son, you make yourself look like a fool. Try and stay on topic, and please look at what Kalam posted here:
Old 01-10-2005, 11:18 AM   #36
comone guys.. why dont you just pm each others?
Old 01-10-2005, 10:07 PM   #37
Madd Season Morphs

Why p.m eachother?
Old 01-10-2005, 10:22 PM   #38
because this forums is for posting things about chams. not about fighting and insulting eachothers
Old 01-19-2005, 09:52 PM   #39
Thumbs up Awe, how cute....

Well Johnny boy, it looks like you and your breeding partner, Legendcham, have hit a new low. You went from passing off imports as something you imported, or in some way made their importation possible to outright stealing offspring from the person who bought all those WC Nosy Mitsios that you are going to try to middle man. Not riding coat tails, eh? Looks like Lane's deal with Lizard Lair to acclimate the Mitsios and share the offspring 50/50 with Shelly is down the tubes - offspring that came from breeders that Liard Lair bought btw. Now that is one hell of a way to "Escape The Ordinary" I must say. Not even Chameleon Condo stole animals or offspring. For a guy that supposedly bases his business on truth and ethics you sure are doing a bang up job! Btw, I don't show respect to thieves or half @$$ middle men.

~Keep it up~


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User: paperkid (see all of paperkid's photos)
Views: 50
Date: 01/11/05
Filesize: 27.2k, 410 X 308
Description: This is "Kermit" right out of the box. He is a great example of a Mafana male. His babies are hatching now and I hope his babies will be as nice as he is but we will have to wait and see. Lizard Lair

Author Thread


Registered: 08/2003
Location: Springdale Arkansas
Posts: 27

I have been interested in chameleons, mostly Jacksons and panthers, for over ten years. I started with a 20 by 20 greenhouse to raise tropical plants but ended up with a collection of panthers around 1994 but I started my business 3 years an luv it
I guess we will never know if these babies will look like Kermit. All the babies and all of the eggs have been stolen. The big problem is that I know who the culprits are but am not able to do anything about it at this point.

01-19-2005 08:15PM

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Old 01-19-2005, 10:06 PM   #40
For clarification......

Sorry all, the Kingsnake post didn't paste right into the body of the message. For clarification of what I am referring to in my previous post here is the meat and potatoes of the Kingsnake photo gallery post in bold you should check out as it wasn't too clear before:

Original photo gallery post description:

Description: This is "Kermit" right out of the box. He is a great example of a Mafana male. His babies are hatching now and I hope his babies will be as nice as he is but we will have to wait and see. Lizard Lair

Later reply from original picture poster:

I guess we will never know if these babies will look like Kermit. All the babies and all of the eggs have been stolen. The big problem is that I know who the culprits are but am not able to do anything about it at this point.



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