A Study on Those Who Keep Snakes... sort of - Page 4 - FaunaClassifieds
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General Herp Talk Can't figure out where to post down in the other discussion forums? Too many options and too complicated? Well post your herp related messages here and to heck with it.

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Old 06-06-2010, 08:58 PM   #31
Age: 45 PLUS
Occupation: Jr. High teacher(Art, Science)
What snakes do you own?: Colombian Boa Constrictors, Suriname "Red-Tailed" Boa Constrictors, Brazilian Rainbow Boas, Ball Pythons, Spotted Pythons, Jungle Carpet Pythons, Eastern Coachwhips, Eastern Kingsnakes, Corn Snakes, Black Rat Snakes, "Greenish" Rat Snakes, Gray Rat Snakes, Eastern Garter Snakes, Red-Bellied Water Snakes, Yellow-Bellied Water Snakes, Banded Water Snakes, Midland Water Snakes, Brown Water Snakes, Everglades Rat Snakes, Eastern Ringneck Snakes, Savu Python. I have several morphs of Colombian Boa-Hypo, Hypo Harlequin, Kahl-strain albino, Jungle, Red-Group Pastel and Ronne Pastel in addition to plain ole' everyday Colombians, including a rescue snake I got off Craig's List for forty bucks, who is one of my favorites.

Why do you keep snakes?: I have always loved snakes and other reptiles, for as long as I can remembers. It started with an obsession with dragons and dinosaurs when I was around two and escalated from there. I have never been afraid of them in spite of everything my parents did to instill that fear in me. I have also always had a soft spot for the "underdogs" of the animal world, the animals that so many people hate and fear. Snakes are easy to keep compared to high-maintainance animals like dogs, and the older I get, the more I appreciate snakes compared to traditional pets. I find the feel of a snake crawling through my hands to be emotionally and physically relaxing and soothing, actually, and I also find them to be beautiful creatures from an artistic and design perspective.

What other animals do you have?: I still have six dogs, all getting up there in age, two Akita Inus, three Catahoula Leopard Dogs and one American Pit Bull Terrier. I've got four cats, all indoor cats. I keep some 60 or so arachnids, mostly tarantulas and true spiders(I've got a "thing" for Latrodactus) and a few scorpions, as well as American Giant Millipedes and the odd Praying Mantis.
What other hobbies do you enjoy?: I LOVE classic, antique and "muscle" cars and going to car shows! My favorite make of old cars are Studebakers; I have a 1961 Lark V8 Cruiser that's won a few trophies and was ranked #15 on last year's Barrett-Jackson list for Southeastern shows. Haven't been able to get her to any shows this year due to lack of money.

Anything else to add?: I've got two degrees, a Masters in Art Education and a Bachelors in Biology; currently trying to work on a Masters in that as finances and time allow. I was raised traditional Southern Christian Conservative; still am a Christian though I have no issues with the whole "Science vs. Religion" thing. My beliefs would probably shock my grandparents if they were still alive, though. Politically, I've leaned more and more towards Libertarian over the years, as our Constitutional freedoms are one of my biggest priorities. I absolutely DETEST the HSUS and PETA and other "animal rights" groups with every fiber of my being. I have been a teacher for 26 years now.

(Optional) Picture:
Old 06-07-2010, 11:05 AM   #32
Age: 19
Occupation: Snake keeper I don't have a job.
What snakes do you own?: Right now only 8 Ball Pythons and 8 Kenyan Sand Boas. I've kept many species though and love em all!
Why do you keep snakes?: Because I think they are awesome, beautiful, and very interesting. The genetics stuff is cool too.
What other animals do you have?: 3 cats, rats, mice, dubia roaches, fish, tarantulas and Rhacodactylus geckos (Cresteds, Gargoyles, Saras and a Leachianus)
What other hobbies do you enjoy?: Music, reading, video games, movies, hiking
Anything else to add?: Lets see... I'm a people-hating liberal who just wants world peace
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Most recent, not the best though.
Old 06-07-2010, 11:41 AM   #33
Age: 30
Occupation: Full time biology student, ball python breeder, petstore owner.
What snakes do you own?: Many Ball pythons, 1 jungle carpet python, 1 brazilian rainbow boa, 3 kenyan sand boas.
Why do you keep snakes?: I LOVE how easy they are to keep, they are my business, I am fascinated with the genetics and I just think they are really interesting animals.
What other animals do you have?: 1 red foot tortoise, 1 bearded dragon, 1 cat, 1.1 dobermans and 1 chinese crested.
What other hobbies do you enjoy?: Scuba, Surfing, camping, going to see 3-d movies!
Anything else to add?: I have a wonderful daughter who is very smart I am very proud of. I am a christian, registered voter and I love my family!
(Optional) Picture:Not a great one but it is from a few months ago.
Old 06-07-2010, 12:52 PM   #34
Originally Posted by snowgyre View Post
Marc, nice catch you got there! You're lucky being right on the Mississippi flyway. Greater White-fronted Geese are hard to find in Georgia, and our duck hunting isn't nearly as good as yours.

Have you been sent to the Gulf yet? A bunch of people here at the University of Georgia have headed down, but I'm stuck in the office writing a dissertation. Blarg.
I live about 15-20 miles from the Gulf..... I've been volunteering my time doing GIS work.... mainly getting remote sensing data into the GIS so we can track the spill.... but my day job doesnt give me much extra time.....

It's looking pretty bleak down here..... Oil is everywhere... I hope it doesnt screw up next season's duck hunting
Old 06-07-2010, 12:56 PM   #35
Originally Posted by AbsoluteApril View Post
These threads are always fun! Reptile people rock.

Age: 34

Occupation: Team Lead in Customer Service for Packaging Distribution Company

What snakes do you own?: BCi Boa Constrictors (lots!), Amazon Tree Boas (again, lots!) and a few corn snakes for good measure

Why do you keep snakes?: Fascinating, easy to care for and beautiful

What other animals do you have?: 2 leopard geckos and 3 cats

What other hobbies do you enjoy?: Movies, Reading, Video Games, Camping/Hiking, i try to draw when I have time

Anything else to add?: I can be bribed with cheese-its and cake. I also *heart* HULU. Currently debating if I should grow my hair back out.

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I didnt realize Absolute April was such a cutie!!
Old 06-07-2010, 02:17 PM   #36
Age: 27
Occupation: SAHM (stay at home mom)
What snakes do you own?: 2 BPs
Why do you keep snakes?: Mainly bc I'm allergic to all things with fur. I'm actually highly allergic to the rats my snakes eat...
What other animals do you have?: I have 3 kids that morph depending on the mood. One moment they're dogs and the next they're cats.
What other hobbies do you enjoy?: Reading, and wishing. Is that a hobby? I wish I could have more snakes! But there's not much you can do when you have very little space, money and time!
Anything else to add?: I never thought I'd own a snake. But now that I do I can't imagine life without them. I love my snakes almost as much as I love my children.
(Optional) Picture: Once I figure out how to do this I'll add one
Old 06-07-2010, 03:00 PM   #37
Originally Posted by Kaiyudsai View Post
I didnt realize Absolute April was such a cutie!!
She does seem like a XXtra Bubbley person He he!
Old 06-07-2010, 04:00 PM   #38
Originally Posted by tinmantribe5 View Post
She does seem like a XXtra Bubbley person He he!
lol thanks guys! Yeah I'm a bit of a wacko, but in a *good* way!
Old 06-07-2010, 04:22 PM   #39
You are Awsome April!
We are all cooky!
Old 06-07-2010, 05:17 PM   #40
Age: 44

Occupation: underpaid artist

What snakes do you own?:Balls, corns, KSB, MBK, texas rat and western hogs
Why do you keep snakes?: I've always been fascinated with them. As a tot, I brought my mom a "worm", which to her horror was actually a baby rattlesnake. Always wanted a snake, but feeding them live gives me the heebeejeebees. Once I found out they could eat f/t, I finally got a baby corn that promptly died due to mites. I bought a ball python and now I've got loads of them.

What other animals do you have?: Husband, 21 yr old daughter, horses, dogs, cats, tortoise's, blue tongue skinks, frog, rabbits, guinea pigs, 2 African Grey parrots, parakeets and a glass lizard.

What other hobbies do you enjoy?: glass beadmaking, crochet, knit, polymer clay, ceramics, pottery, beadwork

Anything else to add?: DH is retired Air Force after 24 yrs. I was military spouse for 23 of those years and we raised a great military brat. Spent 3 years in Okinawa Japan and DH did Korea, Australia and Afghanistan. DH is now working the civilian sector and I attempt to make and sell my artwork as my bad back and critters allow. Much of my work is donated to various Charity. Some of my designs/items have been published by magazines, calendars and books.

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