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General Legislative Discussions Any general discussion concerning legislative issues or events. Not necessarily specific to a particular region, or even a type of animal group.

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Old 11-21-2011, 08:48 PM   #31
Originally Posted by radera5 View Post
No buddy, that's already happening in case you haven't heard...

Andrew didn't OPEN any doors for bans. He actually seems to be trying to control "how far" the doors are going to open. No one needed any help proposing bans. They supposedly got that help from the nut who let his mammal's out then killed himself. That is when they got real serious about ban talks.
well the thing about that nut that killed himself is the case is being investigated as a homicide. the gun was found 15ft away from his body and there were locks cut of the cages and wholes cut in the fences.
Old 11-22-2011, 12:12 AM   #32
Taking Up Serpents
May we see your source on that? Because it is new to me that is is being investigated as a homicide. Or that it is being kept open at all for that matter; suicides tend to be case closed.
Old 11-22-2011, 07:17 AM   #33
Originally Posted by rodneynboalich View Post
well the thing about that nut that killed himself is the case is being investigated as a homicide. the gun was found 15ft away from his body and there were locks cut of the cages and wholes cut in the fences.
That wasn't really my point though. I was saying because of that incident, be it a suicide or homicide, THAT is what started the serious ban talks. Not Andrew. Andrew didn't open the door there.

See my point?
Old 11-22-2011, 08:31 AM   #34
Originally Posted by radera5 View Post
That wasn't really my point though. I was saying because of that incident, be it a suicide or homicide, THAT is what started the serious ban talks. Not Andrew. Andrew didn't open the door there.

See my point?
yes i see your point ill talk to terry today and see if i can find out more on the case and also see how everything went yesterday. he was meeting with a lot of people yesterday.
Old 11-22-2011, 09:10 PM   #35

I never thought I'd see Americans who actually thought they needed someone else to regulate them; actually telling them what to do and how to do it. Sheeple. At 24 years of age, I now understand why sally-dog uses Google as her source of information. If you had done the hard work, you would have found out that Mr. Wilkins' pet shops have NEVER been cited by any regulatory authority. Obviously his pet shops pass muster with the folks that can shut him down. This information is public record. His "criminal" record is also public. You should try looking this type of information up before bad mouthing someone you obviously only know through a Google search engine. Three days for refusing to PIT tag his daughters turtles. Which, by the way, were not even native to Ohio. As far as owing the government money. Try looking that one up too. Public record. Whistleblower case. Again, doing the right thing, exposing millions in fraud and abuse. Please do your homework before attempting a character assassination on someone you do not know. Leaders, like color bearers, are always the one shot at first. I will attribute your uneducated comments to your youth and ignorance. Please do not expect an ongoing online conversation with me as I have much better things to occupy my time. At the moment it so happens to be stopping proposed exotic regulation in the state of Ohio---without compromise!
Old 11-23-2011, 03:34 AM   #36
I've been to his store (Morse Rd.) on many occasions. Witnessed dead animals in 'vivariums' with dead plants. Witnessed alligators in tanks so small they could not turn around, lying in opaque, shit brown water that they could not get out of (no basking platform). If he wasn't cited for animal neglect *at the least* then that's the fault of the local law enforcement/humane societies, etc. I know that he's been reported to them many times - I called them myself, when I saw the dead animals in the cage.

Maybe at age 24, you need to look into things a bit more before calling people 'sheeple'. I did my homework, by having first hand knowledge of Captive Born Reptiles - via having gone there many times myself. Maybe you need to do more research yourself before speaking about things that *you* don't know anything about.
Old 11-23-2011, 04:01 AM   #37
Originally Posted by Lamprophile View Post
I've been to his store (Morse Rd.) on many occasions. Witnessed dead animals in 'vivariums' with dead plants. Witnessed alligators in tanks so small they could not turn around, lying in opaque, shit brown water that they could not get out of (no basking platform). If he wasn't cited for animal neglect *at the least* then that's the fault of the local law enforcement/humane societies, etc. I know that he's been reported to them many times - I called them myself, when I saw the dead animals in the cage.

Maybe at age 24, you need to look into things a bit more before calling people 'sheeple'. I did my homework, by having first hand knowledge of Captive Born Reptiles - via having gone there many times myself. Maybe you need to do more research yourself before speaking about things that *you* don't know anything about.

The bolded part is what I'm saying. There are no laws in place to state bare minimum requirements in regards to care and housing.

Also, I have been doing reptile demonstrations for the past two years for the public, in an insured and secure venue. I do them every year. The public likes them, and they are curious about them. So, I am doing my part. I may not have been doing it long, but I would like to continue. Perhaps maybe a legislator would like to see my work this year, or hear about my presentations. I try and invite them every year. Several of my town's council people attended. Of course, they do not work at state level, which is what these laws are targeting (entire states).

Saying I have been using Google for my information is silly. Everyone uses it! It led me straight to the firsthand experiences of those who have seen this man's business practices, of which there are several accounts of, from multiple people over the years! What more do I need to know? I know if I had seen the same things (and I have in my own state) going on at a store, I would report it (and I have). These are practices this man can currently get away with given the laws in the state.

And my age? I have done more with animals on a professional level than most people my age. So, I think age has nothing to do with it. That's just grasping for straws.

Anyway, I'm glad I got someone to chime in against me! Looks like they made an account showed up just to post about me! I wonder if Terry set him?
Old 11-23-2011, 08:44 AM   #38
Taking Up Serpents
Let me get this straight

You are 24. You are dead set against any compromises even logical ones set by fellow keepers.
You're still single aren't ya?
Old 11-23-2011, 10:28 AM   #39
The issue is not Terry Wilkens store it is his message.

I have known Terry Wilkens for 27 years. Listen to the message he is against the regulation because there is no reason for more regulation. The public is not is danger in Ohio from exotic animals the states own statistics back that fact up. If people were regularly being attacked by Anacondas on Main Street we would all be in favor of regulation. That is not the case. Terry pointed out that it is far more dangerous to be near a golf course and get hit and injured or killed by a golf ball than by all the exotic animals that exist in Ohio combined.

We would all be safer if cars could not travel faster than 25mph and everyone wore a helmet everywhere they went. All sports were outlawed. No race tracks. No guns. No alcohol. Imagine how safe everyone would be!!
Old 11-23-2011, 12:10 PM   #40
Originally Posted by Taking Up Serpents View Post
You are 24. You are dead set against any compromises even logical ones set by fellow keepers.
You're still single aren't ya?
Are you talking to me, or the other guy? Because I'm totally for logical compromises.

I stated before; I DO agree with his message. However, was he the right person to parade around on a popular radio show? No... and that was the original problem myself and others have had.

I think most keepers agree that the laws on the books (if the State in question has not already dictated such) should be set up to be simple, practical, and easily enforceable. Off the top of my head I can think of a few simple principles that would be of benefit to reptiles, specifically. These things are simple and enforceable, like...

-an adequately sized enclosure for the animal to turn around in and move on and off a heat source,
-a certain number of animals allowed per cage (no overcrowding),
-clear water for animals to drink, soak or swim in,
-a secure locking mechanism on the cage (not bricks, weights or books, as was otherwise stated),
-No gaps or holes in an closure where an animal can find a route to escape,
-and proper protocol and tools for venomous animals.

That's all I can name off the top of my head right now. None of it includes things like microchipping, that some people are worried about. I like the idea of microchipping in states where escaped animals can thrive, but not all animals can be tagged. They have to be over a certain weight and girth, and several species of venomous snakes aren't large enough to be chipped safely.

Most of us all do those things any way, so what's so bad about putting it on the books? The only people who would be punished or reprimanded would be those who cannot, or refuse to follow the most BASIC husbandry requirements?

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