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Lonely Hearts Club Forum Looking for someone with a common interest? Why not go where they hang out? Have fun, but not TOO much fun in here. ONLY members over 18 are welcome here.

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Old 05-31-2006, 01:48 PM   #41
You can find studies to support nearly any view that you choose to take. I'm not about to spend my day looking for it, because in the end you will still find porn to be the downfall of America, and I will still find porn ok so long as it's not in excess.

For you, it may feel it's equivalent to letting another woman into bed with us, for me, it's not even close. Trying to explain to you why I feel that way would be about as useful as banging my head into the wall.

My part in this conversation is at an end. Don't kid yourself that I "skipped over" your post...I read every word, thought about them, and disagree with them being used as a generalisation (they do apply to a small number of people). I just know well enough that nothing I say would change your mind.

To everyone in general: Set the boundaries that are OK for you and your life and stick to them. Don't be a sheep, control your own life. I think as herpers, we all have a general understanding of what it's like to follow your own path.
Old 05-31-2006, 01:53 PM   #42
Why would we allow that into our household? because we are human and some of us want to. a lot of us smoke regardless of the risks to our health. however, how about we all just make Griz here happy? lets just get rid of all porn and give him his utopian world.
Old 05-31-2006, 02:11 PM   #43
Originally Posted by A_Kendergirl
Kudos to you for knowing that not everyone feels the same.
I will second that!!!!

I think I am going to go rent a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 05-31-2006, 02:24 PM   #44
I am all for each and every one of us being able to live our own lives. That is what makes this country so great and I, just like numerous other people on here would do, would die for that right.

Unfortunately, those same rights sometimes goes against what I believe to be morally wrong and out right dangerous. Does that mean that I would dare press those views upon you so that you have no choice but to live by my views? No, not in a million years.

However, my postings were intended to be more thought provoking in nature. I know that none of you will take the time to actually look at the statistics as that would require work and you are not to that point yet. At some point, pornography is going to hit home with you in a very hard way and at that point in time you might just have the inkling to educate yourself. My personal preference is to educate myself BEFORE I fall into dangerous situations but then again, to each his/her own.

Come back and read this thread in a few months and see if you have a different take on it. The fact remains is that your points are very hypocritical in nature and completely uneducated. I do not mean that as a slight. It's simply an observation.

Old 05-31-2006, 02:37 PM   #45
griz, not everybody bases their beliefs on facts. there are many of us that deal in opinion alone. grits taste like watered down cornbread. there that was my opinion. you and others may think theyre delicious. does that make me a hypocrite because i made a decision based on my opinion and not statistical fact? no it doesnt. drugs. drugs are bad (mmkay) and i dont do them. however if other people want to fine by me. as far as the come back in a few months and see if what you say is true well let me say someone was saying exactly the same thing you are now about 20 years ago and it hasnt changed my views so far. oh well time to go to work.
Old 05-31-2006, 02:47 PM   #46
Originally Posted by handsomeRob
griz, not everybody bases their beliefs on facts. there are many of us that deal in opinion alone. grits taste like watered down cornbread. there that was my opinion. you and others may think theyre delicious. does that make me a hypocrite because i made a decision based on my opinion and not statistical fact? no it doesnt. drugs. drugs are bad (mmkay) and i dont do them. however if other people want to fine by me. as far as the come back in a few months and see if what you say is true well let me say someone was saying exactly the same thing you are now about 20 years ago and it hasnt changed my views so far. oh well time to go to work.
Rob, you have proven my point exactly. What good is an opinion when there is no merit to it's foundation? None, that's my point.

Old 05-31-2006, 02:48 PM   #47
Originally Posted by Griz

However, my postings were intended to be more thought provoking in nature. .
Thought and open debate is what makes each of us strong, and I would hope that each of you will feel free to continue to post your opinions in a mature and non abusive manner.

I have already said that I do not, personally, look at porn. However, I feel that morality in thought and speech should not in general be legislated, and that the choices are up to the individual.

These sorts of debates allow each of us to examine, or re examine, what is important in our lives and for this reason alone, the well thought out posts in this thread are valuable to all who read them.
Old 05-31-2006, 03:08 PM   #48
Originally Posted by lucille
Thought and open debate is what makes each of us strong, and I would hope that each of you will feel free to continue to post your opinions in a mature and non abusive manner.

I have already said that I do not, personally, look at porn. However, I feel that morality in thought and speech should not in general be legislated, and that the choices are up to the individual.

These sorts of debates allow each of us to examine, or re examine, what is important in our lives and for this reason alone, the well thought out posts in this thread are valuable to all who read them.
Let me add one brief comment to this. I do not want anyone here to think I am sitting back in my cushioned office chair and judging you. Truth be told, when I assess who I call friends and who I do not, there is a lot more to a decision then this one simple subject. I respect most all of you for various reasons, most of which is due to the input you have made on so many posts in years past.

I do not want anyone to walk away from this thread thinking that Griz, he's such a such and such. I believe pornography is wrong and that it ruins lives. Plain and simple. You guys obviously have other feelings towards this. What I want is for each of you to intellectually think through the pornography issue, study the statistics, and it is my hope that you will come away rather perplexed at how large of an issue it really is.

Shanti enjoys some porn in her life. So be it. But, it's the pathway that pornography leads us down and the millions of lives it has affected that I want you to be aware of. Do not stick your head in the sand or simply walk away from the thread because you feel like your points are not getting through. I am hearing your points but they are emotional points not logical one's.

Anyways, if nothing else, I hope this has led to some additional insights.

Old 05-31-2006, 03:22 PM   #49
Originally Posted by Griz

I do not want anyone to walk away from this thread thinking that Griz, he's such a such and such. I believe pornography is wrong and that it ruins lives. Plain and simple. You guys obviously have other feelings towards this. What I want is for each of you to intellectually think through the pornography issue, study the statistics, and it is my hope that you will come away rather perplexed at how large of an issue it really is.

Anyways, if nothing else, I hope this has led to some additional insights.



I hope also, as I have taken time to consider your thoughts, that you have taken time to consider mine. While legislating actions are one thing, one point I have tried to bring forth in all this is that in speech and thought, choice can be more appropriate than legislation;
and in fact, in my opinion, a studied choice creates people who are stronger than those who obey by rote.

There will always be temptation. There will always be right and wrong. And the line between right and wrong is often not easy to determine.
The easy way to deal with hard choices is to cover them up, throw a tablecloth over them and pretend they are not there. By not facing our difficult choices, we prevent the opportunity for growth.
Thought and choice, either way one decides, that is the way to go, in my opinion.
Old 05-31-2006, 04:01 PM   #50
Lucille, don't ever let it be said that I do not appreciate who you are. I do. While I will vehemently disagree with certain decisions, where minors are brought in, I do respect you and most of your decisions. Always have.


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