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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 01-30-2007, 03:32 PM   #41
Chameleon Company
Look, now you are parsing words, going well out of context, bringing in the kitchen sink, etc etc. Your post resembles something my ex-wife would say, BTW. I will address it one time for you.

You wanted an explanation of "Brian did not initiate this". "This" would be the BOI thread by Wes. Wes could have responded to Brian in the thread where Brian posted. Does that make sense ?

You ask: "Brian was a non entity on fauna for two months and pretty much starts back right at Wes. No if ands or buts. I don't see were Wes attacked Brian do you?"

That they have an ongoing feud is no surprise, as Wes has many such feuds. Brian came at Wes, round #1000 of their feud if need be. Wes is not being criticised for a response to Brian in the thread where Brian chose to berate Wes. Wes chose to make the retaliatory BOI thread. He has now been roundly chastised for it. BTW, Wes was a voluntary participant in the other thread, voluntarily antagonizing Dand and others. His comments there are fair game to anyone, within the rules, positive or negative, notwithstanding prior disagreements or disputes. I happen to think that Brian was right-on-the-money. Wes has swooped in on many threads in the exact same manner. Wes is now piling up the dings, as many have decided that he has not played by the rules.

If you can't see the difference between "Wes, the joke" in a post, vs. all that Wes has been dinged and criticised for here, then I may not be able to help you. Some banter is allowed Michael. Might I suggest reading the rules again as posted by Rich 10 days ago. If that doesn't do it, read the warning comments that Wes received by clicking on his warning points.

"Do the rules not apply to you (meaning me)", Lucille's poll, and other lingering issues ....... sorry, can't help you out there. There's probably a host of ex-wives out there who might want to commiserate with you ..... look to Google maybe.
Old 01-30-2007, 03:46 PM   #42
Originally Posted by Wilomn
I'm sort of curious about that myself.

He's done this before. He makes a statement about how I lie, then goes off on tangents but never really says what it is I lied about.
Wanting out of Fauna soooo bad then saying you would never go back even if a ban was lifted then run back. Bold faced lie on your half.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
YOU fester, lied when you changed MY words to suit your needs. YOU fester, lied when you deleted MY threads because you didn't like the content, which was universally decided to be acceptable in the forum in which it was posted.
No you just out right broke the rules just like you are doing now. It was said "NO PERSONAL ATTACKS yet you thought you would be all cute and try and sneak one in. You got caught and did what you usually do with "someone is picking on poor me" and "the world is against wes" crap. Got news for you. The world as a whole could care a less if you cried a river of self sorrow. You and YOU cause points and edits of your posts by always breaking the rules. It is a well known pattern and one I am sure many are about fed up with at this point in time.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
Then there's the big one. You SAY you like, or was it love, I don't recall exactly at the moment, trannies. Then you say you didn't really mean it. Hmmmmm. Sounds pretty much like you got busted during your "screw anything with big boobs phase," one for which you are WELL known, and is most likely ongoing, then when you found out she was a he you got all embarrassed.

Whose fault it that? You're the one who touts himself as a womanizer, a user of the fairer sex. So you got fooled. You expect sympathy? From me?

You're a lying scumbag fester, you have been for a long time and I expect you always will be.

You don't like me because I pick on you for your stands, because I am NOT like you and you think you are some sort of gift, you hit on anything that moves whereas I take a pass, you have a reputation for being an ass, you have a reputation for liking men's asses and, the big one, I'm honest and you don't like that either.
I could provide a retort of similar and even worse mannerisms of wes but being the better person I won't. No need to sinking to a slimy level of lies and slander as wes has. BTW thanks for the much needed ammunition wes. My lawyer loves you sooo much now.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
I think you think I'm a better man than you and that that is what drives you to attempt to smear my name. It's just to make you feel better about feeling inferior to me; which is foolhardy at least and bloody stupid at best.
Fact of the matter is I know I am the "better man" due to the fact I refuse to sink down to your levels.. Thanks for the much needed incite into the real wes. I am sure plenty of newbies will see exactly how you are from your words and avoid you. So much for putting any knowledge that may or may not be in your head to good use helping someone new out now huh??

Now I am sure you will go on in some spill about something you make up in your mind but I am 100% offically done with wes. Sure I will answer other members to the best of my ability, but wes will be on that ever important ignore feature since he has zero to offer in the form of proof or substance.
Old 01-30-2007, 03:51 PM   #43
OMG, I was not going to write on this thread anymore, just read but this last one you wrote Jim is too funny!

round #1000 of their feud
Is that what round it is?

a host of ex-wives out there who might want to commiserate with you
I am the ex and hold no sympathy

I have to say, Jim, I think you sometimes add to the drama, but this last post was great and funny, gave me a good laugh anyway
Old 01-30-2007, 03:54 PM   #44
Ok, I rarely post anywhere anymore, but some of you here still know me, and know I'm pretty quiet on all fronts. I don't like getting into the middle of stuff like this, but I feel I do need to say what I remember from TRR. I am a mod over there, and remember being mad about Brian editing posts that Wes made in the 'bar and grill' I believe it was.

Wes had posted a story with pictures, as a joke. Rozann has already mentioned the story in one of her above posts. Brian took offense to this post, as in a roundabout way made fun of him. He did edit the post w/o following the rules set for mods/admins by the owner of TRR. He says he didn't have time to add an 'edited by bcfos'. I believe he should have moved the entire thread at that point until he did have time. JMO though. Brian also didn't take the time to copy EXACTLY what Wes had posted, which is another requirement for editing someone's post. Brian then decided when several people complained about his methods to 'fix' the post back to its 'original' text. However, instead of saying he screwed up, he just did this from memory. What made me question this at the time is he used the wrong name. Wes had used a semi-generic "Brian" in the post, and when Brian 're-edited' the post, he used 'foster.' I remember being amused at the story Wes had posted and his way of getting around the 'don't poke fun at mods/admins type of rule, by using Brian instead of Foster, or bcfos, as Brian is a fairly common name. I have a couple of PM's between myself and another TRR member I went to look at to refresh my memory of this whole episode. I also remember being very peeved that Brian was in theory lying to the members at TRR, as well as his fellow mods/admins, as it took him a bit to say what had happened. The PM's I have are from Sept. 7th, 2006, so my memory may be a bit off, but in my opinion/memory, this is what happened.

I'm not sure why all of this has been brought up again, nor do I care currently. I do have one quote I saw the other day for both of you to think about.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”. ~Henry David Thoreau

Now, after reading that, is all of this bickering REALLY worth it?
Old 01-30-2007, 04:01 PM   #45
Originally Posted by jenn_jeffery
Ok, I rarely post anywhere anymore, but some of you here still know me, and know I'm pretty quiet on all fronts. I don't like getting into the middle of stuff like this, but I feel I do need to say what I remember from TRR. I am a mod over there, and remember being mad about Brian editing posts that Wes made in the 'bar and grill' I believe it was.

Wes had posted a story with pictures, as a joke. Rozann has already mentioned the story in one of her above posts. Brian took offense to this post, as in a roundabout way made fun of him. He did edit the post w/o following the rules set for mods/admins by the owner of TRR. He says he didn't have time to add an 'edited by bcfos'. I believe he should have moved the entire thread at that point until he did have time. JMO though. Brian also didn't take the time to copy EXACTLY what Wes had posted, which is another requirement for editing someone's post. Brian then decided when several people complained about his methods to 'fix' the post back to its 'original' text. However, instead of saying he screwed up, he just did this from memory. What made me question this at the time is he used the wrong name. Wes had used a semi-generic "Brian" in the post, and when Brian 're-edited' the post, he used 'foster.' I remember being amused at the story Wes had posted and his way of getting around the 'don't poke fun at mods/admins type of rule, by using Brian instead of Foster, or bcfos, as Brian is a fairly common name. I have a couple of PM's between myself and another TRR member I went to look at to refresh my memory of this whole episode. I also remember being very peeved that Brian was in theory lying to the members at TRR, as well as his fellow mods/admins, as it took him a bit to say what had happened. The PM's I have are from Sept. 7th, 2006, so my memory may be a bit off, but in my opinion/memory, this is what happened.

I'm not sure why all of this has been brought up again, nor do I care currently. I do have one quote I saw the other day for both of you to think about.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”. ~Henry David Thoreau

Now, after reading that, is all of this bickering REALLY worth it?
Actually Jenn, the name I used, if I recall correctly was brAIn, as in grey matter between ones ears, not brian.

The shoe fit foster so well that he put it on and ran ran ran all over TOS with it, editing my words to make brAIn look better in brIAn's opinion.
Old 01-30-2007, 04:07 PM   #46
I don't think that Wes saying in the past that he would never post on Fauna again, and then him changing his mind makes him a liar. I have said the same thing in the past and also changed my mind. I don't feel that makes me (or Wes) liars, it just means that we are humans that change our minds sometimes as time passes by.

You know, I remember lots of people saying lots of things about Rich and Fauna over in the War Room back several months/years ago. Of course, there is no more War Room so there is no way for someone like me to see who said what, but I can promise you Wes wasn't the only one Brian.
Old 01-30-2007, 04:08 PM   #47
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
Trying to not bust a gut at Wes's above post

In all seriousness:

Wes has a well documented long-term history in the BOI of making personal attacks against those he disagrees with. He's been banned for it, allowed back in, and now is accumulating warning points faster than any other member once again.
Very solid well documented point. The guy just doesn't take the whole authority figure or rules thing seriously on forums. It is always a how far can I bend it till it breaks mentallity that causes problems. And trust me I know... I was once one of those who did the very same thing. Looking back at old posts here I can now say to myself "well that was a stupid thing to say or do". And don't get me wrong I still have it in me, just control it better than before. I think that is called maturaty.

Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
Wes gets dinged by Dand, a deserved ding as others did likewise, yet Dand ads the braggadocio. A valid issue of debate and criticism, which it receives. Yet Wes decides to talk about Dands past marital issues, frequently asking how Dand's wife is.
Which has no business being on a forum like this in the first place. As far as I know Dand's wife is not a member. This is like member 12587 posting their mother died and member 1478 coming on the post later and posting "good". Just not something that should be on a herp forum. As for Dand "dinging" him I was under the impression a member and a mod with past "troubles" the mod should avoid conflict with said member and not "ding" them. After getting Rich's insite into it I can see where said mod would be at a distinct dis-advantage to that member. This method of moderation seems to work fine here so why fix what isn't broken. The key is the moderator has not stooped to wes's level and kept it rather professional. That takes a lot and I totally respect that.

Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
In a thread where Wes is posting the petty antagonistic barbs at Dand's personal life, Brian decides to fire a salvo back, as despite the plethora of warnings, Wes hadn't gotten the hint to shut-up, and was still parading as the fool. Rather than respond in kind there, Wes decides that a BOI thread calling Brian a liar is appropriate. A boatload of additional warning points to Wes, and the thread being moved to the BS froum where it belongs, and we want to equate all as being the legitimate expectations of feuds, or tit for tats, or that all are on the same level.

I missed the part where David was antagonizing Wes about his last marital breakup !! I missed the part where Brian was starting BOI threads about Wes being a liar !! Brian replies in a thread with the title that he is a liar, claiming that Wes has also lied in his opinion, and its stooping to Wes's level ? Wes's difficulties with the truth are already documented. Wes started a BOI thread calling someone a liar in the header out of vengeance. What Wes has shown time and time again is that once confronted at his level, he cannot joust there, but has to take it to a new lower level, as he did with David and Brian. The only thing Wes is capable of being an architect of is continued childish stupidity, as once again he demonstrated above.
The levels wes tends to be able to stoop down to are rather mind boggling. But it is true he can't seem to take it on one level if you care to joust with him. It is always taken down more. Personally I have my limits, but wes seems to have none. I say only what I can provide documented backing for, he doesn't. Though the guy has a rather large imagination.. But I highly doubt being civil is part of that.
Old 01-30-2007, 04:11 PM   #48
Gary O
Originally Posted by KelliH
I don't think that Wes saying in the past that he would never post on Fauna again, and then him changing his mind makes him a liar. I have said the same thing in the past and also changed my mind. I don't feel that makes me (or Wes) liars, it just means that we are humans that change our minds sometimes as time passes by.

You know, I remember lots of people saying lots of things about Rich and Fauna over in the War Room back several months/years ago. Of course, there is no more War Room so there is no way for someone like me to see who said what, but I can promise you Wes wasn't the only one Brian.

Just for the record. The war room is still around. It is just taken down. I know you know this Kelli. Just letting everyone else know.
Old 01-30-2007, 04:17 PM   #49
Originally Posted by KelliH
I don't think that Wes saying in the past that he would never post on Fauna again, and then him changing his mind makes him a liar. I have said the same thing in the past and also changed my mind. I don't feel that makes me (or Wes) liars, it just means that we are humans that change our minds sometimes as time passes by.

You know, I remember lots of people saying lots of things about Rich and Fauna over in the War Room back several months/years ago. Of course, there is no more War Room so there is no way for someone like me to see who said what, but I can promise you Wes wasn't the only one Brian.

Yet he was the only one to say he never lies..

Originally Posted by Wilomn
A lie is a lie. If it is not a lie, then it is not a lie.

There is NO such thing as telling a lie that is NOT, by definition, a LIE.
Direct quote from wes from the war room. Now by that rational wouldn't saying how bad one was treated and never wanting to return then hopping back when a ban was lifted be a lie? Yep sure would. This coming from a guy who "never lies". I can just see how a date would go with a partner who never lies. Woman "Does this make me look fat?" wes "Fat like a pig in a blanket".. Wonder how exactly that date would end huh???
Old 01-30-2007, 04:20 PM   #50
Originally Posted by KelliH
I don't think that Wes saying in the past that he would never post on Fauna again, and then him changing his mind makes him a liar. I have said the same thing in the past and also changed my mind. I don't feel that makes me (or Wes) liars, it just means that we are humans that change our minds sometimes as time passes by.

You know, I remember lots of people saying lots of things about Rich and Fauna over in the War Room back several months/years ago. Of course, there is no more War Room so there is no way for someone like me to see who said what, but I can promise you Wes wasn't the only one Brian.
I, too, have gotten angry in the past and said stuff like that, even to Rich but things settle it passes and so does the anger. It is not lying, it is changing ones mind. Just re-accessing and acting accordingly again.

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