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Old 01-19-2005, 11:15 PM   #41
Matt as usual you don't have your facts staight and posts are only showing a trend with you. The only time you post is to harass and bash Chameleon Paradise without offering any REAL proof to substantiate your accusations. In fact why is it that YOU are the ONLY one that has a problem with Chameleon Paradise and you have never done any business with Chameleon Paradise. Why is it that you were banned on Kingsnake? I can answer that one for you. It's because of your ongoing harassment against Chameleon Paradise. Your a grown man playing kids games, I'm sure you have something more constructive to do then harass others without knowing any facts or details.

Old 01-20-2005, 02:12 AM   #42
Chris Anderson

You posted that they were stolen, what evidence do you have that it was John or Lane? I have no prior knowledge of this situation, I've not spoken to ANY of the parties involved so I do not know what the truth is or either sides stories or claims, I'm posting based on what you've posted and thats it.

BTW, I'm still waiting for a responce to your claims about the "Indio" chameleon farms (see the chameleon forum)...

For anyone that needs to see what type of person Matt is, here is an exchange of emails he and I had. Enjoy the read, I believe it shows the low life this individual is. Decide for yourself:

"<From : matt jillson <>
Sent : Sunday, November 14, 2004 2:37 PM
To :

Lets cut the bs man. Brought you up without merit? You act all surprised that your name could have been brought up when you were the one to author that whole post about Ivan, Jim and I. At least have the balls to stick by what you've done you coward. Don't insult my intelligence by denying it either as John Lucas' reading and writing level is well below average at the very best. This point is clearly obvious to anyone with a pulse. I wondered why you were even posting seeing you've never bought from those guys or us. Then it donned on me the real reason. You've been trying desperately to establish yourself as a "Chameleon persona" through your little Internet book reports, your "cool" connection to Adcham and trying to get the Database off the launching pad. Then it became even more obvious since if that thread was say just about me you would have never been involved but because of Ivan being some way a part of it you've made it a point to jump in: you fear and are jealous of Ivan and his success. This is why you've decided to author John's initial Fauna posts and to dissect an email to Dennis where I purposely worded it hard because I knew he would forward it right off to John and "The Gerg". Through all your "hard" work of regurgitating things you've read in fancy books, helping setting up neat websites with "swirling logos" or whatever and trying to associate yourself with good things in the industry (the Database) you still can't hold a candle to Ivan - and it is KILLING you. Sure, I am pretty positive Ivan's take on the "legal"Parsonii adds fuel to the fire. But, it must smart that he doesn't have to go around in KS or any other forums for that matter as "The Brain" or the "Chameleon Cop" trying to prove his worth and people still respect the heck out of him much more than they will ever respect you and that must be tearing you apart when you are trying so hard be a "Chameleon cool guy".

Chris, Chris, Chris, we are going to have to start calling you the "Ulterior Motive Man". You can be like a super hero or something, I mean you do posses the "super power" of being able to cut and paste sections of emails and present them out of context as well as retain info someone else has fed you so why not assign you a secret hero name as well? Although I think the "secret" about the secret hero thing is that you flop around in the mud just like the rest of us. I mean lets look at it: you can masquerade around during the day as a Cornell student (nice to see the Ivy Leagues admits dumb asses too, or should I say allow to be paid off by rich families) but at night you can patrol the internet trying to disseminate information either someone has told you, you read in a book or on Adcham trying to seem like a good guy but in actuality just trying to stroke your own ego. It is a perfect marriage of idiot to lost cause.

Don't think because Dad shelled out money for you to go to Madagascar and he and your girlfriend bought you a Parson's that automatically makes you someone of importance. Sorry Chris but you've got to earn respect, buying your way into a hobby just waters down your position among the real people that are successful in it. Roll up your sleeves and jump in the **** and earn knowledge by working with the animals for the long term not regurgitating info that someone else busted their ass to figure out the hard way. I've been into Chameleons since you were jerking off to Victoria's Secert catalogs, if you want respect you've got to earn it. I mean the more and more I look at this you just seem to be a parasite to me, living off of other people's good ideas and knowledge.

Maybe what you should do is keep that dog "The Gerg" on a shorter leash and these facts won't get brought up again because it seems every time she gets involved it just makes all of you guys look to be buffoons by associating your name with her's. But hey man, you tried to reap the wind and now you'll reap the whirlwind - don't think that this won't be brought up every time you stick you nose in where it doesn't belong. Ivan and I didn't bother responding to your little opus because we didn't need to. From what I can see and what you still fail to realize is that it lacked the "meat and potatoes" to make it a valid BOI thread. I challenge you to find 1 instance where Ivan or I provided any animal that wasn't in tip top condition as well as being one of the best examples of their local. Bottom line is you won't because we only produce the best, something you might want to take note of since you have failed to produce anything except a fancy book report. In fact I don't think you have one original thought or project of your own seeing as how everything you are associated with was the brain child of someone else - hence your designation of being a parasite. Well, "Ulterior Motive Man" I think I just about tied up all the loose ends here. Feel free to keep posting on the Fauna thing since it just makes us look good and you and your posse look bad. I kept this out of fauna to grant you a little respect and save you face from people connecting the dots about who you really are but feel free to do another of your fancy cut and pastes jobs if you feel it is necessary and believe me that is when the real fun will begin.

Take care,
Matt >"

"From: Chris Anderson <>
Subject: Chameleon dispute
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 19:12:18 -0500

Ivan, I've Cced you this so there is no question of what was said about you during this dispute, I'm not trying to put you in the middle of it, I'm trying to make sure you are aware of what is being said about you behind your back. I've included Matts full original message below.


Good to hear from ya, its a shame we don't talk more ya know!

Yes, you brought me up without merit, without any proof, without any information, you simply affiliating me with something you know nothing about my association with on a thread that was completely unrelated. If you're going to make claims about me having authored that post, you need to come up with something other than the level of writing was above John Lucas' and therefore must have been me (although I appreciate that you feel my reading and writing ability is above average). I make no hesitations about saying what I think and standing behind my actions which is more than I can say for people who have to set up aliases to do it. You're right that I've never purchased animals from any of the people of that thread. I didn't post there as friends either. For one thing, Lane and I are not what I'd consider friends with the flame wars we've gotten into on kingsnake in the past, we don't talk. I posted based on my reaction and feelings about the situation. I've always concerned myself with the sustainability and stability of the chameleon trade and wild chameleons. The behavior that I saw from you is fundamentally contrary to encouraging captive breeding efforts and I felt you overstepped bounds that need not be an issue. I posted in disagreement with the ethics presented by you and your partners, not how I felt about any of you previously. I've since exchanged emails with both Ivan and Jim about the situation and have personally decided that I hold no fault to them over this other than allowing you to sign their names as well. My involvement was unrelated to Ivan's association with the issue. I've known Ivan for years, we've worked together on forums and I respect him for his efforts and contributions. I do not fear him in any way nor am I jealous and I honestly think your logic is hilarious. I've actually never thought of any secret competition between Ivan and I and I never passed judgment on him based on his opinions on captive parsonii. You can make comments about the E-Zine, the Database or my posting on forums all day long but it doesn't change anything. All of my efforts to help the chameleon community and provide solid information are for my interest in the animals only and if you feel intimidated by it for some reason enough to go off with your labels of me, it seems self evident to me that you're the one who has jealousy and/or fear issues.

Matt, Matt, Matt, I've got my own names for you too buddy but the fact is, I'm not going to lower myself. Getting down to your level would take a lot of effort and you simply aren't worth it to me. For the record though, Cornell didn't admit me because they got paid off by any rich family, in fact they're provided me with large research grants for me to come. Cute attempt to strike a nerve with me though, its not working however, I really could care less what you think about that kind of stuff.

And Matt hits another all time low by actually being presumptuous enough to assume that my dad bought my parsonii for me and that we went to Madagascar so I could play with the big boys. Matt, I'm not looking for your respect, I don't want it and quite frankly, you look so ridiculous that I'm having a hard time not laughing about you lecturing me like some hotshot. I've never claimed to be an expert, I don't think there are any with chameleons. I've been keeping and breeding chameleons for years now and all my efforts to improve their plight in captivity and the wild has been out of my interest in them, not money or ego like yourself. Those efforts have put me in whatever category of respect they have with various people based on the job I've done helping people, being a successful keeper and breeder and based on my experience with chameleons and if you're jealous over my "image" as you've perceived it, you've got problems that no chameleon is going to be able to help you with. You have no idea how long I've been doing this and your accusations that I just showed up and started using other people's thunder are gloriously amusing to me.

Matt, you can bring these ideas of yours about me out in public whenever you want. You look completely ridiculous about it all though and your logic is full of holes. You act like my association with Lane, Vince, John and Dennis in that thread indicates like I have, want or desire any control or affiliation over their own business which is completely bogus. As I said, you don't concern me and I don't really care what you try to say to make me look bad cause its all a bunch of crap.



"At 02:46 AM 11/15/2004 +0000, you wrote:
It is a shame, but I think we both know that had this never been brought up it wouldn't have made a difference anyways. Ah Chris, where do I start? I'll begin with you still being a coward and not fessing up to authoring that post. First, you need not admit it to me because I know you don't have the gumption for that but don't lie again and think you are fooling anybody. If you are above it, my advice is to just drop it, as I know it was you. It was too bad for you though that you didn't have "the troops" to go after us like you thought you did initially. My final conclusions aren't based on assumptions either just so you don't think I am just one hell of a guesser. As for your writing level, yes, you have the ability to type a concise thought, which is a rare ability among Internet circles, but lets not pat ourselves on the back too much. I have no problem giving credit where credit is due even if I dislike a person but you are not Emerson's second coming.

As for bringing you up, with merit I might add, you can thank your buddy "The Gerg" for that. Anytime that thread you put together comes up you'll be one of the first people mentioned in my response if I see it is necessary to do so - have no doubt in that. And that goes double for V___. Hahaha, I love that name for him, it has a really good summing up quality. Regardless if you are on friendly terms with Lane or not, it makes no difference to me. She is just about as close to functionally crazy as one can get so if you want to play with a snake that is your business but remember by throwing your lot in with her you get dragged down with her. So another bit of advice from me to you is to tell her to double check with you or John or whoever before she puts out a post as it just ends up making all of you as a group look bad.

As for my "lecturing" of you, it wasn't a lecture my friend. You wanted me to email you so I did. I felt it was time you know what I think about your bs since you like going around acting like you are being unfoundedly attacked. I could also care less about the things you are trying to do with the E-zine, the Database, ect and whether you believe it or not I hope you are successful in those endeavors because I think they are good things for the hobby. It is just too bad that they have someone such as yourself running or co-managing them as you lack any type of interesting vision that would actually get people excited about these projects. But, if you need something to validate that statement look at the lack of interest in these projects since the beginning of your involvement with them. The E-zine used to be something people would eagerly await before your involvement. Now, most people don't even realize a new issue is out or even care which is too bad because I think the other people associated with running it are sharp individuals and I believe if you stepped aside and allowed someone with imagination to run the show things would turn around quite quickly. I won't even really get into the Database as I think deep down you know what a spectacular flop that was which is really too bad as it was a great idea that just lacked proper vision. You see Chris, there is really nothing to fear or be jealous of when you are concerned and that is because there is nothing about you that is admirable. You aren't a breeder but rather a keeper, you ended up getting your pops and girlfriend to buy you a couple Parson's, nothing too hard or self sacrificing about that and you have this strange ability to take something successful and single handily run it into the ground. That is a pretty impressive resume.

As for your take on your concern "with the sustainability and stability of the chameleon trade and wild chameleons", again with the jokes. What would Ardi say Chris? I'll tell you, she'd say you are full of it just like she did before. If your goal was really as righteous as you claim you would have never got people to buy you those Parson's as you and I both know, although again you don't have the balls to admit it, those animals aren't legal CB animals. They came from smuggled stock that was successfully bred but the ends don't justify the means. Please stop making these false claims that you are trying to help the hobby because in the end you are just merely a parasite living off of the real people that are sustaining it through breeding success, like myself and others that have proven history of success with the animals. Your need not to "lower yourself" by coming up with clever names for me isn't needed btw as you make well up for it in the walking contradiction that is Chris Anderson. Besides that what clever names could you possibly think up for me? "Badass Breeder", "Mr. Keeps His Chameleons Alive" or "Captain Success"? What could you really say about me other than I have a big mouth and plenty of opinions? At least I have the balls to back up what I say which is something you can never say about yourself because in the end money can't buy a backbone Cochise. I will be the first to admit that might be one of my biggest faults though, allowing myself to get pulled into this stuff but I do it because of I have a tough time biting my lip when I see horse **** and unfortunately you and your buddies of John, "The Gerg" and V___ love shoveling heaps of it around. But anyways, the premier of the Simpsons is on, almost forgot but thank goodness for Tivo, and I've "invested" enough time delving into your failures and contradictions. I have no intention of making a BOI post about you but I wanted to make it clear if you wanted to pursue it by all means go ahead. I also see really no reason for you to reply as I think you can try to come up with lame excuses all night why you think you are worth something slightly higher than piss and me coming back around with slam dunks everytime.

Take care,

"From: Chris Anderson <>
To: "matt jillson" <>
Subject: RE: Chameleon dispute
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 17:33:06 -0500


You clearly have no idea what you are talking about with regard to my involvement with that post. I don't know what it is you are even getting at or trying to accomplish by attempting to affiliate me with writing it but, whatever, you obviously enjoy making empty accusations devoid of any fact or evidence. In my opinion, that post showed you for exactly what you are, a money hungry, egotistical fool and my posting in response was to express that I agreed with the opinion based on your actions and that I disagreed with your ethics.

As far as throwing in my lot with Lane, that is not exactly true, I threw my lot in against you which doesn't do me any harm because the vast majority of the individuals I want any association with don't think much of you past having some good breeding stock. I have no contact with Lane, no interest in backing or bashing her, my only priority was to show you for what you are, pathetic and money hungry.

If you honestly think the E-Zine and Database are good for the hobby, I invite you to make constructive suggestions on articles of interest for the E-Zine, formatting and system improvements for the database, etc.If you have some good ideas, I'd be happy to listen but so far all you've put forward is crap against me being in a position you wish you were.

As far as running the E-Zine into the ground, that couldn't be further from the truth! The number of visits daily and the number of countries visiting have both increased since Bill, Don and Ken asked me to take over for them. We get large volumes of emails complementing us on the issues and many anxiously awaiting future issues. As far as people knowing when issues are released and having interest, you once again are just blowing hot air cause I have daily stats which show otherwise but you can believe whatever you want, I'm going to continue to bring the cham community exactly what they are asking me for until I feel I cannot do so effectively or until I find someone I think would do a better job. If you have article suggestions or ideas about interesting directions, I'd be happy to hear them and if applied, publicly credit you for your great ideas but if not, please don't waste my time.

The Database has not taken off to date like we have been hoping. The issue is not with poor management or vision, it due to the fact that nothing of this type has ever been successfully accomplished with chameleons to date and it is taking time to perfect the system so that it becomes something people are not intimidated about participating in. You'll be happy to know however that we have been talking with a number of large scale breeders about their thoughts and we are in the process of implementing the feedback we got from them which, we anticipate will help this project get off the ground! If you have suggestions regarding improvements, please do send them too cause as you said, it truly is a great project and its a shame you didn't participate or offer suggestions.

Once again, your really showing how good you are at making empty statements based on only your own ignorance, I may not be a mass breeder of a single species like you but I have bred more species than you've probably ever seen. Just because I've never become obsessed with money and tried to cash in on as much cash as I can doesn't mean I've not been successful but since you've only been around for a few years, you'd have no idea about some of the successful breedings I've had over the past 8 or 9 years. My girlfriend was nice enough to purchase me a parsonii and I then purchased a mate for it but once again, you have no point other than you wish you had the exposure to stuff that I've been fortunate enough to get.

Ardi is against all chameleons in captivity and their export from their country of origin, she'd tell you exactly the same thing as me, that we are both part of the ultimate problem, not the solution until all export has been stopped. Again, what is your point?

You really have absolutely no idea about parsonii or the animals from NERD. You can speculate all night long but the fact of the matter is, they have CITES documents and underwent an investigation by the FWS and CITES which determined that the animals did in fact come from a legal source of animals imported prior to the ban. Unless you can show otherwise, you once again are blowing hot air and I'm going to put a certain faith in the abilities of the FWS and CITES to do their job as they have. As far as my claims that I'm trying to help the hobby, I've done considerably more to promote awareness and captive breeding efforts than you have and having you provide a commentary on my efforts is laughable.

Finally, you hardly have any type of balls if your measure is backing up what you say Matt, I mean the Sheriff, i mean DDMadson, etc., so until you can accurately say that you stand behind your statements, as far as I'm concerned you have balls the size of a tic tac. I too have long been known as extremely opinionated and I've always have been counted on to put forth what I think without hesitation. The bottom line is, you hide behind aliases while I post what I think with my own name and have never done anything differently.

Since you obviously have nothing factual to say and are only interested in stroking your cock as you up talk yourself for little to no reason, I'm going to put this aside and not bother responding to any more of these emails from you. If you can get around your ignorance and actually come up with anything factual to discuss, we'll have something to talk about but so far all you've done is go on about your baseless and false colorful theories and proven yourself an egotistical, money hungry, fat piece of **** and I have no interest continuing any of this with you.



"From: "matt jillson" <>
Subject: RE: Chameleon dispute
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 07:32:35 +0000


Well, I think one of the few things we can agree on is that we dislike each other for one reason or another. I could go all week ripping you apart but I think I’ll just let it go. I will say two last things before I delve into something new for you to think about. First, little do you know but not only am I “Captain Success” with Panthers but I have been successful with Veileds, Jackson’s, Montiums, and even your beloved Hoenelli. That includes being able to successfully reproduce them as well although I will say that I have bred most of these species only a couple times before getting out of them due to time issues they require. Panthers are just easier to deal with for years versus these guys and throw out far more color variation. I played with a Lateralis or two and a Quad but they were all in really bad shape once they came to me so they didn't last longer than 6 months. The one species that really interests me that success in the long term and breeding still eludes me are the Merus. They are one of my favorites because of thier colors and unsual looks. The small colony I once had were all fresh WC animals and I think I might have jumped in too deep to fast. So, I’d say that I’ve easily kept more species for the long term and have been able to breed them than you probably ever will and I am not much older than you.

Now, the last point I’ll make before letting all this go is since you are such a “proof” oriented guy and still lack the proper backbone to admit when you’ve been caught, were is your proof that I am either “The Sheriff” or Madson? In fact I am so sure that you won’t be able to find one shred of it that here is a suggestion: why don’t you petition Webslave to give you the ISP code from all his posts? I think that will tell the tale quite fine. As you’ll see, not one of his posts on KS or Fauna will match my address. So there you go Cochise, another great idea given to you by someone else. Now that we are on that subject you asked for constructive ideas for not only the E-zine but the Database too and I’ll give you one that will encompass both that might actually get people interested in checking out both. On a side note before I start, I think you are misinterpreting the hits you are receiving as interest in what you are doing but rather it most likely is the work done previous to your involvement. Also, don't use the crutch of "it is something new" to explain the lack of interest in the Database because that is most certainly not it either. A good idea is a good idea and unfortunatly you guys had a great idea that you poorly exectued. Approaching the big breeders like the Kammers or Nozaki should have been the very first thing you did before going live with the site not an after thought. You have no one to blame but yourselves in the failure the Database which is too bad because it was really a great idea. Again, no backbone to own up to what you've done - I'm starting to see a pattern here Chris. Anyways, onto something you should do.

If you want to do a project that will actually get people involved and excited in your hand-me-downs I suggest you do a breeding project. Because it is an old idea I've had I mentioned this once a long time ago to Jason and I think I mentioned it to Franco but can’t remember for sure if I did. What you do is a free sharing breeding project to establish a lesser-known species in the States. My recommendation is Meru’s as I really find them one of the cooler looking species around that you don’t see too much of that are truly fascinating but any interesting species will do.

You see, what you do is pick 5-7 true breeders, not some bs people that 5 months ago were asking if Super worms are a good feeder but guys and gals with a proven track record. I would say people such as Franco, or other breeders who have had a history of success in the past. Maybe Jim or the Kammers might be interested in something like this and their involvement will only add credibility. Heck, you could even get your buddy “The Gerg” into it or John or V___ and this way they could actually claim some solid success rather than a lucky shot or two. Anyways, you see what I mean * get a few breeders together you who think can take on the challenge. Then what you do, representing the E-zine or the Database, is approach an importer, say Rob Trenor as he is without a doubt one of the best retailers/importers that will look outside the wallet that import from Africa and try to get him on board. You offer him free advertising on both sites and maybe some of the offspring down the road in return for paying cost or maybe a little bit above for freshly imported animals. You can easily could get Merus for $50 or so an import at floor pricing. Everyone involved throws in to cover the initial cost, which would be around the cost of a 5 month old Panther or so from each. Maybe if you lick my ass enough I’ll donate the money to cover all the costs since all I care about is the money and obviously I must be swimming in it since I am such a success and have arguably the best breeding stock in the market.

From there you approach a good reptile Vet with this idea and explain to him or her what you are trying to do and see if you can get the initial checkups and de-worming/de-parasiting done for cost and by a professional so if there is a ya-hoo in the group they don’t kill the animals. I would suggest Ivan but I know he is just way too busy with his practice to take anything like this on at this point but maybe someone like Dr. Greek or along those lines who is a Chameleon expert. After the initial import and stabilization of the animals you ship them off to the Vet to get all the de-worming done. There is plenty room for re-working this last part to be more functional but I think you see what I am getting at.

The animals are then shipped off to the keepers. I would say no less than a 2.2 each would really work and you could always add more bloodlines as you go. You catalog each bloodline in the database and once you hopefully start having success you freely trade offspring and information among the group in order to start future generations and help with their survival in the long term. I would say all the F1’s would be used up amongst the group but by the time you hopefully get F2’s you’d have a surplus that could be sold on the Database and the profit go back to the breeders to cover their basic costs and whatever is left over you could use to cover operating costs for the E-zine and the Database. Eventually you would get to the point where there would be reasonable profit involved and you can donate that to conservation in their native habitat. You could even have an essay contest about whatever for an offspring or something similar that people eat up to generate interest too. The whole time having updates of “The Project” on the Database but here is where the E-zine really comes in.

The whole time you do articles and take pictures of every step of the way. First you start out with an article about the species themselves and some of the major problems they are facing in the wild and why you as a group have chosen that particular species. In the Meru’s case it would be the major deforesting around their habitat, ect. Then you do an article about importation, the effects on the animals and why (maybe something similar to what you see in “A Land Like No Other”) plus the hoops the importer has to go through to get everything cleared. Following this will be an article on initial acclimation of WC animals, i.e. what you’ve got to do to get them over the beginning “bump” of being imported. After that, an article on getting rid of parasites and de-worming 101 and the vet “experience”. Then you can do articles on the keeper’s experience and the things they learn such as what supplements are necessary and their frequency plus what kind of setups are best for the animal and the preferred food sources. You can then cover reproduction in an article including the effects of various temps on gestation and your finds of what works the best and as well as raising the youth. Follow this up with an article about pairing up the offspring in order to produce the best babies possible, i.e. selective breeding Mendel style. You can go on from there but just this is enough to do easily a year or two worth of articles since the E-zine only comes out once every 3 months but we’ll say 4 since it rarely meets its deadline.

You see Chris; one of my least good ideas is still greater than the best you can muster. A project like this, or something similar, will not only attract the academics - who only make up about 5% of the hobby - but the “Average Joe” too. It is something that can actually draw people to check out the Database more than once every 3 months and can allow you to put some new direction articles together. You could even write them for publication and that way you have something a bit more fancy than a book report under your belt. I remember Jason mentioning something that he tossed around an idea somewhat similar but I doubt he thought up something that is all encompassing and can essentially bring every side of the trade together under one roof: the importers, Vets, keepers and guys who sponge off of it all, like you. Let alone an idea that could potentially fund the hosting fees of both sites and allow for some revenue to not only go back to something good, like conservation, but fund further projects maybe even do a small $1000 scholarship fund to an up and comer. All of this is easily attainable within 2 years and the numbers work if you crunch them with the breeders and pairs I’ve said. All that is lacking is the proper people to execute it. Anyways, I’ve wasted enough time on this. You wanted an idea out of me, here it is. I have yet to see you come up with anything remotely as close in coolness and originality.

Take care,


For the record, having worked with chameleons for 8 or 9 years, I've worked with 24 species of which i have successfully bred 8 (Brookesia perarmata, B. stumpffi, B. thieli, Chamaeleo calyptratus, Ch. jacksonii xantholophus, Ch. hoehnelii, Rhampholeon brevicaudatus and R. nichisiensis). Of the remaining species, I successfully maintained long term without breeding another 6 species of which, 3 species I only had a single sex (Bradypodion fischeri multituberculatum (single male), Brookesia decaryi (two males), B. ebenaui (single specimen), Furcifer minor (only infertile clutches produced), Rhampholeon temporalis and R. uluguruensis). I failed to maintain 3 species due to the poor condition I acquired them in (F. willsii, B. superciliaris and R. spectrum) and am currently working with another 7 species which I haven't bred yet (Calumma p. parsonii (not of breeding size yet), Chamaeleo quilensis (single male, looking for true female), Ch. wiedershiemi (single male, looking for healthy female), F. lateralis major (juvenile male, female arriving in a month or so), Ch. montium (juvenile male, female arriving in a month or so), Ch. bitaeniatus (single rescue which I'm rehabilitating) and F. pardalis (had only ever had a single male which was given to me due to tongue damage. after he died, I recently purchased a baby and am getting a mate for that animal shortly). You've focused on panthers cause they are easy to maintain for long periods and show flashy colors, I've worked with various species at a time, each on a smaller scale because I find them of particular interest for different reasons. I've successfully kept more species than you, worked with more species than you and bred more species than you yet I don't feel the need to email you and stroke my cock with bogus information on you which turns out to be wrong.

As for you being the sheriff or madson, I have private emails from individuals at Ivan's home while you were there saying that after you had been drinking, they saw you make those posts as madson trying to be funny, which was backed by the IP evidence Vince got showing you, Ivan and Madson using the same computer. Furthermore, you admitted, under the DDMadson username to being the Sheriff as well on Fauna. So...DDMadson has admited to being the Sheriff and I have a statement that says you posted as DDMadson on KS to be funny from Ivan's house which is backed by IP data...thats the proof needed. If you have other information on it you'd like to put forward that would prove otherwise in the face of that, I'd love to hear it but you and I both know how easy it would be for you to use different computers for those aliases to have different IPs, you just got sloppy while you were at Ivan's.

You're idea is a good one. It is very similar to a couple we have been working on but it does encompass more than ours (the importers, etc.). We are already working on bringing in some less common species but are making sure all our ducks are in a row before they get shipped. It was part of our plan to manage these animals in the database, post a series of articles in the E-Zine relating to them and to the progress of the project. Josh Mease is also planning similar projects to what you mentioned with any future F1 shipments he gets in with setting up breeding groups of those animals, managing them through the database and writing articles on the progress on the E-Zine. Unfortunately, both are taking time to arrange the imports correctly. Being only 2 (soon to be 3) issues into the E-Zine, its not like this has been something seriously discussed until more recently. I'll mention your ideas about the importers involvement and the competitions to get free offspring to Jason, etc., and let you know what he thinks. Feel free to pass along any other recommendations as well.

The E-Zine is quarterly, has been for a long time, since before I took charge. That means 4 issues a year and at this moment, 3 have been released and the 4th is in the final stages but has been delayed due to a personal issue of one of the intended authors who is no longer able to contribute his piece as a result. The stats pages show exactly which pages within the site are accessed the most and as I said, the data does not support your allegations.

I hope at this point, that you're finished with this childish crap. As I said, I have no interest listening to more of your empty, baseless accusations.



I got no response to this email. I personally feel Matt is the lowest form of person and is the embodiment of what is wrong with the reptile industry. I'm personally tired of him trying to bring drama into the chameleon hobby and hope he gets what's coming to him. You all can decide what you want to think of him, me, John Lucas, Lane and anyone else. I see it as self evident.


Old 01-20-2005, 09:44 AM   #43
Frankly, all of you are making a$$es out of yourselves and hurting the hobby and the business with all this political BS. I know in reviewing our business plan we've put chameleons on the back burner and one of the reasons is how silly this sector of the market looks with all these drama games.
Old 01-20-2005, 11:13 AM   #44
Originally Posted by dwedeking
Frankly, all of you are making a$$es out of yourselves and hurting the hobby and the business with all this political BS. I know in reviewing our business plan we've put chameleons on the back burner and one of the reasons is how silly this sector of the market looks with all these drama games.
Dan, I couldn't agree more.

This whole Ambilobe/Picasso crap was started by people bad mouthing each others stock. It has progressed to crap like this. Matt, what do you honestly hope to accomplish by this? Anyone can buy from John if they wish. Can they get things cheaper from Kalaam? Maybe. Do they even know how to contact him? Maybe. The point is that John is free to buy and sell anything he wants. If he misrepresented the chams as CB when they were wild caught that would be one thing and I don't think anyone would hesitate to call him out on it. But he didn't do anything of the sort, he posted pics of imported chams and SAID the he got them from an importer. Who really cares if he got first pick?

This is pure foolishness and part of the reason you see very few advanced keepers posting on boards like this or offering anything for sale on classifieds. People are tired of being associated with the same hobby as people who act like 2 year olds because someone said they were first in line when it wasn't their day to be the line leader. Give it a rest.

If you have a problem with someone handle it like a man. Don't chase them around forums posting things about their business.
Old 01-20-2005, 12:04 PM   #45
I want to clarify my post. I've received some emails and pm's saying "your right about so and so's post". My post was not against or for anyside but directed at both (there are people I like and respect on both sides of this crap). And the PMs and emails prove my point in how bad this is for the hobby. I keep a lizard and now I'm either "for" or "against" someone, and that's not what this about... it's about the lizard
Old 01-20-2005, 02:03 PM   #46
Wow, and I thought some of the Lepard Gecko folks were "unique" but man, this takes the cake.

Matt, I'd just walk away at this point. Time will tell if anything that has been said is truthful or not. Besides, like you said, they are not going to affect your business anyway.
Old 01-20-2005, 11:25 PM   #47
I have always maintained that my biggest flaw is that I have a big mouth and am not afraid to use it. When it comes to thieves, cheats, shady deal makers or reguritators of other people's knowledge I just can't help myself from putting in my 2 cents and throwing the facts of each particular case on the table for all to know. You see, I am not afraid of confrontation and am one of the rare people in the industry who will stand up for what they believe in. Am I loved? Most certainly not, but I am hated by the people who have something to fear from me and those are the thieves (Lane), cheats (John), shady deal makers (Lane and John) or the "great" regurgitators (Chris Anderson). As far as my being the ONLY person to have a problem with Chameleon Paradise, well, it must be nice to live in la-la land because trust me, I am not the only one. I am not a status quo guy and never will be. If you operate above board and know what you are talking about based on experience and not what you read in a book that you try to pass off as your bright idea then you don't have anything to fear from me. These type of people are really the bad ones for the industry. You see, the problem is none of these jokers will ever be able to discredit my husbandry knowledge and the way I conduct my sales when I dcide to go to market. That is the only real way to take me down and guess what, they can't provide one instance of either of these situations because my knowledge is based on hard earned, hands on experience and everyone I have ever sold an animal to has been nothing but supremely happy with the deal. I might have a big mouth and have no fear of busting people out but I back up what I say with my animals and my track record of success and none of these people who have a problem with me can say the same.

I won't really bothering going into Dennis Scott's(Project Pardalis) post as you never know what bed that guy is sleeping in. One day he is best friends with all the players here. Then the next day he calls me to tell me Chris Anderson was the one to author that bad guy thread about me and a couple friends on the BOI and got John Lucas to post it, tells me that John is a pompus kid who he can't wait to get away from when he moves and that Lane is a pshyco that is making him and John look bad becasue of her crazy rants who he will now cut ties with as she had already shipped the animals he was to get from her so there was no further use of being friends with her. Then the day after that he tries to jump on the wagon with his "buddies" to try and take me down because he is about to have some eggs hatch soon that he will need John's help to sell. With friends like that, who really needs enemies?

Chris Anderson supposed worked with 16 or whatever species? Getting an animal and them dying in a month or so then buying a replacement that is a different species doesn't technically count as working with the species. Chris Anderson is the great Magician. He has all this knowledge that appeared from nowhere. Like I said before, respect must be earned by hard work, not throwing out someone else's ideas that where printed in a book which is why Chris in my opinion will never be anything more than a parasite to me. He feeds off of others hard work and then tries to swoop in for the glory. At any rate, I think I went over all this in my email exchanges with Chris so you can read it all there. As Wes said, I put in my 2 cents and will now walk away as I know these latest developments will be played out in the BOI fairly soon.


...Chris, I honestly didn't see you replied to the thread about the Tsunami. I meant to type Indo, I got carried away with my vowels. And, the reason why I didn't bother answering your last email is because like I said in the previous message to you that I could go all day tearing you apart and I had proven my point and it was time to let it go. Glad to see though that I got to you enough with the hard truth that you are still fuming today over it.
Old 01-21-2005, 12:39 AM   #48
I might have a big mouth and have no fear of busting people out but I back up what I say with my animals and my track record of success and none of these people who have a problem with me can say the same.
So your a self proclaimed big mouth, don't know when to stop and you're going to substantiate your claims about Chameleon Paradise and Lane with YOUR track record and selling quality animals? Am I missing something?!

Old 01-21-2005, 01:46 AM   #49
Chris Anderson

Thanks for proving my points entirely, you're the best player on my team man. I could refute you're empty statements about me but the fact of the matter is, if you read our email exchange, everything you said in this post about me is disgused completely (might want to work on your reading skills). My recommendation is that rather then try to stir up trouble in an attempt to make sure no one forgets you, fade away into the woodwork with whatever positive reputation you may have left with some diluded sole out there because its getting rather pathetic that this is how what you need to do to remain involved in the community. If you actually have anything to base all your beautifully diluded statements and claims (something called evidence maybe), that's one thing. If you don't (which you have yet to have), its pretty obvious that you aren't worth the bandwidth.

Old 01-21-2005, 12:52 PM   #50
Madd Season Morphs
ha ha ha


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