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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 09-11-2005, 11:28 AM   #51
Jim O
Originally Posted by Dennis1
You are trying to paint me into being closeminded bigot
Nope. You need no help. You're doing quite a fine job on your own.
Old 09-11-2005, 11:40 AM   #52
Just for argument sake...

I dont judge anyone. I believe in live and let live. Two of my friends are homosexuals and they havent "infected me". I am a Russian Orthodox and follow the the word of god the best i can. For anyone to say that "homosexuality" isnt a religious issue, i would have to disagree. When the bible was written they were not accepted in society as they are today. Maybe certain parts of the bible just dont comply with things the way they are today. All I see here is people judging each other. None of us know what is truly right in the eyes of the lord, we can only try to treat each other the best we can and let god be the judge.

But for your reference here are a few quotes.

Leviticus 18:22
22 " 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

Leviticus 20:13
13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Genesis 19:24
24 Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the LORD out of the heavens.

As well as beastiality (sp?)

Leviticus 18:23
23 " 'Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.

Exodus 22:19
19 "Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death.

Leviticus 20:15
15 " 'If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal.

Now one could say "If your a Christian and you follow the bible and agree with homosexuals then your a hipocrit.

Or one could say "people of that time didnt understand homosexuality and thats why they were against it.)

Everything has a different way of looking at it. The bible thumpers are going to quote the above sriptures and say we should not accept them into the church and society in general. the liberals are going to say the the modern world understands the human psyche better and everyone including the homosexuals deserve to have the same rights and freedoms as everyone else.

It all comes down to your own opinion and way of understanding the world around you and hoping that you are right in your belief and god will judge you accordingly.
Old 09-11-2005, 11:50 AM   #53
Old 09-11-2005, 11:58 AM   #54
Jim O
Leviticus 20:13
13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
The Bible is full of contradictions. It also says "Thou shalt not kill". In reality, however, Christianity teaches that you should love your neighbor in the same way that you love yourself, and teaches that you should do (requires action) unto others as you would want done unto yourself (Matt 22:35-40).

While I am not a Christian, those are some sound guidelines.
Old 09-11-2005, 12:02 PM   #55
Originally Posted by Dennis1
Or how about a gay couple who marry and then one finds he is not gay and divorces now that would contradict me also but would be a better situation
I am not going to play a silly game with you taking my words and twisting them to suit your silly Transparent attemps to attack my stance on gays and or divorce if you dont know what im saying after all of my writing then maybe just maybe you were on that lil yellow bus also

however i agree that second hand smoke maybe bad you being a supposed doctor would know better than i
Not a better situation, the same situation - just reversed sexuality. The end is same in both situations, a marriage is destroyed and people are hurt. And it probably would happen because that's what HUMANS do - they change their mind. But in order for that to even happen, they need the chance to get married, now don't they?

Now here is the kicker...

The percentage of marriages broken up because one partner decides they are homosexual will be higher than the reverse situation. This is because heterosexuals don't have a need to repress who they are (unless religion plays a factor). However, there is TREMENDOUS pressure for homosexuals to repress who they are. And many do. They didn't turn gay suddenly. They hid it from everone because they were afraid to be who they are.

If you don't believe one other thing I've said, believe this. Your children already know your views about homosexuality. You may not have said anything directly to them about it, but they know. They see how you treat others, and how you speak about others. As you've said before - they are little sponges. If one of them just happens to be homosexual, they are probably terrified of you. This is no way to grow up for anyone. Be vigilant for their safety, but don't crush them. You cannot prevent them from being gay. If they are gay, they have been from birth. No amount of vigilance, religion, or sheltering can change that.

I suggest you do think long and hard about what would happen if one of them is homosexual. Not thinking about it won't make it go away. If you could still love your daughter, then why can't you extend that to a fellow human being who isn't blood related.

Lucky for you, the percentage of homosexual people is only about 10% of the population. The numbers are on your side.
Old 09-11-2005, 12:10 PM   #56
Jim O
Originally Posted by Dennis1
I dont mind anybody thinking I'm a biggot after reading this it kind of seems that
Yes, it does, but it's nothing to laugh about.

Originally Posted by Dennis1
However any way i look at it i come to the same conclusion based on my collective knowledge and experience with the Homosexual kind
The "Homosexual kind"? Is that like the "Jewish kind"? Or the "Christian kind"? They are human beings. People!

Originally Posted by Dennis1
My educated oppinion is that Homosexuality is an illness at the very least it is a physchological imbalance
Educated? Please. It's quite obvious that you're not in the least bit "educated".

Originally Posted by Dennis1
maybe gay rights are a good thing if they are allowed out of the closet they wont try to hide their ailments and breed
If they dont breed
there eventually will be none that is to say if its not a learned behavior and they are born that way
You talk about them like they are animals.

Originally Posted by Dennis1
I guess i was wrong yet again
Old 09-11-2005, 12:10 PM   #57
I Have Not Read This Thread

just the last post by Dennis1, but............

Take all the emotional, religious, social, and other personal" implications out of that. Look at it from another point of view.

Scientific, technical, natural.....but uninvolved.

Homosexuality has existed since multicellular life has existed.

There is homosexuality in the animal world. Yes, I HAVE witnessed it.

In a natural and scientific sense it makes perfect sense to have occur a homosexual animal in an overpopulated situation. Natural selection no longer applies due to technology, so nature will solve the population problem another way. Disease, famine, murder (yes, it is natural...crimes of passion are an example), natural disaster, child birth and other normal ways for death to occur have in a large part been quelled. SOMETHING has to be done to stop the expansion of the population.

Everyone has a right to their opinion and to their beliefs. You can have an unpopular opinion and be a good person.

I personally believe that ones sexual "preference" (as if you sat down one day and decided which sex was right for you?) is not anyone elses business. Ever hear the expression "judge not lest ye be judged"?

To voice an opinion is to open yourself up for judgement. Be ready for the onslaught, be prepared to defend yourself if need be. Accept that you asked for it, though.

(BTW, I have been "hit on" by both sexes. I have yet to hear a female tell me there is something "sick" about the fact that I am into guys. I have heard plenty of guys say that girls with girls is sick. YES, some guys ARE against it.)
Old 09-11-2005, 12:11 PM   #58
So your numbers are right

Originally Posted by A_Kendergirl
Lucky for you, the percentage of homosexual people is only about 10% of the population. The numbers are on your side.
Just so the numbers are right..........

Findings on homosexual orientation

1. Overall, certainly less than 4%, probably around 2-3% M, 2% F are homosexual or bisexual

2. The best studies include

Bell/Weinberg – < 2% total M and F (ratings of siblings)

Cameron/Ross -78 – 3.1% M, 3.9% F

FRI 1 – 5.4% M, 3.6% F (4,340 respondents)

Trocki – 3% M, 2% F

NCHS – ² 3.5% M (over 50,000 respondents)

Catania/NABS – 2% M, 2% F (4% in urban areas; 10,600 respondents)

Billy/Battelle – ³ 1.1% M

Other evidence consistent with these findings

1. Census Bureau count of gay/lesbian couples

a. Figure of 157,400 is less than 1% of all US households

b. Washington Blade reported that "The total includes 88,200 Gay male couples and 69,200 Lesbian couples. The overall total of 157,400 represented less than one percent of the 91 million U.S. households. Unmarried heterosexual couples totaled approximately 3.1 million... representing about three percent of the total households."
Old 09-11-2005, 12:16 PM   #59
Jim O
Originally Posted by nicolai
Just so the numbers are right..........

Findings on homosexual orientation

1. Overall, certainly less than 4%, probably around 2-3% M, 2% F are homosexual or bisexual

2. The best studies include

Bell/Weinberg – < 2% total M and F (ratings of siblings)

Cameron/Ross -78 – 3.1% M, 3.9% F

FRI 1 – 5.4% M, 3.6% F (4,340 respondents)

Trocki – 3% M, 2% F

NCHS – ² 3.5% M (over 50,000 respondents)

Catania/NABS – 2% M, 2% F (4% in urban areas; 10,600 respondents)

Billy/Battelle – ³ 1.1% M

Other evidence consistent with these findings

1. Census Bureau count of gay/lesbian couples

a. Figure of 157,400 is less than 1% of all US households

b. Washington Blade reported that "The total includes 88,200 Gay male couples and 69,200 Lesbian couples. The overall total of 157,400 represented less than one percent of the 91 million U.S. households. Unmarried heterosexual couples totaled approximately 3.1 million... representing about three percent of the total households."

Those are numbers of people who will openly admit it and as such are likely an under-representation by a substantial multiple. After all, there are a lot of people around who believe they are "mentally ill deviants".
Old 09-11-2005, 12:21 PM   #60
Originally Posted by Dennis1
Originally Posted by Dennis1
maybe gay rights are a good thing if they are allowed out of the closet they wont try to hide their ailments and breed
If they dont breed there eventually will be none that is to say if its not a learned behavior and they are born that way

So you are admitting to yourself that it could very well be a genetic thing not a learned thing. And you are going to judge people for the way they are born?????
Why not just live your life without Judging anyone!!!! Are your so sure your right that your willing to bet your eternal life in heaven on it???

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