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Police Blotter General notifications about thefts, breakins or and cases where animals or materials are stolen. Photos of the merchandise taken can be posted to help with recovery.

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Old 08-12-2002, 07:56 PM   #61
oh! tooo funny know who I am I am the one who asks you too leave everytime you step foot into this store.FYI WHEN I WAS ON THE COMPUTER PEG WAS BEHIND YOU ON 54W RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STORE....Have you been watching old movies????Does sybil come to mind???And if you have so many friends here why are you so worried about what all of tampa is saying and yes it is alll of tampa....
     signed lill-sybill
Old 08-12-2002, 08:23 PM   #62
Dave Lawson
I am not worried about what (according to you) all of Tampa is saying.I sell alot of reptiles in the Bay area so my name must not be to bad.

Do to the fact that Mr. Gubitz has once again put his nose where it does not belong and is attacting me (again) I am going to stay out of this thread.Unlike Mr. Gubitz I will not disrespect the webslave.The webslave warned both of us about attacting one and other and you Mr. Gubitz seem to think that you are above the law on and off this thread.I hope that this time he follows through with his warning to ban the person starting it.
Old 08-12-2002, 08:49 PM   #63
Neil Gubitz
Get Real! You don't think I know that you've been e-mailing Rich every other day to have me kicked off? Getting too hot for you? I'm not cursing, I'm not using foul language, and I'm staying within the focus of the thread YOU STARTED!! Making false accusations about another store owner that's just been robbed! This one, I HAVE direct knowledge of, so your claims are worthless! Seems like you know a lot about these burglaries that nobody else seems to know....Where did I get that green truck? What rat person are you talking about? Jeff H.? I haven't spoke to him in months! So much for that theory! But, I know that YOU drive a green truck! Does anybody else see a pattern here? Poor Mr. Lawson (how's that)....everybody's picking on him for turning his OWN WORDS back around on him, and showing how many BLATANT lies, accusations and stall tactics can come out of one mouth!

I notice you STILL haven't answered the question of the 14' abp and the Albino Boa?? Can anybody say, "Hit and RUN"? (metaphorically, of course). I'm surprised you just don't say you want to take the 5th! But, I guess you won't answer because you're not coming back on here, huh?....Neil
Old 08-12-2002, 10:17 PM   #64
Okay guys & gals, here's the deal...

I'm not going to ban anyone as of yet, since I feel that would exceed my personal authority, and is a decision that is best left to the WebSlave himself.

However, I am going to lock this thread down, since it is deteriorating into yet another flamefest. Any attempts to resume the battle in a new thread will simply result in that thread being deleted.


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

Let me make a statement here.

This thread actually doesn't even belong on the BOI unless it is pertinent to some person or business being accused of some wrongdoing, legally or ethically. spam_This was certainly not the case initially, and I would have moved it to the General Discussion forum had I found it earlier.

There are accusations now being implied here that need some facts to back them up. spam_If someone is accused of being responsible for a burglary, then spit it out and say so. spam_That's what the BOI is for. spam_If not, and this is yet another Neil versus Dave pissing duel, then I have indicated the thread I started where this should be confined to.

I am busy with my own affairs and have asked someone else to help out and moderate the BOI with me. spam_On one hand I agree with his decision that this thread has devolved into a flame war, but on the other hand I would be inclined to fire a warning shot before closing the thread completely. spam_As long as new information is being posted in new messages that are at least somewhat related to the original topic of the thread, I will normally let it stand. spam_With that in mind, I have asked Moderator01 to review his decision to lock down this thread. I consider such a step to be rather drastic, and only as a last resort when attempts to pull the participants back into line have failed completely.

The webslave-in-training will likely have a lower tolerance level than I do from riding herd on the BOI for so long, so don't push him. spam_I need a break, so if it takes him banning every one of you that loves a good firefight, then maybe it's for the best.
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Old 08-13-2002, 07:53 AM   #65
After input from the WebSlave, and some reconsideration on my part, I'm reopening this thread with a warning to all parties involved to keep the ad hominem to a minimum and not let this one deteriorate into another 108 page flame war.
Old 08-13-2002, 08:48 AM   #66
Neil Gubitz
Thank you for reopening this thread....As for me...I'm NOT trying to start a flame war of any kind....I just want that one question answered that is VERY pertinent to this thread topic....WHERE DID DAVE GET THE 14' ABP AND THE ALBINO BOA?? If he can answer that one question, I'm outta here...!
This thread started when Dave accused Peg of trying to ruin the reputation of the "greatest show on Earth"....and came right out and accused ME of stealing that burm....

....1) Neil was trying to sell the 13' female abp on kingsnake and once your story was posted by Jenny neil deleted the for sale post. fishy? you bet.I was not trying to sell the snakes you talked about.some bad info to you. But I am sure that Jeff of will produce a copy of neil's post,you know the one where he said he was selling them for friends moving out of state.... know darn well you had BOTH those snakes IN YOUR POSSESSION when you were trying to sell them to Joe and a couple of other pet shops around the area....we ALL know you're lying through your teeth and trying to divert the us the receipt for the snakes, tell us who you bought them from? Who did you sell them to??
Dave...It just seems rather funny that YOU were in EACH STORE just before each burglary (and you hadn't been in those stores for quite a while before that) want to explain that? Just coincidence, huh? I (and EVERY other pet shop owner in Tampa) doubts it very much! ...Neil

Webslave (or Moderator01) ....this site was set up initially to ferret out the bad guys and put them in the public's eye....well, we are trying to find the person or persons responsible for a rash of burglaries in the Tampa area....I think the continuation of this thread is VERY IMPORTANT....with the input of Peg, her employee, and John (who, obviously, have much better memories than I do), we are hearing a lot of very interesting details coming out for the first time....please let us continue our search? ....Neil
Old 08-13-2002, 08:50 AM   #67
Mike Greathouse
Pardon the interruption into "Thread Wars Episode II - Attack of the Drones", but to get back to the original thread for a moment; Has anyone considered the possibility that the reason for increased thefts this time of year might simply be due to the fact that there are more animals available right now?

With "baby season" in high gear, everyone has more animals now then any other time of the year. If you are going to rob someone, I would think that the criminals would want to do it when there was the most to gain. The timing of the Daytona Expo is nothing more then good judgement on Wayne Hill's part to schedule a show when lots of animals are available.

Food for thought!

Mike Greathouse...
Old 08-13-2002, 09:13 AM   #68
Dave Lawson
Neil, I will bite 1 last time.
1) I have not been into Pegs in months not since she started the expansion of her shop.I did not even know that there was a shop call It's alive in Brandon.

2)I never said that you stole or were selling a stolen snake or that it seems funny that you were running a ad and as soon as the story broke about Peg's you pulled the ad.

3)I HAVE answered the question that you keep posting about the 2 snakes over and over again.It anyone said that I had these animals in my posssession they are lying.

4)As for you Mr. Gubitz,You are starting to sound like a broken record.All your post in this thread sound just like the post of yours in that 108 page slug boby likes Dave,Dave did it,my daddy is going to post,Dave is going to be arrested and Dave did it all.funny I am still here, I am still selling a truck load of herps on the internet and in Tampa.

I want to ask everyone to re-read Mr. gubitz's first post on this thread it sounds as if he heard Peg blame Daytona to and was trying to cover for her.

Rich and moderator #1 with all do respect to both of you, I would like to know what the rest of us have to do to be able to break the rules and go against your warnings like Mr. Gubitz and Peg get to do.

Peg post under a false name and admitts it,You have deleted 1,000 of other post for doing the same thing.

Mr. Gubitz says that I am selling stolen snakes, did burgarlies and attacked me.He did this after you Rich gave him not 1 but 2 warnings.I guess Mr. Gubitz is above the rules of this board.
Old 08-13-2002, 09:20 AM   #69
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
Very good point Mike. &nbsp;It is probably easier to get away with more in baby season if you were to rob a pet store. &nbsp;
Also, not to intentionally throw gas onto the flames, but Neil has made a good point. &nbsp;What is the story on the albino boa and albino burm that Dave is selling? &nbsp;Dave said he believes he already covered that, but I must have missed it, because after reading this whole thread, I don't remember ever seeing an answer to that question. &nbsp;
I know about the burm that was stolen, but was an albino boa stolen as well? &nbsp;I don't recall seeing a full list of what was taken other than some baby boas and a big albino burm. &nbsp;
All this makes me think that Tampa is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to open a pet store there <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>

Also, as far as this war goes between Neil and Dave, I don't think it really matters who started it here, I think it really boils down to who ends up FINISHING it. &nbsp;Most likely the Webslave or Moderator01.
Old 08-13-2002, 09:30 AM   #70
Dave Lawson
Ok,I will break it down to the bare facts here,I was ask by a wholesaler it this area to find a 16' abp for a exibit.I ask around made some calls and could not find one in the price range.I never had possission of it.

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