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Old 11-06-2012, 06:35 PM   #71
NEVER intro females into an establish male encloser,one is just asking for a negative incident.

I could say,"I would like to see pics or video myself"
But honestly I feel really bad for the animals in his care.

Originally Posted by AbsoluteApril View Post
you're going to place the two females in with the male at the same time? interesting, never heard that before, I'll be interested to hear how it goes...
Old 11-06-2012, 06:38 PM   #72
Originally Posted by Metachrosis View Post
NEVER intro females into an establish male encloser,one is just asking for a negative incident.

I could say,"I would like to see pics or video myself"
But honestly I feel really bad for the animals in his care.
^ That.
Old 11-06-2012, 07:02 PM   #73
Not sure why Ronne and Vin left this vid out of their books but!
Old 11-06-2012, 07:12 PM   #74
If that link doesnt work try this one!
Old 11-06-2012, 10:49 PM   #75
Some breeders introduce the male into the female enclosure, and some prefer to introduce the female into the male enclosure. I've read accounts from and spoken to breeders who espouse both methods. Every time I introduced multiple boas into the same enclosure it has been the female into the male's enclosure. So far I have no negative experiences with this.

Regardless I recognize the undertone of care for the animals. Thanks for your concern. We shall watch and observe.
Old 11-06-2012, 11:53 PM   #76
Originally Posted by Scooter1685 View Post
Additionally, in the process I may receive tips from several individuals who have bred successfully, and those tips may just be valuable and help me avoid making mistakes. I'm not simply breeding stock here. Ambrosius is my favorite boa, and I care a great deal for his well-being. I've cared for him and raised him since he was as big around as my finger. If I were to make a stupid mistake that resulted in some injury to him, I'd never forgive myself. Better to post here and have at least some chance that someone will catch on if I am making such a mistake.
I think it's pretty clear a few are trying to provide you some insight. I mentioned before your the one responsible for your success or failure based on your own decisions but I remember a few things, just of the top of my head that were mentioned...

-you were running late into the season
-it was wasn't common practice to introduce 2 females to an established male
-you & your wife were both very busy & stressed students on top of being parents
-you were unemployed for the last 3 years & babies could be expensive to care for

Maybe it would be best to step back & rethink your plans & possibly pushing them back. Keep in mind the reason why you want to breed in the first place, your choices will display this more then words to most. Best of luck in your decisions.
Old 11-07-2012, 08:49 AM   #77
Its pretty clear your boa's are nothing more then another academic
performance quest,red flags went up on your first post that suggested your
approach was purely mechanical and you'll continue regardless of who says or proves what.
Im done with it . . . .
Old 11-07-2012, 11:58 AM   #78
I find it difficult, reading this page of posts, to refrain from posting a response of my own. It will be lengthy despite my previous decision to avoid lengthy posts. Take this explanation for what it's worth, or don't. That is your decision and you are welcome to it.

Originally Posted by Metachrosis View Post
Its pretty clear your boa's are nothing more then another academic performance quest,
In this forum, I have admitted literally since day 1 that I am an academic, meaning that I read, study and learn from as many sources as possible. I firmly believe that everyone has something to teach, even if the lesson is what not to do. However, confusing that for lack of concern regarding my animals is a mistake. They are a part of my daily life, and will continue to be so. I love them as I do members of my own human family, and your opinion on the matter does not change that. They receive regular veterinary care, and according to that reptile-specialist veterinarian they are very healthy aside from the new female, who is underweight and has a visible spine nearly the length of her body. That is unhealthy in humans, dogs, and most other animals, and will be remedied with time and a regular feeding regimen.

However, when confronted with such a wide array of practices leading to success I became confused as to how I should best proceed. It was then that I decided to post on Fauna, to seek advice from those with more experience. My efforts on that front have met with mixed results.

Some of you seem content to offer tidbits of advice from your personal experience, but otherwise sit back and see how my attempts progress. I thank those individuals, and I believe they know who they are. Others among you have decided instead to ridicule and condemn any perspectives or practices that may run contrary to your own practices and experience. I find that significantly less helpful, and I do not thank those individuals. However, I will attempt to glean what information I can from posts made by those individuals. I have been methodically copying and pasting posts made by myself and others for future reference. Regardless of your approach, your input has been noted and will be considered.

Originally Posted by Metachrosis View Post
red flags went up on your first post that suggested your approach was purely mechanical and you'll continue regardless of who says or proves what. Im done with it . . . .
I will continue regardless of who says what. That was always the plan and I apologize if I gave any other impression. My attempt was not to decide whether to proceed, but rather how to proceed. In the presence of so much conflicting information, nearly all from sources who are respected either in the science or in the hobby related to boas (or both), I decided the best approach may simply be to stop asking for continued conflicting reports and choose a method that fits my own parameters and limitations. It is unorthodox in some respects, and I will remedy some of that in future attempts. Some other parameters that may seem unorthodox to some and familiar to others, I may well keep. That depends on what observations and results I am able to obtain from this breeding attempt.

With a lack of decisive consensus I have definitely taken a more methodical approach, as that is what I have learned in my education and is what I am personally most comfortable with. I will try a few things and see what works well for me and what does not. The results will be posted in this forum for those who wish to see them and learn from my attempt, whether that be to learn that other methods can indeed result in success or to learn what not to do, as mentioned before. It's entirely possible, and even probable, that some of the decisions I have made in this breeding attempt will prove to be ill-advised. It is also possible, and probable, that some of the decisions I've made will yield positive results. Some of it will work, and some of it will not work, but regardless my efforts will continue and will improve with time.

One thing my experience on Fauna has already taught me is that nobody gets it right the first time. Patience and retrospect are important learning tools. To an extent, all the success stories here are the result of repeated attempts with varying levels of success. There is always a risk involved with placing boas together regardless of the precautions taken and parameters set. Those risks are accepted by everyone who decides to attempt to breed their boas, though the risks may be slightly different based on the chosen parameters.

I do thank you for your assertion that you are finished concerning yourself with my breeding attempt. You're certainly welcome to either wait and see what happens, or ignore this thread altogether.
Old 11-07-2012, 12:16 PM   #79
Originally Posted by Metachrosis View Post
Its pretty clear your boa's are nothing more then another academic
performance quest,red flags went up on your first post that suggested your
approach was purely mechanical and you'll continue regardless of who says or proves what.
Im done with it . . . .

Old 11-07-2012, 12:52 PM   #80
Whenever you happen to remove your head that contains that "academic" brain of yours from whichever orifice it currently resides in, let us know

On a side note, congratulations, you have performed a function with this conversation. This thread may mark the first time where Tommy and I agree wholeheartedly.


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