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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 04-08-2003, 03:40 PM   #71
Clay Davenport
Aluminum foil is actually better. It not only keeps out the sunlight but also acts as an additional layer of defense against the mind control rays from the government satellites.
Old 04-08-2003, 06:57 PM   #72
Kinda of hard to teach someone 2000 miles away isnt it OH and when you live in the middle of no where... and dont / can't drive its a bit hard to get to those jobs in the paper that are 30 mins - 1 hour away... not everyone lives in the city or has a car or can drive....... oh but now you are going to say but she drove a forklift right? well guess what she DID Thats right and she also got HURT AT that job.. you people are so clueless sometimes... geez. I HAD TO MOVE 2000 MILES AWAY TO EVEN BE ABLE TO LOOK FOR A JOB AND GO TO SCHOOL. She is lucky to have the job she has. and you all that want to start calling people names and cussing are acting a bit silly if you ask me.
Old 04-08-2003, 07:00 PM   #73
oh and if you guys really dont like it.... like someone said... go buy a Telezapper that should solve the problem
Old 04-08-2003, 07:57 PM   #74
Ah, the idealism of youth!

Monica, hon........calm down.

First of all, realize that no one here has had a bad interaction with your Mom. Your Mom started this post to make a point, and she's gotten reactions and opinions. I don't believe she's taken any of them personally. No one has bad mouthed her for taking the job. If that's what she had to do, that's what she had to do. The overwhelming sentiment is that rude people come with the territory when it comes to telemarketing work.

Now, we could all exchange stories about A) the rudeness of people that are called by telemarketers and B) the rudeness of telemarketers that have contacted us. It doesn't matter.

I'm one of those people that have a job that you seem to loathe so much. I'm in an office most days, except for the week or two a month that I have to travel and be away from my family, go make sales calls in distant states for 14 hours a day. Yep, it's a sweet deal, and anyone who can sit on their butt and shuffle papers is qualified to have it. Do you think that NONE of the people I deal with are ever rude to me? In person, no less. You know what? It happens. Comes with the territory. I just turn my attention to the next prospective customer and move on.

I don't think there's a person in the world who deals with the public that doesn't encounter rude people. That's just the way it is. However, your role in their day has a direct correlation with how you'll be treated. The Publisher's Clearinghouse Prize Patrol people who show up with balloons and flowers and oversized checks probably don't get snarled at nearly as much as the rest of us.

What about this scenario: a door to door salesman comes to your house to sell you siding. (Not as intriguing as the rat turd salesman that was referenced earlier, but try to stay with me.) You say no. The truth is, you might hate siding, or you maybe just can't afford it, or you're only renting the house. It doesn't matter why, you say no. The salesman returns in 2 days. He wants to tell you about the siding. I'm assuming that you're still being very polite and tell him "No, thank you" but this time you have to close the door while he's still trying to get his speech in. 3 days later he shows up again. Now, what you may not realize is that your address stays on his list until he moves to another neighborhood, or until you agree to let someone come out and give you an estimate. How many days are you going to be nice to him? What if it's a different one every time? Are they from the same company? How do you get off their dang list? You don't have the answers to those things, do you? What you end up doing is telling him loudly to leave you alone. How rude!

Many of us have had tough jobs to tolerate throughout our lives. Heck, I'd venture to say that anyone on this board over the age of 45 has had the privilege at least once in their life to have a job they swear they'd never go back to. My point is that it's not that anyone is unsympathetic to how unpleasant it must be for your Mom to put up with the rude people, just that there is compassion for the people who lose their patience with telemarketers. For the time being, though, telemarketers and their unappreciative targets will have to tolerate each other.

The good news for you, Southerncat, is that if you stay there long enough, you'll not only make some nice money, but you'll have enough anecdotes to write a book and make a fortune!!!
Old 04-09-2003, 06:42 AM   #75
Seamus & Rozann

You know what guys, I have been on Fauna for a few years now and the only post s I have ever made on here was on the BOI about the dealings I have had with some. So where do you two get off saying the things you do. I have read many of the posts you two have posted and most if not all are negative.

Where in this thread do I(or Monica) whine? Sounds like to me either you two have misunderstood what we was trying to say or just really don?t care what we had to say. And guess what, the more I do this "low life job" the more I like it because of people like you. As MS_Teresa said I can make alot of money and I have already started to do so. But that wasn't the reason I started this thread to start with.

And yes you can be rude to whom ever, when ever but I think the where ever might not be. I do take offense to what you (seamus) said in one of your last posts. There was no call to use the language you used. ......................any way.....I just wanted to say that I do appreciate most of the comments on this thread(yes even the negative ones)
You all have a great day and just remember "when you hear that phone ring , it just might be me" lol
Old 04-09-2003, 01:34 PM   #76
C'mon Southerncat, I have not been on this forum for years, neither am I negative. On the contrary, I am usually slammed for going to the defense of the underdog, so to speak, and sometimes wrong when I do LOL.
I do not think my responses to your do's and dont's when a telemarketer calls was rude. It was only when your daughter came on with claws and total emotions out that I started with the like.
If you read most of my posts on here you would see that A) I know that job, very well and B) I take that job in stride.
I believe that is all I was telling you to do. If you cut out all your emotional feelings (as we women tend to do ) then you would read my posts for what they are.
I'll tell you what, if you are making your calls someday and see my name crop up don't start in your speil, just say who you are and I will talk LOL. Or know that I would just say "no thank you" anyway and just take me off the list.
Old 04-09-2003, 05:45 PM   #77
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
You know, something I've noticed in my life is that some of the people most annoyed by those telemarketing calls are...TELEMARKETERS!!!

I work for a company that does a fair amount of telemarketing(within a 50 mile radius) and all I hear from the telemarketers we have working for us is, "oh, last night when I was eating dinner these damn telemarketers kept calling," when they do the same thing all day and night! LOL

I have also done telemarketing for my company. I tried it initially under the idea that it might be an easy way to bring in some extra cash on my paycheck. I can say this, I HATED IT! I hated calling people and leaving messages on their machines, bothering people when they would much rather being doing ANYTHING than wasting time with a telemarketer, and I HATED the fact that I was doing the SAME THING I am annoyed by multiple times EVERYDAY. So you know what? I went to my management and told them I couldn't stand this job, and explained why. Now I'm back to doing the same thing I was originally doing, spending most of the day in front of a computer. And you know what? If they told me to get out and fired me for not doing it, I would have GLADLY walked out on the spot.

To me at least, an unsolicited phone call is a violation of my time. I do my best to be polite to every telemarketer I talk to. I answer the phone and say, "Look, before you waste your time and mine going into your spiel, I am not interested in whatever you're selling. Please make it known I do not wish to receive anymore calls. Have a nice day," and then I hang up. However, when I hear the same voice or someone from the same company calling back the same day or within a couple of days(or really hearing back from them EVER again), I get frustrated. I told them I wasn't interested and they chose to ignore what I had to say. In my opinion, if someone chooses to blatantly ignore my request to be left alone, all gloves are off. If a telemarketer/company repeatedly calls me to solicit my business against my wishes, they open themselves up to WHATEVER they receive, be it an immediate hang up, or a piece of what little mind I have.

If a salesperson comes to my door repeatedly after being asked not to and told that I wasn't interested, they leaves themselves open for whatever bucket of rat turds I choose to dump on them.

Persistance is one thing, persistance to the point of being annoying is harassment.

At my company, we EXPLICITLY make it clear that if someone says no, you leave them alone and you do NOT try to persuade them or call them back. As much as we want their business, we don't need to annoy them into giving it to us.

And as far as a lack of choices, that is in my opinion, utter BS and a cop-out. I'm not sorry if that offends anyone. You chose telemarketing over finding something else. You chose a profession that puts you in the position to annoy and bother people to make money. I agree that you shouldn't get treated like a lepper for your decision on a profession, but at the same time, you had better learn that it comes with the territory you have chosen to occupy. YOU ANNOY PEOPLE FOR A LIVING, DEAL WITH IT AND ALL OF THE REPURCUSSIONS, OR FIND ANOTHER JOB!
Old 04-09-2003, 07:09 PM   #78
Lately, if I get a phone call from anyone whom even suspiciously sounds like a telemarketer, I simply ask them "Is this a sales pitch?" If they say 'yes' I just tell them "no thanks", and hang up. Anything else said AFTER the 'yes' will not be heard by me.

Of course, I have had some of them think they were clever by saying 'No', and then going into a sales pitch anyway. That's when the airhorn comes into play.
Old 04-10-2003, 04:33 PM   #79
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
So if I spend even 60 seconds on the phone with a telemarketer telling them that I'm not interested in their product whatsoever, will they refund my 60 seconds? Will they give me that wasted piece of my life back?

.................................................. ...

Thought so.
Old 04-10-2003, 04:44 PM   #80
oh no.... not bran's freestyle .. haha if i hear that one more time i think i will scream!!!!

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