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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 06-26-2004, 04:16 PM   #71
Originally posted by j tyler
"What goes around comes around"...Hmmm, are you admitting that you did something to bring all that abuse on yourself?
That staement right there says more about you then anything else you have posted.

Nothing any woman ever does or fails to do, means she deserves to be raped. A woman should be able to wear whatever she wants, do what ever she wants without fear of being raped. Clothes, attitude, whatever, is not an excuse or a license to rape someone. You have got to be the most simple minded, self-centered, and pathetic individual I have ever come across.
Old 06-26-2004, 05:22 PM   #72
Golden Gate Geckos

You have got to be the most simple minded, self-centered, and pathetic individual I have ever come across.
I ditto this statement, and would like to add that you are also one sick individual. I hope you never have to do any jail time and have some "fat slob" rape you... then we can ask what you did to bring on the abuse.
Old 06-26-2004, 05:51 PM   #73
j tyler
You are obviously under exposed to lifes' tragedies. Maybe you should get together with the girls here and turn up your self-righteous silliness. I am not the one who suggested that what happens to someone is the result of their previous actions...it was Marcy. Learn to think and read. Also, if you can't take what is said on a sound off board I suggest you don't read it. You big baby.
Old 06-26-2004, 06:11 PM   #74
Python Dreams
This is a touchy subject.... Their are some people that have thyroid conditions that lead to their weight, and others who are possibly taking medications that do the same. Their probably is a small percentage of obese people that have a proper diet and exercise. With that being said.... Respect comes on many levels such as physical condition, attitude, career, and so on... I personally dont respect someone for being obese, or overweight at all. I am probably ten pounds overweight and when I see some guy with a six pack and in good shape, I think I wish I could be that disciplined and motivated to be in perfect condition myself. If I see a women who is in good shape, I would tend to be more attracted to her and would think we could enjoy life more through hiking and outdoor activities. When I see an obese person ordering food and desserts, I instantly lose respect for them. They have taken their addiction (eating) to the level of a junkie, or alcoholic (not all alcoholics drink and drive). I wonder what it is they do beside eat, and if they are happy.... I tend to think not. It is not to say that they are not great people deserving respect, but from first impression you can only gather so much. All people deserve a certain amount of respect, but noone deserves respect for being obese.
Tom Baker
Old 06-26-2004, 07:14 PM   #75
Originally posted by j tyler
You are obviously under exposed to lifes' tragedies. Maybe you should get together with the girls here and turn up your self-righteous silliness. I am not the one who suggested that what happens to someone is the result of their previous actions...it was Marcy. Learn to think and read. Also, if you can't take what is said on a sound off board I suggest you don't read it. You big baby.
First off, it is Dennis, not Denny. Secondly, Most of my adult has been spent in either the USMC or law enforcement, quite a bit of time spent actually. I know all about life's little tragedies, more so than the average person.

Originally posted by j tyler
"What goes around comes around"...Hmmm, are you admitting that you did something to bring all that abuse on yourself?
Well that quote right sure looks like it was in response to this quote...

Originally posted by RedQuake
Your right Sybella. What goes around comes around.
So a reasonable person would take your above statement as asking Lianne if she was admitting to do something to cause her rape. It is NEVER the woman's fault when she is raped, period. That is what I take offense at. If you have a problem with that, too bad. If that is not what you meant, then I suggest you write a bit more clearly so as not to cause confusion. I can read and comprehend just fine.
Old 06-27-2004, 08:25 PM   #76
Obese, fat, slobs....blah, blah, I forget the lot

It seems before I post, I need to clarify that (1) I am OVERWEIGHT by 5lbs. Oh. Whoops. That's with clothes, shoes, keys in my pockets, etc. (2) JTyler cannot and will not be persuaded from his belief that fat/obese blah blah people in blah blah clothes should be stopped in some way. If one's personal level of indecency is reached, others should modify their behavior.

Personally I find it indecent to call attention to an individuals looks, their fashion sense (or lack of), their possible handicaps, etc. Though classified by many as one of those gawdawful hotties, I also know that not all are attracted to me. That I have been fortunate in my life, that my hardships have been kind to me.

He has every right to his opinion whether we agree or disagree. I find most of his postings to be disagreeable, but that too is my right. He is looking to spark a discussion in a manner that is more to his tastes and agreements than what he has found here,
Originally posted by j tyler
I expect Herpers to be a little more thoughtful than this thread has demonstrated. When I read some of the cliches you people spout like " dont judge abook by its cover" etc I detect people who have NO personality at all.
Yes, this is the sound off board and he has truly trumpeted his opinions.

I must flee, the stairmaster calls my name and I need my rest before the botox injection tomorrow and the lipo on Tuesday.

Old 06-28-2004, 07:18 AM   #77
j tyler
Mr Dennis (USMC and Policeman) says I am the most pathetic individual he has ever come across. Really? It seems to me young man that you have a very short fuse, which has probably led to a few 'mistakes' hence the desire to be 'protector of women'.
Your anger and outrage over a few posts on a reptile forum message board is a little bit odd...man-o-man I would hate to have to deal with you after you've had too much to drink.

As to Marcy's opinion that I am " one sick individual" because I find grossly obese women unsightly...well what can I say, I guess Marcy does not tolerate differing cultural standards.

Now in my defense, I have to say that I adore women in general and have never harmed one nor to I advocate such behavoir. I think abusing a woman in any manner is a demonstration of very poor taste. However, I did not bring up the assinine Karmic idea of whatever happens to you is the result of past actions. The whole idea of "what goes around comes around" is an absurd idea, and indicates a low level thought on the part of the person using the phrase.
Old 10-30-2004, 07:49 PM   #78
Wow James, you must be the most dilluted, shallow person in the world. I'm guessing your a 16 year old pretty boy, who thinks he's pretty hot sh*t. You haven't listened to a word other people have been saying. You're a sad, brainwashed little boy.
I hope someday you can awaken from your trance and live with the rest of us in the real world.
Old 10-30-2004, 11:05 PM   #79

the most shallowest person in the world award goes to james tyler.

We all hope in 10-20 years when your health and looks fail you, you still remain as shallow as you are now.
Old 10-31-2004, 05:42 AM   #80
j tyler
If you think I am the "most shallow person in the world", then you are the one who needs to wake up. The mere fact that you think I am the "most shallow person in the world" indicates just how shallow you are. And like I said before if you want to insult me try and be a little more creative...and take it easy on the beer and french fries. Obesity is the number one health problem in America, not to mention the aesthetic aspect.

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