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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 06-14-2010, 08:48 PM   #81
Just watching this now but just as I've been thinking all along that this event was done on purpose.

Watch the videos posted in this thread!!
Old 06-14-2010, 10:58 PM   #82
This was just released.
Old 06-14-2010, 11:08 PM   #83
Obama declared Gulf seafood safe to eat.

You eat it Mr Obama/Barry Soetoro

Old 06-14-2010, 11:30 PM   #84
Well, it looks like our president is really living in his own reality
It truly saddens me that this is our leader of this country, because his inexperience is truly showing during this crisis. President Obama, it is better to keep your mouth shut, than to keep on spewing inaccurate information to your constituents. What may i ask is safe about eating seafood that is contaminated, or could be contaminated by oil? Obama seems to be telling people what he thinks they should hear, even if it's not the truth.

Mr Obama, please tell us the truth, not sugarcoated lies!
Old 06-14-2010, 11:44 PM   #86
Originally Posted by crissabella View Post
Well, it looks like our president is really living in his own reality
It truly saddens me that this is our leader of this country, because his inexperience is truly showing during this crisis. President Obama, it is better to keep your mouth shut, than to keep on spewing inaccurate information to your constituents. What may i ask is safe about eating seafood that is contaminated, or could be contaminated by oil? Obama seems to be telling people what he thinks they should hear, even if it's not the truth.

Mr Obama, please tell us the truth, not sugarcoated lies!

It's not lack of experience, he is very experienced and is doing a great job destroying this country. First you have to realize he is not for the American people and has his own agenda or shall I say the elites that control him have an agenda for the New World Order.
There's lots of truth out there if you seek it and not deny it!!

Old 06-15-2010, 12:22 AM   #87
two things I try not to discuss on public forums, religion and politics.

Old 06-15-2010, 02:20 AM   #88
BP engineer called doomed rig a 'nightmare well'

check it out
Old 06-15-2010, 03:53 AM   #89

From the Ground: BP Censoring Media, Destroying Evidence
Riki OttMarine toxicologist and Exxon Valdez survivor
Posted: June 11, 2010 09:18 AM

Orange Beach, Alabama -- While President Obama insists that the federal government is firmly in control of the response to BP's spill in the Gulf, people in coastal communities where I visited last week in Louisiana and Alabama know an inconvenient truth: BP -- not our president -- controls the response. In fact, people on the ground say things are out of control in the gulf.

Even worse, as my latest week of adventures illustrate, BP is using federal agencies to shield itself from public accountability.

For example, while flying on a small plane from New Orleans to Orange Beach, the pilot suddenly exclaimed, "Look at that!" The thin red line marking the federal flight restrictions of 3,000 feet over the oiled Gulf region had just jumped to include the coastal barrier islands off Alabama.

"There's only one reason for that," the pilot said. "BP doesn't want the media taking pictures of oil on the beaches.
You should see the oil that's about six miles off the coast,
" he said grimly. We looked down at the wavy orange boom surrounding the islands below us. The pilot shook his head. "There's no way those booms are going to stop what's offshore from hitting those beaches."

BP knows this as well -- boom can only deflect oil under the calmest of sea conditions, not barricade it -- so they have stepped up their already aggressive effort to control what the public sees.

At the same time I was en route to Orange Beach, Clint Guidry with the Louisiana Shrimp Association and Dean Blanchard, who owns the largest shrimp processor in Louisiana, were in Grand Isle taking Anderson Cooper out in a small boat to see the oiled beaches. The U.S. Coast Guard held up the boat for 20 minutes - an intimidation tactic intended to stop the cameras from recording BP's damage. Luckily for Cooper and the viewing public, Dean Blanchard is not easily intimidated.

A few days later, the gig was up with the booms. Oil was making landfall in four states and even BP can't be everywhere at once. CBS 60 Minutes Australia found entire sections of boom hung up in marsh grasses two feet above the water off Venice. On the same day on the other side of Barataria Bay, Louisiana Bayoukeeper documented pools of oil and oiled pelicans inside the boom - on the supposedly protected landward side - of Queen Bess Island off Grand Isle.

With oil undisputedly hitting the beaches and the number of dead wildlife mounting, BP is switching tactics. In Orange Beach, people told me BP wouldn't let them collect carcasses. Instead, the company was raking up carcasses of oiled seabirds. "The heads separate from the bodies," one upset resident told me. "There's no way those birds are going to be autopsied. BP is destroying evidence!"

The body count of affected wildlife is crucial to prove the harm caused by the spill, and also serves as an invaluable tool to evaluate damages to public property - the dolphins, sea turtles, whales, sea birds, fish, and more, that are owned by the American public. Disappeared body counts means disappeared damages - and disappeared liability for BP. BP should not be collecting carcasses. The job should be given to NOAA, a federal agency, and volunteers, as was done during the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska.

NOAA should also be conducting carcass drift studies. Only one percent of the dead sea birds made landfall in the Gulf of Alaska, for example. That means for every one bird that was found, another 99 were carried out to sea by currents. Further, NOAA should be conducting aerial surveys to look for carcasses in the offshore rips where the currents converge. That's where the carcasses will pile up--a fact we learned during the Exxon Valdez spill. Maybe that's another reason for BP's "no camera" policy and the flight restrictions.

On Saturday June 12, people across America will stand up and speak out with one voice to protest BP's treatment of the Gulf, neglect for the response workers, and their response to government authority. President Obama needs to hear and see the people waving cameras and respirators. Until the media is allowed unrestricted access to the Gulf and impacted beaches, BP - not the President of United States - will remain in charge of the Gulf response.

For more information on community rallies, please visit HERE.
Old 06-15-2010, 04:08 AM   #90
Obama Compares Gulf Oil Spill To 9/11

In an interview with Politico News outlet last Friday President Obama compared the recent incident in the Gulf of Mexico to the tragic 9/11 attack of 2001. With the stern conviction of a “world government” advocate, President Obama stated

“In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11, I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come.”

Or so he and many others advocating for Climate Change legislation hope. It seems that the words of Rahm Immanuel are once again in vogue with the administration, as we see an opportunity for our UN -loyal leaders to use this “crisis” to push for a Climate Change Bill in the Senate. And just in case you forgot the classic words of Rahm Immanuel during the economic crisis recently, here is what he said:

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste.. What I mean by that is, it’s a good opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before”.

Now whether or not you believe the oil spill in the Gulf was due to negligence, or as some speculate, a contrive event -one thing is clear- and that is our current Dictator in Chief and his cronies will certainly play the “crisis” fiddle for all it’s worth.

In the aftermath of 9/11, George Bush signed the Patriot Act into law under the pretense of protecting America against terrorism, and it looks as though Obama is playing the same Problem -Reaction -Solution game in this case as well. Why else would the cleanup efforts be taking so long? Why does the daily news agencies remind us constantly of the number of days it’s been since the accident first happened? And why has the White House along with BP rejected cleanup technologies that could have been on sight only days after the spill?

Well, as my school teachers taught me long ago, repitition is what causes us to learn best. By the time the next Climate Change Summit meeting comes around, the mind control media will have etched the oil spill propaganda into the minds of all the Americans, who will then call upon the White House and the global community to impose Carbon Taxes and clean air legislation for our “protection”!

Last year the House of Representatives passed a climate bill with a vote of 219 for, 212 against. Now Obama is hoping for a victory in the Senate. On May 12,Skull and Bonesman Senator John kerry, D-Mass., and Joe. Lieberman, I-Conn., introduced the 987 page “American Power Act” without their GOP colleague, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, whose support was considered crucial for its passage.

Senator Kerry wants us to believe this devastating bill will somehow help to bolster the economy and create jobs saying in a statement on the site:

The tragedy in the Gulf underscores why we need to change America’s energy future – today. We can’t afford to wait. Transitioning to new energy sources will jumpstart our economy, safeguard our national security, and protect our environment. We can reclaim our leadership of the global green economy, and stop sending a billion dollars a day overseas for our oil while we’re at it.

But according to Nicolas D. Loris of The Heritage Foundation, this bill will “wreak economic havoc” and “kill jobs”. He also argues that the Kerry-Leiberman Bill will protect large corporations at the expense of consumers, with minimal effect on temperatures.

In the same article Nicolas stated:

The purpose of the bill is to drive energy prices high enough to reduce consumption. In effect, consumers would be forced to pay more for less energy. Higher energy costs would spread throughout the economy as producers try to cover their rising production costs by hiking their product prices.

Kerry-Lieberman attempts to shield the economic pain from consumers by passing two-thirds of the revenue it raises back to the consumer through energy discounts or direct rebates. Yet this clearly wouldn’t compensate for all of the rising costs that occur throughout the economy, thanks to higher energy prices.

Higher prices lower consumer demand, and the lower demand prevents higher prices from completely offsetting production cost increases. As a result, businesses must cut production, cut jobs – or both.

President Obama and his Politburo know that the American people are waking up to the “Global Warming/Climate Change” lie fostered by globalists such as Al Gore and Maurice Strong (among others), so now they must resort to more fear tactics and 9/11 “type” images of catastrophic demension in order to convince the public that carbon dioxide is a pollutant! (Tell that to the plants and see if they are convinced).

The globalists are getting nervous because, as Zbigniew Brzezsinski recently stated in a speech to his CFR cronies,

“for the first time, in all of human history, mankind is politically awakened. That’s a total new reality … it has not been so for most of human history until the last one hundred years … and in the course of the last one hundred years, the whole world has become politically awakened. And no matter where you go, politics is a matter of social engagement, and most people know what is generally going on..”

He also stated that because of a “diversified global leadership” and a “politically awakened” people globally, their plans for a world order are becoming far more difficult to establish.

The truth, however, about the comparisons being made between the attack on September 11, of 2001 and the Gulf Oil Spill of April 20, 2010 is simply this – both of their years have 2’s,0’s and 1’s in them – and that’s about their only similarities.

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