Kingsnake problem, anyone else had this problem with classified account? - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 11-04-2003, 03:10 PM   #1
Kingsnake problem, anyone else had this problem with classified account?

Not sure if this is the proper place, if it is then Rich should delete it.

I am curious as to how many people out there have had their kingsnake classified account canceled with no reason and with unusual suspicious circumstances. If you dont want to post here, please email me.

I am just wanting to talk to people that have had this problem. Please if it were because of a sell or buying problem, this isnt what Im talking about.

Thank you all very much
Savannah Sernas
Old 11-04-2003, 04:42 PM   #2
Adam Block
Did you see me holding a match and decide it would be funny to toss some gas on me

I don't have a ton of love for Jeff the owner of Kingsnake however I've grown up enough to let and expire.

Fact is, it's his site and he seems to be able to do as he wants. Kingsnake moves more animals for people then ANYTHING else out there. People allow it and give him huge amounts of money to advertise there because it brings business. I doubt that's going to change.

He has kicked off many people for seemingly no reason. I would have no issue with that provided he'd refunded my money, even on a pro-rated basis. However, he just BOOM, deleted my account and at that point stole my money if you ask me!

If you look at his ever growing TOS he can kick you off for anything. Heck, even putting **** at the end of an ad violates kingsnake TOS. I've seen breeder like the Barkers violate his TOS however they spend too much money with Jeff to get booted.

All about the mighty dollar my friend, oh and if Jeff's had a bad day. If you ask me, the guys a flake that spends far too much time sleepin in his Fruit Loops.

Good luck but not much you can do about it.
Old 11-04-2003, 05:45 PM   #3
Talking lmao Adam

its called Kingsnake Gustapho (sp)
i have an account there and i have been lucky ... i have posted thanks sold in classifieds and was warned of how illeagal it was .. i have have threads in the forum deleted for no reason or explanation
Now chances are if you mentioned the word "fauna" or "BOI" or anything to do with this great site here then thats probably why you got booted even if it was nothing more then to direct someone here to look at something that had nothing to do with KS like adam said he can and will do what ever he wants at any given time due to the fact it is his site and its in the TOS that no $ will be refunded its like going to Vegas there no guarantee you will leave with any thing in your wallet lol
Old 11-04-2003, 05:58 PM   #4
Roger Jolly
Well, this is going to be a joke of a thread if ever there was one on the BOI. I have been lurking here off and on for ages and one thing that is pretty obvious is that there are sacred cows in the herp business. And is the biggest of the bunch. Most people here will do anything, and I do mean anything, at all to keep from losing their account at I watched with interest as this site got blocked from, and there was barely a ripple of outrage from the masses here, where the same thing done by other sites to other people got most everyone worked up into a frenzy of condemnation. But obviously the fear of losing their account was enough for you good people to swallow your pride and ethics and turn a blind eye. Look at all of the discussion about Mario Stinso and his boycott. Isn't Jeffie basically doing the same thing by blocking domain names from being typed into the forums over there?

Then Jeffie went and banned the owner of this site's other domains as well, and again I watched with amusement as the BOI hypocrites did nothing and said nothing at all about it. I talked to the webslave via emails about this issue and I am here to tell you that you all came very close to losing the BOI because of what he saw happening here.

Most of you people make my lower intestines twinge, wanting to expell what I think about you. You base your good guy/bad guy labels based on what the target is to you, financially, rather than a completely unbiased view of what they are doing. Most of what many people say here is just so genuinely biased based on personal self interest that it makes the BOI nearly meaningless. Same thing has happened with NERD, and when I posted a rather subtle post (too subtle, apparently) about Mark and Kim Bell's hybridization, they were all given the tuck tail and ignore routines as well. If you are all going to just let the other guy get the crap beat out of them by a bad guy, simply because the bad guy earns you money, then you are no better than the worse of the scum that have been exposed on the BOI. is what it is because you people are there advertising there and falling all over yourselves to give Jeffie your money. So when Jeffie finally turns his attentions to you and demands that you suck his big toe or you lose your account, don't come crying here about it. You are only reaping the crop from the seeds that you have sown.

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. Take it or leave it.

My, my, look at all of the people ducking their heads into the sand right now while reading my post. Impressive. Go ahead, tell me I am wrong.
Old 11-04-2003, 06:08 PM   #5
Duck this roger. And it's sort of hard to understand you with that toe in your mouth.

Wes Pollock
Old 11-04-2003, 06:31 PM   #6
Jolly Roger .. or what ever your name is

first of all i myself can honestly say i fall at no ones feet BUT my sons. Yes i have a KS account does it bother me ? nahh not really see in life there are all kinds of things that one does in life for a reason ... I got a KS account last yr when i had a large clutch of boas born .. i used it to sale them there and i also sold them here ... now with that said i somewhat kinda think i understand what you said

I watched with interest as this site got blocked from, and there was barely a ripple of outrage from the masses here, where the same thing done by other sites to other people got most everyone worked up into a frenzy of condemnation.
why would we even care ? they way i see it in my line of work i am a contractor by trade i dont go advertising the competition so i wouldnt expect the competition to advertise for me ... thats simple kinda like a "No compete clause" if you ask me

But obviously the fear of losing their account was enough for you good people to swallow your pride and ethics and turn a blind eye.
look at my above reply for this answer

Look at all of the discussion about Mario Stinso and his boycott. Isn't Jeffie basically doing the same thing by blocking domain names from being typed into the forums over there?
that got feedback due to its just to damn funny and came from someone who is really in need of a therapist

Then Jeffie went and banned the owner of this site's other domains as well, and again I watched with amusement as the BOI hypocrites did nothing and said nothing at all about it
Again that is a choice jeff was fully free to make does it mean rich would do the same ? maybe its his choice

Most of you people make my lower intestines twinge, wanting to expell what I think about you
Please dont hold back i am sure 90% of are adults and beleive me if i knew you on a personell basis and i didnt like you i would surely let it be known . But as of now i have no hate for you and my intestines only twinge on bad mexican food

You base your good guy/bad guy labels based on what the target is to you, financially, rather than a completely unbiased view of what they are doing. Most of what many people say here is just so genuinely biased based on personal self interest that it makes the BOI nearly meaningless
this is called bad buisness on there part .. if someone duffs a transaction in my line of work (contracting) and i hear of it i give my opion if i am asked to do so i then tell that person that was duffed what i can do for them if it makes me money well all the better if they choose to go back to the person who duffed them then they in my eyes deserve what they get with that choice plain & simple

Quote: is what it is because you people are there advertising there and falling all over yourselves to give Jeffie your money. So when Jeffie finally turns his attentions to you and demands that you suck his big toe or you lose your account, don't come crying here about it. You are only reaping the crop from the seeds that you have sown
Read my first line my son is only person i cater to if Jeff feels the need to cancel my account is there anything i can do ? no

just for the record i have not used that account for 7-8 months to sale a snake on due to the fact that i have none to sale .. will i let the account expire when time is up maybe ... maybe not all depends on how i feel at the time does it have anything to do with how jeff is not IMO due to the fact i am fully aware of his sites rules if i violate them im out no biggie i have lost more money in a bar or at a poker table then i will lose with jeff

now to just clear this post up im not mad at you Jolly or giving [bleep] to you just answering what you dared me to ... have a good night

oh by the way read the TOS of the BOI it plainly states you need a FULL NAME to post or it will be deleted
Old 11-04-2003, 07:05 PM   #7
Roger Jolly
Sure is a real mind boggler to figger out that my real name actually is ROGER JOLLY, now ain't it?

As I am predicting, watch this thread be read a lot but replied to very little. Especially by those members that have a financial interest in that site. Yeah, get business and ethics in an arm wrestling match, you tell me who would win, hands down.

You are ignoring my point. In that kind of environment, what purpose is served by the BOI with input from such members? I do believe that some members have recognized that conflict and don't come here any more for that reason. Kudos to those gents for having the balls to recognize the face in the mirror. Or is it simply fear that Jeffie will see them as members here and might get his nose twisted out of joint over it? In that case, we have a case of some gonad challenged members, I suppose.

Whatever. Have a nice night, gents. Watching nekked ladies on the screen is a much more enjoyable use of my time then being here rubbing your noses in your own droppings.
Old 11-04-2003, 07:17 PM   #8
Adam Block
Things that suck but we still use them include:

Gas Prices

Fact of the matter is people turn a blind eye to anything that makes them money or is too big for them to speak against without loosing face.

Cases in point:

Bob Clarks collection of mites that have a snake infestation.

The Bell's practices, come on, you've all heard about how the man keeps those king snakes he produces, I bought from him years ago, under-fed yearlings, not great snakes by any means. He's the biggest not the best yet nobody will say a bad word about him.

There are few big people in this business that got there by producing super high quality animals and keeping a high moral standing in the business community.

Kingsnake is UNTOUCHABLE!!! That is the one message that has rang clear to me for the past year.

I had a poll someplace on the BOI and asked if the big name breeders were untouchable, without having to say who thought so the truth came out.

Just as a side note, when Jeff stole my money the TOS didn't say there was no refund, he added that for me. Way I figure it is I hear all the time the man is looking worse and worse, it can get away with a lotta things but can't hide from Kahrma!
Old 11-04-2003, 07:51 PM   #9
I have a question...

OK, so why does THIS thread get to stay when no facts are given, silly accusations are made without evidence, and posts are made all through it without people properly putting their names at the bottom? I'm not even counting that if this wasa personal affront, someone would be complaining that a new thread was started on an old topic.

Is it because it is anti-kingsnake or have the rules been laxed on the BOI which allows people to acuse others of mysterious actions without proof?

It is no secret that I like Jeff. I have found him to be fair to me when I am fair to him. That's how I judge a person. I may not agree with all of the things done under his name, but I respect him and can usually see where the person deserved some action against the,. Matter of fact, if it was my site (which it isn't), I'd be even more strict and make everyone follow the TOS to the I am not here to defend him - I'm not his Mamma.

I am here asking why isn't he given the same treatment that the "bad guys" get. Fair is fair or this site well become a useless cesspool. That would be true even if I hated Jeff. Fair is fair. Why is everyone here doing what they just accused him of doing while sitting up on their own high horse?

Of course, I point no fingers at anyone. I'm just speaking air. I certainly point no fingers at Webslave, because I like him, too AND he hasn't even posted on this So, I can't even if I wanted to. I'm also glad for many of the things Webslave has done, too. My hat's off to him.

Old 11-04-2003, 08:06 PM   #10
Suncoast Herpetological
I am curious. This question is directed to the starter of this thread. Are you claiming that with no provocation, no infraction of TOS and no warning you simply received an email stating that you account had been cancelled? No reason or explanation was given?

If this is your claim, I find it extremely difficult to believe. Of the two people who post here that I can recall that got the boot from Kingsnake, both were banned for legitamate reasons and were alerted in detail as to the cause.

Adam did virtually everything he could to get himself booted. He purposely kept butting up against their TOS and ignored several warnings. (Just about the way he got himself booted off of this site as well). The other guy (name escapes me) sent Jeff a scathing Email that called him a poor businessman for not alerting him to the renewal date on his account. If I were Jeff, i would have booted him too.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you have a specific gripe...voice it and state the details. If you can't do that then the allusions and innuendo have no place here. The General Business Discussions forum is designed specifically for this type of meandering crap.

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