Once again, PeTA rears its ugly head - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 02-28-2003, 06:41 PM   #1
Ken Harbart
Once again, PeTA rears its ugly head

God, how I wish these schmucks would have some kind of organized protest here in Detroit. How fun it would be to use their own tactics against these terrorists... pie face a couple of them with raw ground beef, douse a few others with pig's blood.

Yes, it's true- I have no respect whatsoever for animal rights whackos. They are incapable of rational thought.

(CNN) -- The Anti-Defamation League has denounced a campaign by an animal rights group that compares slaughtering animals to the murder of 6 million Jews in World War II.

The graphic campaign and exhibit "Holocaust on Your Plate," devised by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, juxtaposes 60-square-foot panels displaying gruesome scenes from Nazi death camps side by side with disturbing photographs from factory farms and slaughterhouses. One shows a starving man in a concentration camp next to a starving cow.

The exhibit opens Friday in San Diego, California, and went up Thursday at the University of California at Los Angeles. It also is posted on a PETA Web site, www.masskilling.com, which calls for support for the campaign from the Jewish community.

The comparisons prompted an angry statement from Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor.

"The effort by PETA to compare the deliberate, systematic murder of millions of Jews to the issue of animal rights is abhorrent," the statement said. "PETA's effort to seek approval for their 'Holocaust on Your Plate' campaign is outrageous, offensive and takes chutzpah to new heights."

Lisa Lange, PETA's vice president of communications, told CNN's "American Morning With Paula Zahn" on Friday that the idea for the public relations effort came from the late Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer, who, she said, wrote: "In relation to them [animals], all people are Nazis; for them it is an eternal Treblinka" -- a death camp in Poland.

Lange said the campaign is appropriate because "Nazi concentration camps were modeled after slaughterhouses."

The Singer quote, which the group draws upon in its literature as well, was not spoken directly by him but rather comes from his novel "Enemies: A Love Story," when the main character muses on the plight of animals. Singer was a vegetarian who believed strongly in animal rights.

"It's shocking, it's startling, it's very hard to look at," Lange said of the exhibit. "We're attacking the mind-set" that condones the slaughter of animals.

"The very same mind-set that made the Holocaust possible -- that we can do anything we want to those we decide are 'different or inferior' -- is what allows us to commit atrocities against animals every single day," PETA representative Mark Prescott wrote in a statement, which added that members of Prescott's family were murdered by Nazis.

The Anti-Defamation League statement, however, counters that "abusive treatment of animals should be opposed, but cannot and must not be compared to the Holocaust."
Old 02-28-2003, 07:07 PM   #2
That's disgusting.

Reminds me of one of my former friends though, she once took a pinky mouse out of one of my cages to "spare it a cruel death." She tried to nurse it on soy milk. Brilliant.
Old 03-02-2003, 09:05 PM   #3
We should all join "PwETA"

People Who Eat Tasty Animals.... :-D
Old 03-02-2003, 10:47 PM   #4

I got locked in a discussion about this topic with some people on another forum...

It's amazing how deluded vegans can be:

"I don't see any animal population as being expendable and renewable. Each and every cow, chicken, and dog is a unique individual who can't just be killed and replaced."

Just wondering about an extreme example: do you think each and every Dolly clone is a unique individual who can't just be killed and replaced?

"You're talking about sheep as though they're machines that can be copied. A clone is no different from a twin. I don't think that twins have less rights just for being twins."

What exactly do you want to do with the countless animals that have been for generations in a factoryfarming environment?

"Those animals would no longer be bred, so they would never exist in the first place."

Please explain how this solution fits into todays world? They have been bred, they do exist. It's okay to "torture" the ones that are alive now as long as we don't make more?

Your logic makes no sense. You say each and every animal, even clones, have rights. Then you say that the animals that are factoryfarmed should not be bred so they don't exist in the first place. But they do exist, and therefor you are stating that to ensure the protection of the rights of all animals we must continue to prevent a certain population of animals from acting in a natural way- breeding.

"In modern day farming, breeding of animals is rarely natural. It is done with artificial insemination.

The number of existing cows, chickens, pigs, and so on would gradually decrease as the number of vegans gradually increases."

"simply put, as the demand for animal products goes down so will the number of animals being slaughtered. as the animal industry is soooo concerned with profit, its not going to continue to do something as unprofitable as killing animals no one wants to eat."

And what happens to the surplus? Are the companies going to start a petting zoo? Seriously, there are too many flaws in the plan.

"The demand would be less and less, so there would be fewer and fewer farms with animals. Existing farms with animals would gradually shut down. At some point animal agriculture would probably become illegal, at which point the very few farm animals left would have to be supported in sanctuary environments."

Old 03-03-2003, 07:56 AM   #5
Yes, animals are all unique individuals, a lot of whom enjoy swallowing other unique individuals whole.
That plan sounds great, and then after that they can start phasing out pets. Then maybe we can all kill ourselves and let animals get back to eating each other alive the way nature meant it.

Erin B.
Old 03-03-2003, 08:13 AM   #6
Yeah I'd like to know what they think of animals who eat other animals. Because we humans are in fact animals.

Shall we start killing snakes, lions, tigers and sharks?

Accourding to PETA's logic...I guess so.

Old 03-03-2003, 02:06 PM   #7
No, of course not! We should neuter them and keep them in sanctuaries until there aren't any left!

Erin B.

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