Carnivorous Plants + Geckos? - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 01-20-2008, 08:04 PM   #1
Carnivorous Plants + Geckos?

Hello fun new forum I found on Google well, as it happens, I have a Big Bloody Terrarium that's been sitting half-full of water in my bathroom for the last six months that I finally got off my duff and cleaned. Now I need something to do with it.

I had a Carnivorous Plant terrarium a few years back that... uh, well... failed. And a leopard gecko a few years back that... uh... also failed. Through no fault of my own (the gecko came sick and we did absolutely everything we could for it D: it broke my heart, I loved him to death, serves me right for going to Petco but I didn't know any better D: the plants were all shipped in and I don't think they fared too well because they were sickly).

Well, a few years older and a few years wiser, loads more research, and I've decided to revisit the Carnivorous Plant idea again with the aforementioned Big Bloody Terrarium. But-- hark!-- the plants and the geckos require similar housing areas! How rare! Could this be a new beginning for Lydia G. S.? A life started anew? A chance to put a funny little sign that says "Tiny Jurassic Park" in the terrarium?

*So*, what I'd like to know is if anyone's ever attempting anything like this before, or if it's ridiculous and Lydia needs to give her head a good slam in the doorway before she hurts anything else. It wouldn't be an immediate thing, anyway, I'd make sure the plants were all set up and hardy before I even considered bringing in the lizard, as they both scare me to death and it'd take a lot of persuading to get my mom to consider another gecko any time soon anyway. I heard that geckos need humidity, but I'm not sure if the environment for the plants would be *too* humid or not. Also, I'm not sure if the geckos would decide to climb a plant and get both of them hurt. Input?
Old 01-21-2008, 01:04 PM   #2
Well it doesn't sound like an ideal environment for the gecko. For one thing the gecko has to have belly heat so you would have to arrange the plants to accomadate that plus what about when you feed the gecko? Won't the plants eat the crickets? Plus the gecko will try to climb on the plants and could get hurt. And to much humidity could cause health problems for the gecko. I think if I was you I would just stick to the plants.
Old 01-24-2008, 10:45 PM   #3
You may use some live plants in leopard gecko terrariums, but NOT carnivorous ones. I had the same idea, but the humidity for those plants is WAY too high for a leo. I have successfully kept several species of plants for over a year, though the heat eventually does them in. PM me if you need me to look up the actual plant species.

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