Family's dogs poisoned, one dies - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 03-01-2010, 11:51 PM   #1
Angry Family's dogs poisoned, one dies

Updated: Monday, 01 Mar 2010, 9:09 PM EST
Published : Monday, 01 Mar 2010, 5:49 PM EST

* Rich Newberg
* Posted by: Eli George

TONAWANDA, N.Y. (WIVB) - Rat poison and anti-freeze: Those are the deadly items the SPCA believes were used to poison at least four dogs.

For Dawn Voit and her family in the city of Tonawanda, their dogs are considered part of the family, but authorities are convinced someone has viciously tried to kill those dogs by feeding them poison.

Starting about three weeks ago Dawn Voit's dogs and those belonging to her son and his girlfriend, began getting sick. Rhea, an Australian Shepherd, suddenly had a bloated stomach and was defecating blood.

Dawn said, "They didn't know what it was at that point. They did IVs. They had to keep her and ended up doing a blood transfusion on her."

Ty, a 5-month-old male Australian Shepherd, did not make it. Two of the other family dogs also have bloody stools and required treatment and medication. SPCA Special Agent Aaron Kandefer, who has launched an investigation, says blood work from the animals confirms the worst.

"It looks like deliberate poisoning of the animals at this residence by two different methods. One would be anti-freeze. The other rat poison," said Kandefer.

The dogs never leave the backyard, which is fenced in, and sits behind a cemetery. Kandefer has gone door-to-door in the neighborhood asking if anyone noticed anything suspicious.

Neighbor Jim Childers said, "A lot of kids run through there, whatever, but I can't imagine any kids doing something like that either, but they hop the fence for a short cut."

The family has already spent about $5,000 trying to keep their dogs alive. They have run out of money and are emotionally exhausted.

Dawn's son, Brian Muszynski, said, "I feel helpless to help my dogs right now. I feel like I'm doing all I can and it's still not enough."

"I mean, I'm afraid to put my dogs out. I had to go buy muzzles to put my dogs in my own backyard and that is extremely hard that I can't even trust my own house. I bought it here so that I could be safe and have a place that my kids and my animals will be safe and I don't feel that way any more."

The family has launched a website in an effort to meet expenses and share information and frustration.

"You just want to have justice and you just don't know how to it," said Brian.

You can follow this link to view the website started by the family.

You can also call 629-3502 if you have any information that can help solve this case.
Old 03-02-2010, 12:07 AM   #2
The story:

We are desperately looking for help our two precious dogs, both Australian Shepherds, one only 5 ½ months old and the other only 1 ½ years old. Wednesday January 20th, they become suddenly and very critically ill.

I was home most of Wednesday, and it was the only day I did not monitor them in the backyard when they were out to potty. I went to the grocery store around 5:30p.m. and returned at about 6:30 or 7, and proceeded to feed the dogs as usual. They had been in their crates while I was away. I put Rhea’s food bowl down for her, and that is when I noticed something was very wrong with her. She normally gobbles down her food, in fact, she has a “Slow Down” bowl for her safety, and she was only picking at her food while laying down. When she tried to stand, she wobbled and fell and I noticed how bloated her stomach was. Knowing our regular vet was closed, we called 411 for the nearest facility, which happened to be Green Acres Small Animal Hospital in Tonawanda, NY. I checked on the other two dogs (we also have a rat terrier) and they both seemed healthy and fine. Rhea was rushed to Green Acres, and as we had no idea what had happened, they began tests. She was slipping in and out of a coma at this point. They needed a $950 deposit down on her, and between two credit cards I was able to put that down for my poor girl. They said they would have to transport her to Grand Island Small Animal Hospital in Grand Island, NY for overnight intensive care. Very scared for her and upset, I had to return home. I checked on the dogs at home, and as they seemed fine, I proceeded to check the house and yard for anything they could have gotten into. I found nothing inside or in the back yard. I called my mother and explained to her what had happened, and then went to take Ty (the 5 1/2 month old Aussie) and our rat terrier outside. I found Ty laying on his side in vomit, unable to get up. It was after 8pm at this point, and so I immediately took him to Grand Island Small Animal Hospital.

Rhea arrived at Grand Island shortly after we did in a coma. After the vet saw her there, she brought us to the back because she wasn’t sure Rhea was going to make it through the night. I cannot even express how horrible it was to hear that news and to see my baby girl so lifeless. At this point, they were pretty sure it was a neurotoxin, and administered activated charcoal to Ty. Rhea has been vomiting so much and then in a coma they didn’t dare give it her. At about 10:30 or 11, I was trying to prepare myself to say good bye to Rhea and Ty, realizing that it may be the last time I would get to see them. Rhea began to come out of her coma, and as soon as she was awake enough, they administered activated charcoal to her as well. Both were on IV fluids. The vets told me that Rhea’s x-rays had shown a great amount of food in her stomach, and she had vomited up incredible amounts of food and liquids, much more than her 2 cups of food a day that she eats. I was baffled.
Before going home for the night, we had to pay a deposit on Ty. My parents were kind enough to loan us the $1,250 required to treat Ty.

At about 1am, I got a phone call from Grand Island. They said the tests indicated that the dogs had ingested ethylene glycol, a common ingredient in antifreeze. They were being started on ethanol for treatment.
This morning I did some research on antifreeze poisoning, and searched the house and yard extensively. To this moment, we have not found anything the dogs could have gotten into. While we believe they were intenionally poisoned, according to the officer at the SPCA there is nothing we can do legally because there isn't any evidence.
Rhea was transferred back to Green Acres in the morning since that is where she was initially taken, and Ty stayed at Grand Island. We called multiple time to check on our dogs, and we were allowed to visit Rhea. On Friday the 24th they both came home. We had to pay another $594.43 for Rhea, bringing her total to $1,544.43 There was still a chance of renal failure, but there was not much we could do anymore.

Ty seems to have lost some control of his rear legs and unfortunately his bladder. He has to go outside frequently 24 hours a day and doesn't always do well on the stairs. Rhea seems to have bounced back to her happy, peppy self. In total, our vet bills came to $2,794.43. We are really looking for help in paying these off. We tried contacting a few organizations that might help us, but we didn't have any luck. Any amount will help us out, and Ty and Rhea will thank you!

UPDATE 01/27/2010: Ty is in renal failure, and we are trying to reverse the kidney damage. We are doing subcutaneous fluids for three weeks with a special diet and blood tests to moniter him. Each time we do blood tests it is $140 after spending $200 more today, and another $100 tonight for the fluids.

UPDATE 02/25/2010: After administering subcutaneous fluids for over a week, we were making excellent progress on the renal failure. A few days into it, he developed ulcers in his stomach, and we began treating him for that. When all appeared to be going well again, he developed a huge wound in his side. We had to use a local anesthesia and stitch that up. Yesterday, the 24th, Ty was scheduled to have his stitches removed after two weeks of no playing and a big lampshade on his head. The center of the stitches had began bleeding, so they left a few stitches in. Ty quickly went downhill. We believe he hemorrhaged into his chest. He was struggling to breathe, and was very lathargic. Ty took his last breath at home last night.

UPDATE 03/01/2010: The girls need to go to the vet now to be treated for rat poisoning as it was confirmed in another dog on the property. We are unsure at this point the cost of treatment, but on the antifreeze poisoning treatment alone we spent over $3,800.

UPDATE 03/01/2010: Rhea and Vell are being treated. We are hoping we can still save them. We spent another $350 tonight, and will spend another $160 tomorrow evening to recheck blood cell counts to make sure we are heading in the right direction, and hopefully they will not need blood transfusions. Vell's chest and abdomen are badly bruised from the bleeding, and she is experiencing bloody diarrhea. Rhea is bleeding from her soft palate, urinary tract, and into her joints. Her ankles and feet are badly swollen, and her urine is bright red blood still. We are hoping their situations turn around very soon.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who is donating and the kind words from everyone. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Old 03-02-2010, 03:04 AM   #3
Tiger Lilly
Wow...sorry to hear about this. There are some sick & twisted people in this world, unfortunately. Praying for the best & hoping that the idiots are caught.
Old 03-02-2010, 02:15 PM   #4
I have nothing but empathy for what this family has gone through and is going through.

But I have to wonder is it wrong to keep these animals alive??? I think so. Going through what they are physically is animal suffering. How comfortable could it be to be bleeding that much, lethargic, etc???????

Others may disagree and 'flame' me but in my opinion it's time to truly love your animal and let it go when it's suffering. Not keep it alive and continue to 'help it' and run even more tests on an already stressed out, worn out animal.

I'm all for doing whatever it takes to save an animal. Believe me I have thousands of dollars but not it the poor thing is suffering.

Oh and whoever did this to these dogs I hope they suffer immensely in a slow painful death.
Old 03-02-2010, 03:57 PM   #5
Originally Posted by TailsWithScales View Post
I have nothing but empathy for what this family has gone through and is going through.

But I have to wonder is it wrong to keep these animals alive??? I think so. Going through what they are physically is animal suffering. How comfortable could it be to be bleeding that much, lethargic, etc???????

Others may disagree and 'flame' me but in my opinion it's time to truly love your animal and let it go when it's suffering. Not keep it alive and continue to 'help it' and run even more tests on an already stressed out, worn out animal.

I'm all for doing whatever it takes to save an animal. Believe me I have thousands of dollars but not it the poor thing is suffering.

Oh and whoever did this to these dogs I hope they suffer immensely in a slow painful death.
I agree. There IS a time for euthanasia. In my mind, when there's little or no chance for quality of life-WITHOUT PAIN-it's time. Also-when the level of pain of breathing/functioning/healing is so intense-IT'S TIME.

My heart breaks for the family.

My thoughts on punishment for these SOB's-



Old 03-04-2010, 11:37 PM   #6
Evidence confirms dogs were poisoned

Updated: Thursday, 04 Mar 2010, 10:18 PM EST
Published : Thursday, 04 Mar 2010, 10:18 PM EST

* Lisa Flynn
* Posted by: Eli George

TONAWANDA, N.Y. (WIVB) - Evidence now confirms that somebody dropped rat poison into a Tonawanda backyard, poisoning a family's dogs. But who did it? And why?

Dawn Voit's dogs are on the mend, but not out of the woods yet. Three weeks ago, four of her dogs started getting sick. Tests showed traces of anti-freeze and rat poison in their system. Wednesday, their suspicions were confirmed with the discovery of green pellets behind the garage in her backyard, revealed under the melting snow.

"And they would always bury and dig back there and I never understood why. They were trying to get to this poison that was under there," said Voit.

Voit immediately notified the SPCA investigator handling the case.

Voit said, "He took photographs and also took specimens of it so he could take it back and test it, but it's rat poison."

The family's 6-month-old Australian Shepherd Ty succumbed to the poisoning.

"He was just such a sweet heart and you saw the life draining out of him as he was sick," said Voit.

Voit says she can't figure out who would want to hurt her dogs. She says they were never left in her fenced-in yard unsupervised.

Voit said, "The most they were ever out was five minutes, but that was usually with us out there with them."

Gina Browning of the SPCA says the investigation continues and reminds pet owners:

+that they should maintain close supervision of their pets outdoors
+a fenced-in yard doesn't guarantee a pet's safety
+animals left alone can be injured or stolen

"I have no idea why anybody would want to hurt my dogs. I can't understand how somebody could be so cruel as to hurt an animal," said Voit.
Old 03-04-2010, 11:55 PM   #7
Miss Tuniwha
I hate people.. I had that happen when I was younger. We had a litter of puppies, and someone poisoned some food and gave it to them.. we lost 2 of the puppies and were barely able to save the other 2..

People suck

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