2010 Census: Violation of rights?!?! - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:24 AM   #1
2010 Census: Violation of rights?!?!

This video is about the upcoming 2010 census, and how the constitution applies. Please watch....another liberty the federal government is taking without the consent of The People.

YouTube- The Census Is Getting Personal
Old 03-10-2010, 02:54 PM   #2
Twizted Paths
I can't watch vids, do you have a link to an article or transcript?
Old 03-10-2010, 04:40 PM   #3
Typical 'government is out to get us' thing that comes up about anything the gov does. Like the government needs your name to screw you over...
Old 03-10-2010, 06:02 PM   #4
I'll see what I can find. I'll also check to see if I can find a story on the reason behind the proposed changes. From what I've heard, the current administration wants to implement an experimental model for determining poverty. Thus far, it's been based on purchasing power....the new model would base it on purchasing power in relation to other Americans. In other words.....he can afford a nice house....he can't.
Old 03-11-2010, 12:56 PM   #5
Here's one link I was able to find....still trying to find something specifically related to the above video. I basically boils down to what you are and are not constitutionally required to disclose. As I said, there had been talks of a long census form, but the 10 question form has been settled upon.

Old 03-11-2010, 01:05 PM   #7
Twizted Paths
Thanks, I'll go check it out.
Old 03-11-2010, 01:46 PM   #8
Twizted Paths
Hmmph. Looks like it's a good thing I don't answer my door unless I'm expecting company or a delivery.

The Census Bureau intends the ACS to replace the “long form” questionnaire of the 10-year Census. Information provided is entered into a central data base. This data bank holds extremely sensitive details about countless residents in every area of the United States.

ACS forms are addressed to the “resident” of specific addresses randomly chosen. It is up to the primary resident to fill out the form, supply his or her full name, and the full names of each household member. Other information that must be supplied for each person includes gender, marital status, age, birthdate, and the relationship of one resident to another. Questions also delve into the specific race of each individual, language spoken, education level, citizenship and ancestry. The physical, emotional and mental state of each resident is also to be supplied, including certain medical conditions.

The ACS also requires employment addresses, the time each resident leaves for work, and when he or she arrives home. If the resident doesn’t work, the ACS asks if the person could have worked if offered a job, and other related questions. Self-employment, all income sources, and the total income earned over the previous year for each resident is also required.

The ACS also asks how many children each resident has given birth to, if any, or if any residents are currently pregnant. Military service and retirement questions are also covered in the ACS.

A series of inquiries are dedicated to the residence itself, including when it was built, how much land it occupies, how many rooms it has, number of bathrooms, type of plumbing, and market worth. The ACS also wants to know the cost of monthly utility bills, mortgage or rent, and the dates each resident moved in.
Old 03-11-2010, 02:35 PM   #9
That is also not the 2010 census they are talking about.

I'm filling mine out and sending it in ASAP, if not then you'll have a census worker (ie. stranger) at your door 2-3 times a week for the next 2 months...
Old 03-11-2010, 02:42 PM   #10
I guess I'm going to be in trouble. I've lived at my apartment for 3 years years and I don't even have a key to my mailbox. To be completely honest, I'm not even sure I know my address (I think I do but I don't know if its 435 or 345 or something else close to that.) Besides my landlord the only company/person to have my name associated with that address is the power company when I called to have the service put in my name and they send the bills to my store address. Except for 1 pizza delivery about 2 years ago I have NEVER given that address out to anyone. My parents and friends know where I live but I doubt any of them knows the address. The Post office doesn't even know I live there because when I did the change of address form I put down my store address and all my mail comes here. If they don't send the census form here I guess I won't be counted. Should I be worried

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