Does anybody know about JP Pets - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 08-13-2002, 01:57 AM   #1
I would like an inquiry on JP PETS.  Im looking for a good wholesaler.
Old 08-13-2002, 02:44 AM   #2
Well I personally do not think that JP Pets sale quality animals.
    We recieved ball pythons from them and they all died, also all the pac-man frogs I recieved died. Look around a little more. When I called to have the situation resolved they would only take off money off my next order.  Try extreme reptiles, or even maybe california reptile.
&nbsp; &nbsp; My last resort would be JPpets! &nbsp;I wish you luck! <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>
Old 08-13-2002, 09:10 AM   #3
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
Burgundy Reptiles and Strictly Reptiles have both treated me well and sent me quality animals overall. &nbsp;I did lose a couple here and there, but when ordering from wholesalers who deal mainly in WC animals, that is expected to happen on occasion. &nbsp;
Also, Aline Reptiles has treated me especially well and the ONE animal that arrived in very poor condition and subsequently died, they were very quick to replace it, no questions asked.
Old 08-13-2002, 09:32 AM   #4
First off, add your name so your post doesn't get deleted.

Now as for JP. &nbsp;It depends on what your criteria is, IF[/b] you are comfortable dealing with imported animals that may require some work, there is noone with better prices than JP. &nbsp;He guarantees the lowest prices. &nbsp;If you are only looking for a few commonly kept c.b. animals he is good on prices with those also. &nbsp;If you are new to the business and really don't know that much about how the import game works and how to treat the animal when they arrive, you may not be happy w/ JP. &nbsp;
If you want animals that can immediately go from the shipping box to your pet store display with no work required, I would say you will only be happy about 50% of the time. &nbsp;JP is a direct importer who probably moves over 100,000 animals a week. &nbsp;They do not get individual care, (it would require a staff of thousands to do so). &nbsp;So yes, you will get animals that were sitting in tree in S. America or Africa 10 days ago. &nbsp;But, if YOU are prepared to do the work, JP is great way to save money.
That's my honest opinion about the situation. &nbsp;And before anyone says anything, yes I will be running the JP Pets table this weekend at the expo, so you can claim bias if you'd like. &nbsp;But, the fact is, I still tell it like it is. &nbsp;Whether I get stuff from JP or not. &nbsp;
The thing you've got to remember folks, is no matter who you buy the imported stuff from, it all comes from the same place. &nbsp;Timing is everything in this game. &nbsp;Ball pythons are a perfect example, I rarely buy a ball after the first 4 weeks of the season. &nbsp;Because, by then the balls are being held both here and in Africa, and let's face it, you can't buy $5 ball pythons from anybody and expect them to have checked to see if they all feed. &nbsp;I bought 50 from JP in the third week of the season for right around $5 each. &nbsp;I lost 2!! &nbsp;So even with the deaths I paid less than $5.25 per snake. &nbsp;I have already sold 13 of the balls for anywhere from $20 to $65 dollars each, (do the math), so I'm very happy. &nbsp;But, I DID THE WORK. &nbsp;
If you don't have time to do the work, when you call JP ask for Chuck or Amy, they are the ones who pack the orders (hands on), and they can tell you how long the animals have been in country, etc.
Replacing the animals or giving credit on your next order is pretty much standard practice w/ wholesalers so I don't see a problem there. &nbsp;But, if you don't have time to work with these type of animals try Burgundy, or Ben Siegal. &nbsp;You'll pay more but for some people that's ok.

Brian Conley
Old 08-13-2002, 12:57 PM   #5
Well I would comment about JP Pets...but when they were emailed with inquiries about certain snakes I wished to aqquire all I got was someone wanting to know what pet store I worked for. &nbsp;
I don't work for a pet store but am breeding and am allways looking for new breeding stock.

&nbsp;However I can strongly recommend Ben siegal, Zooilogical imports, exotic reptiles jungle of florida. All of these were not only reasonable but they were more then happy to answer any and all questions I had concerning the reptiles. ALL of them shipped quality reptiles and followed up to make sure I was happy with the sale.
&nbsp;I will continue to buy from these people, they made me a customer for life.
&nbsp;TO JP...sorry but you lost a regular customer..before I even got the chance to find out about your quality however if I was to go by your customer service ...well you will never be recommended by me.

Alison Crews
Old 08-13-2002, 07:41 PM   #6
&nbsp; &nbsp;Yes, i would have to say that you would be a little bias on this subject, because you are employed by JP. &nbsp; I did do the work on the animals and quaranteend them for a month, then sold them, not one survived, I had the last one die just a &nbsp;little while ago, all were in horrible shape. &nbsp;All the pacman frogs died also. &nbsp;I feel that jpets has the lowest prices because they have the lowest quality animals and customer service. So, If I were you I would not stand behind JP or have my name associated with them, but good luck at the show &nbsp;<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>
Old 08-13-2002, 08:20 PM   #7
I bought 7 skunks (for some stupid reason) from JP Pets a few years back, they were shipped to me via Delta-Dash, in a laundry basket with their food and water bowls sliding around, empty of course. All were healthy though, and did well for me. Whoever I dealt seemed pleasant on the phone, and quite honest about his "current reptile supply" so without saying more, I didn't place an order for any reptiles they currently had in stock. Burgandy Reptile Traders treat me like GOLD everytime, and they'll treat you the same way!! Their prices are higher on some animals, but the quality is much greater!! Hope this helps the way, what does that mean?!?!? LOL!!
Old 08-13-2002, 09:25 PM   #8
Brian, in reference to your reply. You were straight up, and you &nbsp;provided adequate/honest information to the inquirer. I respect that wholeheartedly. JP Pets has always been known to have the lowest prices, and with that, you have to take the good with the bad. Good Luck at Daytona this weekend, I can't make it, but I'll introduce myself in Chicago if you're working the tables this year!
Old 08-14-2002, 09:14 AM   #9
Torie, employed is a loose term at best. &nbsp;I am a teacher full time. &nbsp;I do several small shows around the state, and buy lots of animals form JP. &nbsp;Animals which I pay full list price for, trust me, he ain't giving me any breaks! &nbsp;JP hires me to do the large shows like the expo for him because of my experence with reptiles and my ability to deal with the public. &nbsp;He knows when he does this, that I will not misrepresent an animal no matter what. &nbsp;People that have been to one of my tables at any show know that to be the truth. &nbsp;I give 100% honest answers, even if that answer is, "I don't know, I just picked it up yesterday." &nbsp;

Now as far as the animals you dealt with. &nbsp;The frogs are delicate I lost two this weekend myself. &nbsp;But you know what, most (if not all) the pac-man frogs sold by wholesalers in FL come from the same farm in CA. &nbsp;So it's not like he buys crappy frogs or anything. &nbsp;Amphibians are delicate, and that's why almost noone guarantees them.
If you kept the other animals quarantined for a month, deemed them to be healthy enough to sell, had customers look at them and then they deem them to be healthy enough to buy, I don't see how you can hold the wholesaler responsible. &nbsp;It's wholesale!!!!! &nbsp;They either are acceptable when they arrive or not, period. &nbsp;You can't keep them for a month, sell them, have YOUR customer kill them, and then blame the guy who sold it to you over a month ago. &nbsp;Even if you payed full retail at PETLand you can't expect a guarantee like that, come on <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>
Old 08-14-2002, 10:42 AM   #10
Rob @ RK Reptiles
I can say this. I have spent thousands of dollars with JP Pets and have gotten some awesome animals, and some not so awesome animals. I hand picked my animals from their facility and even helped them unpack shipments as they arrive. &nbsp;With any importer (I am one myself) you get some good animals in and some bad animals. He is in the business of selling wholesale which means it comes in and it is put up for sale. He does not have the time or employees to acclimate animals. That's why he sells them at very low prices. If you want animals that have been acclimated or treated for parasites then you need to look elsewhere and be prepared to pay higher prices. Let's use this for an example, JP Pets sells Mellers chameleons on their price list for $55ea+/- they are fresh in and have nothing done to them except fed and watered. I sell on my wholesale list Mellers for $70+ea they have been treated acclimated and have been in country for at least 2+ weeks before I sell them usually. If you want to save the $15-20ea than JP Pets is a great place to get them. If you want to pay higher prices for animal then shop elsewhere. I will continue to purchase from JP Pets when they have animals that I desire of can't import myself. I have had my share of animals purchased from JP Pets perish, but I have also had my share of animals purchased from other wholesalers perish as well. They are all wholesalers. Wholesale means exactly what it is. You get animals cheap enough to resell them. It does not mean you get them and can immediately resell them. Sometimes this is the case but most the time with imports and wild caught animals you have to do some work. And as far as Amphibians, I do not deal with them very often because they are too delicate. No matter what you do to prepare them for shipping, there will almost always be some that perish and some more will perish from the stress of the shipping. That is why I don't know of any one wholesaler that guarantees live arrival on Amphibians..

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