AVOID Monro Muffler / Brake & Service, Tread Quarters, and or Mr. Tire!!! - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 10-01-2010, 09:07 AM   #1
Angry AVOID Monro Muffler / Brake & Service, Tread Quarters, and or Mr. Tire!!!

I apologize in advance. Sit back and be ready to be here for a while. This is going to be a long one.

My vehicle is being held hostage! I took my vehicle in for overheating problems. The water pump, thermostat and upper and lower hoses were replaced. The first time I drove the vehicle on the freeway it overheated again in the exact manner in which I brought it in, in the first place. I took it back and they then told me the radiator now needed to be replaced (this was over 6 hours after I dropped off the vehicle, I called 4 hours after dropping off the vehicle and was told by the manager he would call me back in a few minutes, 2 hours later I called back and was told of the radiator. I was told it would be looked at right after another vehicle's oil change was done). I asked them how this could be since they just had my vehicle in and it "wasn't" in need of being replaced at that time? The manager told me it had split at the seams. I told him this was not possible since I did not have any leakage of antifreeze. He told me that the radiator must be empty then and I told him it was not and that I topped it off after it over heated and the only loss of fluids was through the overflow. The manager continued to argue with me and I finally told him that I would be by to pick up my vehicle and that they would not be working on it ever again.

Before I could get out the door I received a call from the guy who "worked" on my vehicle who was now telling me it was not split but clogged. I then told him if it was clogged now it was clogged when I brought it in previously and that the other work was not necessary and that they were attempting to screw me over. I was having the exact same problems as I was when I brought it in the first time (the very first time I drove it on the freeway it overheated).

I called their customer service and made a complaint before heading over to pick up my vehicle. I was told they would be submitting a request in on Monday (it was Saturday and the powers that be weren't in on the weekend) to reimburse me for the initial work.

I called the shop to inform them I would be coming to pick up my vehicle and that they would not be working on it and I was told they now would be installing the radiator free of charge. The manager didn't seem too happy that I had made the complaint and his District Manager had authorized the installation of the radiator free of charge.

After not hearing anything from them all day Monday (the shop or customer service) I called them (the shop) around 6:00 pm to see what the status was of the repair. I was told it would not be finished until Tuesday afternoon. I then told him I would need the rental vehicle they offered (again I was told this was going to be free of charge to me) since I had appointments I needed to go to on Tuesday. I was told to call a number first thing in the morning and that he (the manager) would also be calling them.

So I call and I was told I would need either a credit card or $50.00 to insure the vehicle. I had neither on hand and was told to call the shop. I did and the manager told me he would call me back in a few minutes. Of course he had not called them as he promised and told me he had just got in (9:20 a.m.) though they open at 7:00 a.m.

After an hour and a half and no return call I called the customer service number again and informed them I was unhappy with the lack of returned promised calls and that I had already missed one appointment and that I needed to get the promised vehicle. I was transferred to the District Manager and left him a voice mail.

Two hours later and no return call I call customer service again and was told she would personally call the District Manager as soon as we got off the phone. Before I could ask about the status of the refund she had hung up. So I call back and end up speaking with a different representative who then tells me there is nothing noted about any refund. At this point I ask for a supervisor and surprise, surprise I get his voice mail. I leave a message.

An hour and a half later I call back and request to speak with a human being after stating that I am disappointed that I cannot seem to get a phone call returned. I finally speak with the supervisor who is anything but helpful. He tells me that the manager told me they would not be getting me a car and he then continued to tell me that I was making up the whole refund thing and that there will not be any refund. I then tell him that he has left me no choice but to dispute the charges. At this point tells me that I have threatened him with a lawsuit and that he is going to call the shop and have them remove the radiator and that I can go and pick up my vehicle. I then ask for his supervisor's name and to be transferred to him or her. He tells me he doesn't have a supervisor. I tell him he is not God and that he answers to someone and that I would like the person's name, number and to be transferred to them. He refused and said that I would not speak to anyone above him that he is as high as I will go. I asked him for his last name and he responded with a condescending "make sure you spell it right" as he then spells his name out.

The conversation continued with him interrupting me over and over again with absolutely no headway. During which he tells me that I do not deserve to receive the radiator for free (*the manager of the shop had said the same ting). As I am in mid sentence I am hung up on. I called back and requested to speak with the supervisor of the supervisor I was just speaking with and I am connected back to the same gentleman (and yes I am using that term loosely ) who tells me that he has instructed the switch board to forward any calls requesting his supervisor directly to him and that I will not speak to anyone above him.

Of course he denied hanging up on me. He then proceeds to tell me that he is sending the shop a release that I must sign before the will give me my vehicle back. I told him I would not be signing the release and he said that he was done talking to me and that he would not hang up and that I could talk all I wanted as he put the phone down on his desk and started speaking with someone in the background.

Around 4:15 he calls me and says my vehicle is done and that I can go and sign the release and take my vehicle.

A friend of mine was on his way over anyhow and he picked up the release and brought it to me. It reads as follows:

This will confirm recent conversations during which we discussed issues that you had regarding work that Monro Muffler Inc., Mr. Tire (“Moro”) performed on your vehicle. We agreed to resolve any and all issues between you and Monro regarding the Vehicle and to set forth our agreement in writing.

Accident and Settlement

The Vehicle was brought to the Monro shop #476 in Seven Hills, OH on 8/21/2010, invoice #57146 for overheating problems. At the time Monro installed a water pump, upper and lower hoses and a thermostat. On 9/25/2010, you returned to the shop with overheating problems once again and it was determined that the vehicle needed a new radiator. You have claimed that you do not feel that the vehicle was repaired properly on 8/25/2010. Monro while admitting no wrongdoing has agreed to install a new radiator at no charge as a full and final resolution to this matter.


In order to close this matter, I must have you release Monro from any liability. Please review the following carefully:

David Gruning as owner of the Vehicle contingent upon receipt a new radiator in your Vehicle, do hereby release and forever discharge Monro, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from all actions, causes of actions, suits, debts, sums of money, claims and demands relating to the Vehicle or arising out of work performed by Monro on the Vehicle on or prior to September 28, 2010.

The undersigned also acknowledges that Monro, its officers, directors, employees and agents expressly deny liability to any or all of the undersigned and understands and agrees that the acceptance of the above-mentioned consideration is in full accord and satisfaction of any disputed claim and that the tender of said consideration is not an admission of liability.

The undersigned also declare that each fully understand the terms of the settlement described herein; that the amount of stated herein is the sole consideration of this Release and that each voluntarily accepts said sum for the purpose of making a full and final compromise, adjustment and settlement of claims for damages that the undersigned claims to have against Monro, its officers, directors, employees or agents.

I trust this accurately reflects out agreement to settle this matter. Please sign this letter and return it to the store manager prior to the release of your Vehicle.

To reply to the underlined sentence, obviously not!!!

Well it took me longer to write this then it took me to resolve this problem.

A friend of mine was going to take me to go and pick up my vehicle after they were closed (Tuesday evening) but prior to doing so she called her brother-in-law who used to be a police officer. He informed her that I could be charged with criminal trespass if I were to go on the property after hours. She opted out of taking me.

Wednesday I was waiting for a buddy of mine to get off work to take me up there so I would have a witness of them saying they were refusing to release my vehicle but I was going to still just take it with my other set of keys. I informed my other friend of what I intended to do and she said if I went to jail she would never forgive me.

A little while later she calls me back and tells me she had called the police in the city the shop was located in and they said they would meet us there. We meet them at the bank next door and they inform me that if they do not release my vehicle to me I would not be able to just take it. I would have to get a court order and then they would again escort us there and make them release my vehicle.

As it turns out it did not come to that. I walk in with the one officer and ask the manager for my vehicle. He says (stuttering all the while, due to the officers presence) the company wants me to sign the release and I tell him that I will not sign it. He attempts to call his supervisor but it turns out I was not the only one who had difficulties reaching him. He released my vehicle to me and as I was just about the door he felt the need to say "have a nice life" being big and brave now that the officer was not in ear shot. I merely flipped him off and walked out the door without saying a word. I thank the officer, shake his hand and drive away.

I think today I will call the Director of Customer Service and inform him I have my vehicle and that I did not sign his release and that I would suggest that the supervisors should answer their phones more often and that they should probably hire managers who can follow instructions. Oh, and he should expect to be hearing from his supervisor (the internet is a wonderful thing, a simple search and I was easily able to find out who his supervisor was), President and CEO, Rob Gross since he will be receiving a letter from me informing him of his treatment of me and his handling of this situation.

Needless to say I would suggest avoiding Monro Muffler / Brake, Tread Quarters and Mr. Tire at all cost. It is definitely not worth the abuse and hassle.
Old 10-01-2010, 09:30 AM   #2
I'm speechless, i am utterly appalled that you were treated like that
What the hell is wrong with making sure the customer is satisfied and treated right? Apparently all the morons you spoke with need a lesson in delivering great customer service.
My butt would have been canned if i ever spoke to a customer like the way you were spoken to, Dave. And to be hung up on, that just takes the cake.

Yes, there have been times when i get frustrated with a customer, but in no way would i ever speak to someone in that manner. And yes, even though a lot of times the customer is wrong, when you work in any aspect of customer service, a person has to be polite, respectful, and open minded when listening to a customers concern.

I'm glad you didn't decide to sneak onto their property to get your car, cause it would suck if you had ended up in jail, though i would have sent you your bail money
Old 10-01-2010, 10:27 AM   #3
Do you have any proof of this? It's all just hearsay at this point. Even your release was hand typed. Just kidding man, that sucks. I went through a similar thing about 6 years ago with a company called Certified Transmission. I hope the CEO does the right thing....
Old 10-01-2010, 10:33 AM   #4
Originally Posted by jfreels View Post
Do you have any proof of this? It's all just hearsay at this point. Even your release was hand typed. Just kidding man, that sucks. I went through a similar thing about 6 years ago with a company called Certified Transmission. I hope the CEO does the right thing....
If he does anything or not I'll at least of tried to inform him of how his employees are treating the public.
Old 10-01-2010, 10:44 AM   #5
Clay Davenport
Originally Posted by DAND View Post
I took my vehicle in for overheating problems. The water pump, thermostat and upper and lower hoses were replaced. The first time I drove the vehicle on the freeway it overheated again in the exact manner in which I brought it in, in the first place.
If I'm understanding this correctly, the above repairs were all done on the first visit.
If that's correct then they were obviously taking advantage of you from the very beginning. No one just goes to replacing numerous related parts in attempt to fix a problem without checking to see what was actually wrong, unless they're merely trying to pad the bill.
True either your water pump or the thermostat could have caused overheating, but it's VERY unlikely that both went bad at the same time. The hoses have nothing to do with it if they're not leaking, and don't need replacing unless they have obvious surface cracks.
Even if the problem had been fixed after the first visit, you would have paid for a few things that did not need to be replaced.
Far too many shops like this, especially chains, operate this way. You take it in for one thing but end up paying for several other things they found and "fixed" as if they were doing you a favor by catching them.
Old 10-01-2010, 10:57 AM   #6
Originally Posted by Clay Davenport View Post
If I'm understanding this correctly, the above repairs were all done on the first visit.
If that's correct then they were obviously taking advantage of you from the very beginning. No one just goes to replacing numerous related parts in attempt to fix a problem without checking to see what was actually wrong, unless they're merely trying to pad the bill.
True either your water pump or the thermostat could have caused overheating, but it's VERY unlikely that both went bad at the same time. The hoses have nothing to do with it if they're not leaking, and don't need replacing unless they have obvious surface cracks.
Even if the problem had been fixed after the first visit, you would have paid for a few things that did not need to be replaced.
Far too many shops like this, especially chains, operate this way. You take it in for one thing but end up paying for several other things they found and "fixed" as if they were doing you a favor by catching them.
You are understanding it correctly.
Old 10-01-2010, 02:35 PM   #7
Dand-I'm really surprised you didn't hand them their asses!!

You must be slackin', man!!!

As for the bill padding, it happens to women all the time.

They see us coming and they lose their damned brains!!

Years ago, I had station wagon with a bad wiper motor. I called the closest national chain parts shop...they're not in business anymore and I don't remember their name.

When I went in to pick up the part, the guy handed me a business card, and said I couldn't possibly change the motor myself because it required specialized pneumatic tools, and if I brought my car in to a shop he worked at when he got off work at the parts store, it would only cost me $150 in service, plus the cost of the part.

Well, I may be dumb, but I ain't stoopid.

I had looked under the hood before I made the call to the shop, and I knew it was only held on with nuts and bolts.

I asked to talk to the manager. The guy almost wet his pants as I told the manager exactly what he'd said, showed him the business card, and told him I'd fry in Hell before I ever bought another part from such an unscrupulous shop.

I went to a local chain that I'd done business with before, but was out of the way when I moved to a different neighborhood, bought the part (when I told them what the guy at the national chain tried to pull, they laughed and said the national chain was famous for treating women that way, and they were happy to have me back as a customer), and had it replaced in less than half an hour, and it worked fine for the life of the car.

And all it took was a FREAKIN' ADJUSTABLE WRENCH!

The moral of the story is-TRUST NO ONE!! - Fox Mulder
Old 10-01-2010, 02:50 PM   #8
Originally Posted by SamanthaJane13 View Post
Dand-I'm really surprised you didn't hand them their asses!!
Believe me you I am no where finished with them.

Oh and to top it off they broke the overflow reservoir and thought a zip strip would be an acceptable repair.

The manager told me the radiator was going to cost $168 on the phone but the paper work they gave me states $244.
Old 10-01-2010, 02:56 PM   #9
Originally Posted by DAND View Post
Believe me you I am no where finished with them.

Oh and to top it off they broke the overflow reservoir and thought a zip strip would be an acceptable repair.

The manager told me the radiator was going to cost $168 on the phone but the paper work they gave me states $244.
Where did they learn to do repairs, The Dummies Guide to Auto repairs"?

I wouldn't let these guys near a tricycle, let alone a car.

Did the manager say that the $168 included labor, or was that without labor?
Old 10-01-2010, 04:03 PM   #10
Originally Posted by crissabella View Post
Where did they learn to do repairs, The Dummies Guide to Auto repairs"?

I wouldn't let these guys near a tricycle, let alone a car.

Did the manager say that the $168 included labor, or was that without labor?
He said the $168 was for just the radiator. The invoice said $244 for the radiator and $198 for the labor for a total of $442.

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