"The Pack" - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 10-21-2006, 03:54 PM   #1
"The Pack"

There has been, over the years, many a mention of "The Pack" referring to individuals who excell at chasing down and tearing apart the scumbags of the reptile industry.

I don't think there is any such pack.

I do see, from time to time, a group of like minded individuals, those who think the herd does need thinning and not only does it need thinning, but they are willing to step up and say, "hey, this guy's a scumbag, here's why..."

Unlike The BrotherHood and The Voice, who from what I understand not ONLY have newsletters to keep members informed of current capers, er trends, but have get togethers to discuss strategies, er price fixing, er trends in the markets on which they so depend, the pack, being merely a loosely associated group of like minded individuals, unless I'm totally left out, which would wound me to pain beyond endurance, has no particualr alliance or commitment to any particular individual.

In fact, I've seen and participated in more than one or two "scuffles" with those considered members of The Pack, elusive as the actual gatherings seem to be.

Much like a wolf, to continue the metaphorical allegory, there are certain individuals who do seem to have a nose, as it were, for sniffing out those who walk in poo yet wipe no shoe. Why fault those with the nose for alerting the Faithful Fauna Readers to the misdeeds of those with whom none of us, those to whom right is good, would do business? And further, why fault them for that which brings out the scumbagitry of the worst?

Perhaps it is because some know that whether The Pack is real or not, they will never amount to sufficient stature, either mentally or verbally, to be considered a part of such a nonexistant group of loosely associated like minded individuals, and I think THAT is painful. Afterall, doesn't everyone want to, at least secretly, want to Run with The Big Dogs?

Saying often enough that there is such a group will not force one into existance, not for real, but imaginary alliances can easily be drawn. As can imaginary adversity.

But, speaking only as The Leader of My Pack of One, there is no Pack.

Those of us who are a loosely associated group of like minded individuals probably couldn't all get our heads in one room at the same time anyway so it's best that we as a group do not exist.

There is NO "The Pack"
Old 10-21-2006, 10:23 PM   #2
OK, I can accept that....but who/what is The Voice?
Old 10-21-2006, 10:33 PM   #3
Somewhere in the mkr hit parade of stupidity there is someone who claims to be "The Voice" of those for whom breeding ball pythons is a way to affect an affectation of power and granduer and imagined admiration, I think.

He may have been saying that he was the vocal representation of The Brotherhood as well. It's so hard to know exactly what those Ball Guys are really saying. They have so many secret handshakes and signals and finger wigglings that I'm not just sure who is what to whom in that world.
Old 10-21-2006, 10:35 PM   #4
I thought it might be a part/piece of the Brotherhood, but I wasn't sure...darned BP people and their fingerwiggling handshakes
Old 10-21-2006, 10:37 PM   #5
Originally Posted by hhmoore
I thought it might be a part/piece of the Brotherhood, but I wasn't sure...darned BP people and their fingerwiggling handshakes
It wouldn't be so bad is so many of them weren't 4 fingered. It's hard enough learing all those secret wiggles and strokes, but doing it with one finger out, man, that's tough.

As they meant it to be, no doubt.
Old 10-22-2006, 10:10 AM   #6
The Brotherhood promised me a newsletter once, but I never got it. I think it's cuz I'm a girl, and I didn't want to serve them their drinks at the next meeting.

And I find The Voice kinda creepy.

If there is a "Pack" how come the members keep changing? I mean, I've seen one group called The Pack in one thread, then a few of the same Pack having opposing views from other portions of that initially named Pack, yet the Pack is still named as being the cause of the evildoer's woes. Perhaps I will just never understand the intricate inner workings of the Pack. Maybe if I serve them drinks, they will explain?
Old 10-22-2006, 10:40 AM   #7
depends on what you wear while serving said drinks
Old 10-22-2006, 10:43 AM   #8
Hmmm.....probably a good point.

Do you suppose they have a required Pack Dress Code for Serving Girls?
Old 10-22-2006, 10:49 AM   #9
Originally Posted by Wilomn
It's so hard to know exactly what those Ball Guys are really saying. They have so many secret handshakes and signals and finger wigglings that I'm not just sure who is what to whom in that world.
That is not true at all. Us Ball Guys use a series of Ball gestures. Not our hands and fingers. You have got the wrong part of the anatomy altogether. Hopefully I wont get in trouble with the Other Ball Guys for sharing this information.

You see we have the double ball sag. The left ball sag with the right staying high and tight, the right ball sag with the left staying high and tight, the double ball hanging left, the double ball hanging right, the double ball staying high and tight and during red alerts both balls will actually invert themselves inside the body. Well, that last one happens sometimes too just because its really cold outside. Which has actually caused a few false alarms before and got all of Us Ball Guys going off prematurely.
Old 10-22-2006, 10:59 AM   #10
more than I needed (or wanted) to know
Unfortunately, the Grand Poobah of the Brotherhood has already seen your description. He was not pleased
Something tells me Sammy may be in for a scolding for disclosing club secrets

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