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Old 10-11-2004, 07:32 AM   #1
Im not stalling, obviously you can see, on this forum, i happen to get into a lot of legal issues, which is not intended. Im just going to make sure, just incase, ill try to get his name on here soon.
Old 10-11-2004, 11:13 AM   #2
Enough already. You know his name you can post it . Though i suspect your grasping at straws. You already have given yourself a bad name and made yourself very untrustwourthy. So knock off the excuses and provide the truth for a change. this is getting old.
Old 10-11-2004, 11:21 AM   #3
Ken Harbart
There isn't a single legal issue involved in regards to posting his name, and you need no one's permission. It's a simple matter of typing his name, then clicking "submit reply." Not difficult at all.
Old 10-11-2004, 01:25 PM   #4
Alright Mike-

Enough is enough. I wasn't going to post but you have as much common sense as my girlfriends Chihuahua(if not less). I wasn't going to post but after reading how you successfully bred a Hognose with a Boa, that did it. No one likes a liar. You will find yourself alienated from the herp community if you keep it up. I was nice and gave you a chance. QUIT LYING- Bust out with your Vet buddies name and quit your lying.

Old 10-11-2004, 03:19 PM   #5
Hognose and BOA #%@$@#^??????? I just spit my Soda all over the keys thanks alot Brett..
Old 10-11-2004, 03:36 PM   #6
Ok im laughing so hard I cant pass this up.

First Mike that is an Eastern Hognose NOT a southern. Give us all a break you think people here are so stupid they can not blow that picture up and look at it. Secound Southern Hogs are actually rare to find in captive collections last i checked for them. Third I have had several in my collection and not one looked remotely like that all mine were Wild Caught however. I doubt you even would know the Price True southerns are wourth even for wc specimens.

Ken pointed out why the breeding of the species is impossible I seriously Doubt even Dr Frankenstein could do it.

In PARTING. I was walking across a bridge and this hidious creature jumped out from under it demanding a toll I took one look at it and laughed and said grow up Troll. it ran back under the bridge crying and waiting for the next unsuspecting person to try and pass its BS off on.
Old 10-11-2004, 03:44 PM   #7
Ken Harbart
Yep. That tall tale earned him a warning for obvious troll. The immaturity is getting rather tiresome. The "all snakes are technically constrictors" was pretty amusing as well.
Old 10-11-2004, 03:48 PM   #8
Ken with everything we have been through lately down here though the laughter im getting is needed.

Send me that e-mail about the other. Or ill try pming you my number and you can call direct. which ever is easiest for you.
Old 10-11-2004, 03:49 PM   #9
Sorry Scott!!!!! This kid is unreal. I owe everyone an apology! I am sorry for telling all of you that you are being too hard on this kid. He needs a good hook to his ever growing nose!!!!!!! Nothing worse than a liar!!

Old 10-11-2004, 09:31 PM   #10
Well I was planning to hybridize a cantaloupe and a cauliflower. I figured I'd get a melon-cauli baby.

The other thing I wanted to breed was a Gaboon and a pane of glass. That would be a window viper.

Now that we're done with the funnies, here's the serious speculation. I have a copperhead male (currently residing with Mardi Snipes for breeding) that vigorously attempts to copulate any female including snakes not of his species. He would begin head jerking motions while I was still tailing him down into the cage with the female. Obviously no offspring would result if I put him down with a boa, and it's possible that he might not even try because she wouldn't smell right. But I'd lay reasonable odds that he might just attempt to go through the breeding motions. I don't know as it never occurred to me to try.

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