Feedback forum for the Chat is now open.


Just treading water.......
Staff member
Resident Demon
Feb 3, 2002
Reaction score
Crawfordville, FL
I've noticed that there have been quite a few people using the Chat room lately. I use this in the singular form, since everyone seems to be in the lobby, and no one is using any of the additional rooms set up there. Sigh... I guess eventually it will get so crowded in the lobby that some of you will have to move into another room.

Anyway, this forum is for the discussion of the Chat Room to bring out any issues needed to be aired out. Things like problems with users abusing the board, problems, or anything of that nature. Maybe a discussion of setting up fixed time slots for various discussions of specific animal groups could be addressed here as well.

Perhaps a "Chat Meister" is needed. Someone whom can take the lead with the chat board and be a coordinator of sorts. Anyone interested?
Yeah.... I guess you could say I've got a problem. I can't seem to get in!! I've tried enabling/disabling EVERYTHING on my "internet options/security" menus... I can't get the room to load up right. I don't know what else to do! If anyone can help, that would be excellent!! I'm using windows nt, and Intenet explorer.... ?
So far the only people I have heard about that cannot access the chat board are those using WebTV. Perhaps it is Windows NT causing the problem. I'm using WinXP on two of the computers and Win98SE on another with no problems.

Maybe the NT is choking on the Java scripting. Right off hand, I don't know what to suggest to you to try. Perhaps if you turned off all security blocks on your computer to see if it worked. If that fixes the problem, start adding them back in one by one until you isolate the one that is shutting down your access to the board.
Oh, I think I can help with this! My kids PC wouldn't let me into chat either. I finally downloaded an new copy of JAVA. I wish I could remember the name of the site I got it from, it was whoever makes JAVA, maybe someone else can remember the name. (Was it Sun Microsystems?)

Any way, it turned out that Microsoft, who made the Windows XP system I was running is not playing nice with whomever it is that makes JAVA, so JAVA was not properly enabled on that new PC. Once I downloaded the free software to put Java on my PC (I had to download the regular Windows version of JAVA, as my PC claims I have the XP JAVA but chat would not work until I downloaded the regular windows version) after I did that, chat worked instantly.

Good luck!