Help ID Boas

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Resident Demon
Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
Bonifay Fl.



The two adults along with a couple others were produced from a wild caught female. As babies they stood out of the litter due to having square blotched and a bright yellow back ground. After raising them up we finally produced 10 babies off of this pair. 4 normal looking and 6 that look hypoish . Any one have any idea what to think?
I was expecting maybe od patterns and more yellow. The import female was normal BCI in appearance.
Thanks Sam
Just thought I would put up a few post shed pics. Still not sure what to think?

Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Some of those baby pictures are definitely hypo, but the parents don't look it. Are you absolutely certain that both of those adults are the parents?
The mother is 100%. The father I do question but don't see how another male could have gotten to her. The two of them have been together for the last 18 months atleast. I have wondered if she got bred very small by a different male and retained. I know when she was small my partner had placed her in with some others during cage cleaning but she was less than three feet then and barely over a year old.
We have her sister also gravid now so hopefully we will see something definitive with this next clutch. I was hoping for really high yellow babies with the square pattern. The nice thing is the adults staying small around 5'. It is ashamed not to know what bred the original wild caught female that dropped these now adults.
I can tell you with 99.99999% accuracy that that male did not father those babies. Some of those babies are hypos and it as rare as rare can be for a dominant mutation to spontaneously appear.