Bernard Ward--VERY BAD GUY

Author Subject: Bernard Ward--VERY BAD GUY
Cyn Posted At 13:14:02 10/26/2000
Buyer beware! This guy sold me some stuff and then he wanted to buy it back. I didn't want to sell it, but told him that when I did decide to sell them, he would be the first to know. This man BROKE into my house and STOLE the stuff I bought from him! He also stole my Australian Black Swan, and my power tools out of my garage! He went around town and bragged to everyone that he had done this!! The place we lived in (In the country in Oklahoma) dosen't have a police department, so all I could do was make a report with the Sheriff department. He knew this. To this day, noone has been able to do ANYTHING about this! I have filed charges, but he won't show up to court, and I am still short several snakes, a Nile croc, and my power tools!!!:(

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