Jerry Tubbs (good guy)

Author Subject: Jerry Tubbs (good guy)
Ernie Watts Posted At 23:45:08 04/10/2001
Yes, this is another post for Jerry Tubbs and yes he asked me to express my opinion and that is what this forum is for. As for my opinion, it is mine alone, with out influence. I can not speak for others or attest to their truthfulness. I can only tell you of my experience with Mr. Tubbs. I traded him a couple boas for a very beautiful Anery. She is a Ghost littermate and I have been looking for an Anery with her looks for a long time. There were a lot of really nice Anery's out there, but this is the color and type I was looking for. My dealings with Mr. Tubbs was very pleasant and strait forward. I am wary of dealing with anyone new, but Mr. Tubbs would and will get business from me again. I take all my boas to a Vet shortly after I get them. Most the boas I receive come stressed (all that box kicking I guess) I assume all the boas I ship also arrive stressed so I encourage everyone to have their reptiles, be it boas or what ever checked by a compitent reptile Vet. You never know what your new reptile has encountered on it's trip to you. It is better to be safe than sorry. This goes without saying, but it needs to be said, ALWAYS QUARINTINE NEW REPTILES, or chance infecting all your healthy animals, perhaps even with a fatal decease. As for all this shipping stuff. I think it varies, but no matter who you ship with there is always going to be a Delbert dumbbutt with no common sense and an IQ of -25 and chances are sooner or later he will handle your packages. I checked the sites posted earlier, I learned things I didn't know, but it still doesn't change the fact that when you ask your local UPS/FedEx dealer if you can ship your reptiles he may or may not say yes. All I have to say to this is he is in the business to make money and you are helping to pay his bills, feed his children and keep a roof over his head. So what do you think he was going to tell you. Point is to all this, you want all your reptiles to be shipped safe as can be. Arrive live and healthy and the person waiting on the other end wants the same thing. The people you choose to ship with I think is your own business, but if I get a sick or dead boa, you, the breeder/shipper is who I expect to answer to me. I expect you to keep your guarantee or promise. You deal with the people you chose to ship with, it was your choice. As for the rest of this site, I think it is an excellent idea to have a place to come to check people out and to be able to make an informed decision. BUT, you knew that was coming didn't you, but their are a lot of people that are abusing it. If you have a problem stick to the facts, be proffesional, it reflects on you not the person you're posting about. Don't get into childish squabbles. State the facts and move on. Don't get suckered into an arguement with someone, just ignore it. As for the one being acused, last time I checked this was still America, land of the free. They have a right to defend themselves, but again, stick to the facts, be professional. If you don't handle a situation calmly and dipomatically you will lose more business than you gain. If you have a complaint filled with slander and angry words don't respond with the same. Respond with the truth, dignity and honor and let those that are reading it decide for their selves. Things happen, you can't please everyone and buyer beware. We are the ones that reflect on this hobby. If you run it into the ground it will slowly start to shrivel, die and disappear completely. They will pass laws to make this hobby to expensieve or to time consuming to particpate in and we will be the ones to blame. We are loosing some of our freedoms everyday, inch by inch and it is due to people abusing whatever it may be and the masses suffer for the few idiots that lack the simple common sense to know better or understand the impact of their choices. Nuff said. Thank you for taking the time to read this rambling. Ernie

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