Circle City Serpents- (Joel Ebarb) (INQUIREY)

Author Subject: Circle City Serpents- (Joel Ebarb) (INQUIREY)
Dave Derrick Posted At 18:08:42 06/27/2001
Please reply to this post if you have done business with them. THANKS,Dave
Dennis Gulla Re: Circle City Serpents- (Joel Ebarb) (INQUIREY)
4974.html Posted At 08:04:03 06/28/2001

I purchased an adult Female Colombian Boa (or at least that's what I wanted and was told I was getting) from Joel Ebarb back in January. I answered an ad he had placed on classifieds stating that he had a 0.1 "96", high orange, Colombian Boa with exceptional color for sale. When I called him, he gave me the price and a description of the animal. He said that he had her since she was a neonate and that she was 7 feet long and heavy bodied, she has lots of orange in her with a beautiful tail. I sent him a money order, after a couple of days he e-mailed me and told me that he had received it. I e-mailed him back with all of my information for shipping and asked him to let me know when he is going to ship so I could be at home (I work.)I did not here from him for about two days, so I started sending him e-mails and left messages on his answering machine. A couple of more days went by with no returned phone call or e-mail. That's when I started to worry. I get a phone call at work from my wife who happened to be home sick from work telling me there was a big box just delivered to me. I opened the box when I got home, it was very poorly packed, part of the box was mashed, there was nothing written on the box "fragile, harmless reptile." There were some styrofoam peanuts in the box with a few dish towels and the snake was in a pillow case. When I got here out, she was big (7 ft.) and heavy. I quareentined her, and a couple of days later I noticed she had some mites in her enclousure. No big deal, I took care of that with some Provent-O-Mite. I must admit, she is a beautiful snake, not very much orange in her like I was told, but she does have a nice tail. To my disapointment, she was not a Colombian boa. She is a a cross between a Surinam or Guyanan. The BCC traits are more evident than a Colombians. She has very few saddles, narrow, some have widows peaks, and the much as I wish she was a Colombian with a tail like that, not a chance, the deep maroon color is not a trait in Colombian boas. I finally got in touch with Joel about two days after I received the snake. I asked him what happened? He never told me he was shipping, If my wife wasn't home ill that day the snake would have been sitting in a box in front of my house. I also mentioned the snake was poorly packed. Joel said that he was ill and that his girlfriend was the one that shipped the snake. I then asked him if this boa was 100% Colombian? He swore it was, he said he knew the breeder and he got her as a baby. I have owned boas for the last 10 years, This boa is not 100% Colombian. So, to sum it up, I would not buy from Joel Ebarb (Circle City Serpents) again, nor would I recommend him. Sorry for the long post. I'm still upset that I have a boa that I really can't use in my breeding program.

Adam Goss Re: Circle City Serpents- (Joel Ebarb) (INQUIREY)
4999.html Posted At 02:25:28 06/29/2001

I have purchased animals from Joel for over a year now and have been pleased with everything he has shipped me. He has healthy animals and some of the best blue tongue skinks I have ever seen.
Adam Goss

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