brian conely inquiry

Author Subject: brian conely inquiry
dews Posted At 00:59:58 09/06/2001
Is this guy legit?
Dan Atkinson Re: brian conely inquiry
8941.html Posted At 00:48:34 09/10/2001

You got no response here because this guy is a nobody!!

I did however do a deal with him. It is a long story.
Long and short of it.
Brian sent me 5 bloods they were to have been 2.3 they were 4.1
That was the good part it. It was a trade and I told him I wanted him to ship first. Why,..because I had, and still do have a good name.
I called Brain and told him 3 of the bloods had fluid in the months, and were weasing a bit. He told me they were guaranteed
sound in health.
So I send my snakes to him. There was a balance due to Brian of $200. I WILL NEVER PAY HIM!!!
For this he has been telling all that will listen that I’m a crook. Well it took about 3 months total but all 5 bloods died.
They were not kept here as I had left town soon after our deal.
But with in the first 3 weeks 2 had died and the 3rd 2 weeks after that. They were kept at a friend of mines. As He was to have bought them had they pulled thruogh.
Brian is a liar and a cheat. I’m glad he teaches in Florida, and not in California, as I would not want him teaching my kids to square dance. Not just because he has BAD SICK snakes.
I have been subject to allot of lies on account of him.
If you deal with Brian Conlin, or think he is even a little right in this deal. (that would mean you dont know the whole story)
Please take note of my email address.(
I do not want your business or your snakes!!!
Iv been doing this for over 6 years. This year I have had A LOT of family problems, from the death of my little brother. To my father being in his last days, just to mention a few. So IV done very little on kingsnake THIS YEAR. But,...the years before this 1000's of deals with 100's of folks.
I do not have but 3 guy complaining and they’re all lies and have all cheated ME NOT THE REVEARSE! Want to know the other 2 email me I’ll let you know.
End of story
Brian Conley Re: brian conely inquiry
8943.html Posted At 09:25:05 09/10/2001

Wonderful! I was hoping Dan would reply, now I can tell the whole world about our "deal" one more time. Dan, I'll go real slow again so maybe you can tell us what I did wrong.

1. Dan posts for sale: 0.2 albino burmese and 0.1 albino green burmese.

2. I contact Dan inquire about the snakes (health, etc.) "they're in great shape," his reply.

3. I offer Dan a trade 2.3 bloods at best, 3.2 at worst (which last time I spoke to him was what he got). His reply, "as long as there are at least 2 females it's ok."

4. Dan, MAKES ME SHIP FIRST. I do so as per his instructions.

5. Dan tells me the snakes did not arrive and were left in Atlanta. I call Delta, and they tell me the snakes were picked up and signed for 2 hours ago by Dan Atkinson!?! Dan's reply, pick one, he's given me three different stories on that one. The best one is that his "friends" at the Delta counter saw that the box was his and put it behind the counter for safe keeping. But he told me in an email that when he asked where the box was they told him it was in Atlanta?? Some friends, huh.

6. Dan did say ONE animal had "some fluid in it's mouth," we agreed it was probably due to shipping and the length of time it took him to get the box back to his place. At no point did Dan say he was not happy with the animals or that he wanted to send them back. Also at no point did I say, just sell them to whoever you'd like and if they die anytime in the next 20 years I'll replace them.

7. Dan's most valuable animal, the albino green $350, went from "great shape" to "too sick to ship," in three days (amazing how this guy can tell the health of animals isn't it). Yet he still can't figure out that maybe he's responsible for the deaths of the bloods (if they are really dead as he's provided no proof!)

8. Dan ships me two albino burms in the same box I sent the bloods in, with the same 20 hour heat pack taped to the lid, 4 days later! One of the burms is bleeding from the nose and the other is crawling around the box, guess he forgot to tie the pillow case! This is the same guy who told me time and time again how long he'd been doing this and how great he was at it.

9. Dan stays in touch with me about the balance of our transaction (never saying the bloods were sick or dead) on and off for two months. He offered other animals (nothing I could use) and finally says he'll send money. I tell him just pay me what you can when you can. He says, "my checks in the mail," well guess what it wasn't. He even goes so far as to blame to the post office. Finally, he admits, he was "just bidding time," and agrees to Western Union the money. I go out looking for the money and it's not there (big surprise). Finally, nearly two months after Dan recieved my snakes, Dan did send $150 of the $350 he owed me. I thanked him, and told him to send the rest when he could. Honestly, I felt bad for the guy, hell, if even half of the excuses he gave me were real then this is truely a man of constant sorrow.

10. I shipped my snakes on 10/27, early January over two months after Dan recieved them, I get an email saying: I sold those snakes to some friends of mine and they died. "What do you want to do about it?" I told Dan I wanted my money and anything that happened to the snakes after they were in his possesion and then sold or traded to someone else was his problem. He didn't like that answer and here we are.

11. Dan still owes me $200. I have filed internet fruad charges against him and Coldblooded Reptiles of CA. I have filed a complaint w/ (possibly the real reason we haven't seen him there recently). I am currently working w/ a detective in Dan's area to see just exactly what can be done. Dan's lucky, it looks like I'd have to fly to CA to file suit and as a plane ticket costs more than $200 I guess he'll get away with this. But, you know what Dan, I will continue as long as I draw breath to tell everyone every detail of our transaction. I still to this day have all the emails I can send anybody who would like to see them. And frankly, your opinion of me matters not, because I have proof and you don't.

Thanks for the oportunity, Brian Conley

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