The new Atlanta show schedule - FaunaClassifieds
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Shows & Events Since these are such a big part of our business, it is appropriate that we discuss them from a business perspective.

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Old 11-18-2005, 07:03 AM   #1
The new Atlanta show schedule

The Atlanta's show page is currently being updated with all the new information. With all the publicity this show has received, it's sure to be a great show for vendors & attendees.
Old 11-18-2005, 08:39 AM   #2
The new venue looks good and its even closer to my home….however, if Tony wants to be a success he needs to dump Jeff Mohr and his venomoids and get Roark back in that spot.
Old 11-18-2005, 09:48 AM   #3
Everyone knows that I'm against venomoids & a Roark fan. But Tony has only had Mohr for a short time, He'll have to use his own judgement on this issue.
Old 11-18-2005, 11:05 AM   #4
Yes, that is true….but for the man to make properly informed decisions on his show, he needs honest feed back. Among our community, Mohr is not taken seriously by many. And as far as the general public, he is boring. It would be more entertaining to watch fruit flies copulate then to watch his show. With the possible exceptions of Irwin and Corwin, Roark is the greatest reptile entertainer on the market. Mohr needs to be performing at the women’s church auxiliary not at a nationally acclaimed reptile expo. If you want to be the best, you must work with the best.
Old 11-19-2005, 01:51 PM   #5
The directions to the new venue are up and there is new hotel information on the "hotel" links page. Also, all VIP tickets that were issued for the cancelled show WILL BE HONORED at this show.

I know OBE will be there, now, who else is going to be there?
Old 11-19-2005, 03:49 PM   #6
I won't be able to make it. I'm already scheduled for Hamburg. My husband is looking forward to adding Maryland & Pennsylvania to the list of states he's been in. He never had the opportunity to travel until I started doing the shows. I think the Atlanta show will be even better than the originally scheduled show. With all the added publicity, it's sure to gather a huge crowd. Best of luck to you OBE in Atlanta. I'm sure that you'll do well. See you in January.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Old 11-19-2005, 05:10 PM   #7
Thanks Audry....good luck to you in careful getting there and we will see you in January.
Old 11-21-2005, 06:24 PM   #8
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
Just a quick fyi, as of this morning, according to the Cobb Galleria the date is reserved for Tony's show, all he has to do is pay in full and sign the contracts. However, as I have been informed also by the Galleria, if payment is not received in full by next Friday, the show will not be happening there. For the vendors' sakes, I hope all goes well with the show and that all the vendors make out like bandits.

Also, I want to inform everyone that there WILL be an Atlanta show next year. The GA Herpetological Society, after taking several years off from doing shows, has decided to start them up again. I cannot give details about the location at this time(due to not having locked in the venue solid yet), but I can say that a venue is being booked for the second weekend in November of '06. Keep an eye out for more detailed information in early 2006.

Now, onto another matter regarding Tony Cueto and his new Atlanta dates:

The Cobb Galleria does not regularly allow animal shows. A board member of the GA Herp Society contacted them as a possible venue recently. As some of you may remember, that is the location we used for our shows from '96-98, and they were very good to us. The Galleria told us we could be "grandfathered" in to do our show for next year if indeed we had decided to use them once again. Well, after our board member's conversation with the Galleria, Tony called about using the venue for his Dec. 3-4 show. Now, this is not a problem of course, however, when there was mention by the person Tony spoke with of the GHS plans for next year, he immediately claimed to be the "Marketing Director for the GHS." Now, we do not have a marketing director and outside of the GHS having set up native display tables at Tony's previous Atlanta shows, we have nothing to do with Tony Cueto or Southeast Exotic Animal Shows. He is not licensed to use our name nor is he an agent for us or speak on behalf of the GHS in any way(he is not even a member). He blatantly misrepresented himself as being a part of our organization to get into the venue(the President of the GHS has been directed to this thread as he has more face to face on this situation). The GHS has already spoken again with the Galleria as well as every other large venue in the metro Atlanta area informing them that though we are putting on a reptile show next year, we are in no way afilliated with Tony's ventures and that Tony is not afilliated with anything we may be putting on.

Now, assuming Tony pays up on time, there WILL be a show this year(the Galleria had already commited to him thinking he was speaking on behalf of the GHS), and I really do wish everyone does well, including Tony. However, I just want to make it perfectly clear that the GA Herpetological Society as an organization is not involved in Tony's dealings, nor is he in ours. We will not be setting up a native display at his show this year, nor are we likely to anytime in the near future. Should there NOT be a show for some reason, it is not the fault or intention of the GHS or any of its members that Tony's show not happen.

Thank you very much,

Robert Hill
Board Member GA Herpetological Society
Old 11-21-2005, 07:14 PM   #9
Originally Posted by Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
Tony called about using the venue for his Dec. 3-4 show. Now, this is not a problem of course, however, when there was mention by the person Tony spoke with of the GHS plans for next year, he immediately claimed to be the "Marketing Director for the GHS." Now, we do not have a marketing director and outside of the GHS having set up native display tables at Tony's previous Atlanta shows, we have nothing to do with Tony Cueto or Southeast Exotic Animal Shows.

Honestly who does he think he is? Tony is nothing but a scam artist now, his shows might have been good in the past.

He is a liar. Plain and simple. Just wish some of you would open your eyes.
Old 11-22-2005, 02:26 PM   #10
I have tried and tried however,

my email to Tony Cueto and then his reply to me:

From: "cathy" <>
To: <>
Subject: Congrads on your New Atlanta show!
Date: Friday, November 18, 2005 11:37 AM

I want to wish you well on your new Atlanta show. If there is anything I can help you with please feel free to contact me. I can only imagine what you have been going through these last couple of weeks. It must have been a nightmare. I am not here to pour salt into your wounds. I am offering my help to you for the better of the reptile industry. I think we all would be better off working together. I want you to know that we did allow your Greenville fliers to be handed out( we even handed some out ourselves) in Columbia. We even allowed announcements to be made about your show.
Tony I have never lied to you and I am not going to start now. In my opinion, some people have been telling you things that they think you want to hear. There have been things told to you that have either been pure out lies or they have twisted what was said to better suit them. I will admit to you that the postings on your web site and the emails that you sent out that was talking about me did upset me a bit. But I know where all that was coming from, it was simple misunderstandings or someone not telling you the whole story.
I am in the process of planning next years shows and want to take the first step working with you. I do need to know what dates you have in mind for your Greenville show next year? We are looking into not doing a show in Spartanburg and Columbia if at all possible. Not because we did that awful in those venues but as a step forward in working together.

Cathy Elrod

__________________________________________________ ______________

From: <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:18 PM

Cathy, I do not candy coat anything. Very frankly I was surprised that you
emailed me. I was not surprised by your hypocrisies. You ask how you can
help? By leaving me the f alone!!! By leaving my shows the f alone!!! By
dropping you gossip, speculation and slander of me and my shows, by not
attempting to make a show for yourself by slamming my name and my shows!!!
YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A PARASITE. You tried everything you could to harm my
shows in order to make a name for your show. I have been sending various
businesses you have been trying to peruse your postings throughout the Internet so
that they see what type of show promoter you are. I have not sent yet the
copy of Jason's instant message attacks because it is embarrassing to show
anyone that filth that you all thrive in, but am fed up and ready to do that as
well but hopefully it is not necessary because you want to end this and work
together? Sure you do, after you took your best shots at me, LOW, DIRTY shots
and have found you have lost your credibility and support. Do you expect me to
be grateful that you tell me you are no longer going to do shows in my area?
Do you really think I am stupid enough to believe you are doing that because
of me? No, you are doing that because you would not have but a handful of
vendors that would still support your shows. A handful at the most. I saw in
one of your MANY threads (see, before I would not go into them, now I do to
gather them to demonstrate to people you are seeking support from who do not go
into the threads, what type of individual you are, pretty close to the bottom
of the barrel, a lowlife, a parasite!!! I know you think it is one
particular vendor that is giving me all this incorrect information about you. That
is very very incorrect. If you only knew the amount of vendors that tell me so
many things that you have told them about me or my shows. At your last
Columbia show, even the vendors whom you gave them free spaces of numerous booths
for $60 just to get some vendors in your show, many of them have shared with
me statements you made about me and my show. Vendors that did not know me
tell me, whom I recently met, tell me what a different person I am from the
person you make me to be. But see Cathy, history always vindicates, demonstrates
the truth.
And what vendors tell me I do not give much weight to. I judge people by
how they treat me, by their actions directly, not what I hear about them. That
is you, the gossip queen that lives, only existence, only existence for your
shows is by spreading rumors, attacking me and others to make yourself look
good. Speaking of truth, you say you have always been honest with me???? Lets
go back to the 1st Columbia show when Jason and you went to Tom Mariono and
said you did not want any conflicts with my shows, you wanted to work
together, go into different markets. Then what do you do? You continue slamming me
on the internet and you announce a show in Spartanburg. I actually believe
that you honestly thought in your stupidity that it was two different markets
and you were not just lying. Then you come to my Columbia show, I have a
discussion with you, ask you it be confidential and what do you do? You broadcast
the discussion. But you have not lied to me? You have not tried to make
something out of nothing you have by attacking me and my shows? Oh, and then, after
claiming Greenville and Spartanburg are two different markets, you go to
Joe, he has verified you specifically requested the dates you did, go into my
venue, my SC home for the past eight years and attack me and my shows, what I
might or might not do, relentlessly.
You say you were hurt by what I wrote on my website about you, lets discuss
that. I wrote the following, you tell me if I said anything inaccurate,
untruthful and I will publicly apologize; 1) That your worked two weeks putting
fliers on cars and that was the extent of your experience 2) that you copy cat
my show, down to VIP tickets, same stage show, for Gods sakes, same venue,
have no backbone to your show but to deceive people and by putting me down to
make yourself look good.3) I clarified the dates of my show so no one would be
confused. NOW, what did I say that was so untruthful, that hurt you? BTW,
speaking of which, it is so ironic that you had the nerve to say in a thread
that in Greenville, every time I saw you I went the other way because we both
know who the better show promoter is when 1) the truth is that Stephanie told
me about 5 different parties had told her they went to Columbia the weekend
before, how upset and disappointed they were when they got to Columbia, and for
that reason, I made and was taping on the doors, while you stoop outside
with your husband smoking, signs for each door apologizing to any attendee that
had gone to Columbia the weekend before thinking it was our show, and to
avoid them being confused again, I gave our website and upcoming shows. 2) Who
now has the support and who is having to pull out of Spartanburg and Columbia
because you have no support to do another show? And no, I did not threaten any
vendors. Yes, I spoke to vendors, explained to them the logic, ways you were
hurting our show and I asked them to consider with all the garbage, all the
slander you fabricate about our shows in order to try to bring them down so
you can establish yourself, if it was not a conflict of interest to support
your shows. Some agreed, many had already made up their minds just from all
your crap on the internet that you were not a show promoter they wanted to be
associated with. What exactly is wrong with that Cathy, protecting the interest
of my shows, protecting the interest of my vendors, to talk to them and tell
them, show them how much you attack our shows and then tell Tom you are not
going to compete and do just the opposite? This time I do believe you are
being honest, but only because of being forced into the situation because of
lack of support. Cathy, I have been around a long time, met many people of all
walks of life.There have been people that we did not see eye to eye, there
have been people who I personally disliked or who dislike me,but I can tell you
sincerely Cathy, I say this with complete honesty and sincerity, I have
never met a person as despicable and low as you. Again, how can you help, LEAVE
ME AND MY SHOWS THE F ALONE, mind your own business, get off your ego trip.
When you sent out that email right after my Greenville show announcing the
Ladson show and slamming my show, I went to everyone involved with the Ladson
show and told them they could have my support or your support. It was ironic,
at least six vendors sent me copies of your email and they all said the
same, Tony, if we are going to make SC like FL shows like Cathy says, would we do
it with anything she is involved in or with one of the big promoters of
Florida reptile shows. I have had it with you. I went to the Ladson promoters,
and asked if they wanted my support or your support..... I have had it Cathy,
enough is enough. I am restoring business relationships with many of your
allies that are asking to come back to our shows or I am persuing and inviting
others back. Understand that the damage you have done, the severity of your
actions is such, that you are the only person with whom I could never work
things out with. Other show promoters I have had differences with and we have
worked things out and are now friends, but then, they were not the lowest of the
lowest of any form of life on earth. You asked me my 2006 show dates. I do
not trust you, have PLENTY of reason not to trust you. Tell me your 2006 show
dates. Maybe I will announce a show one week before your show if you can ever
even pull off another show. Parasites live very short lives, is the nature of
a parasite. You took your best shots at me, struck out three times and now
come to me wanting to work things out. Awe how nice. I would not wish you on
my worst enemy. Wait, you are my worst enemy.

Tony Cueto
__________________________________________________ ______________
Please note words have been censored because of the language so not to break the TOS of this board
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