Bad Guy SCAMMER!!! Jay Mcnight / Jason Ciconne/ Franklin Chams Chams/SCAMMER - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:12 PM   #1
Craig Wyatt
SCAMMER!!! Jay Mcnight / Jason Ciconne/ Franklin Chams Chams/SCAMMER

This is kinda going to a long story. So stay with me. It take some twist and turns so pay close attention. Afterwords I will include texts for rock solid proof that Jason Cinconne AKA Jay Mcnight is someone to stay very very far away from. Right off the bat I would first like to suggest a moderator do an I.D. check.
The last week of June Jay Mcnight contacted me and said he was going to a show in VA beach and he needed some panthers for his table. I gave him a huge selection to choose from and he decided on 3 tamataves that were very well started, a 1 year adult male tamatave and 4 juviline male ambilobi panthers. We settled on $950 shipped. The actual retail value was about $2500. I know the actual value has nothing to do with anything I'm just showing you his PURE GREED!!
He said he would send payment that night. (Tuesday night June 21 I believe)I said cool deal and thanks. Well I wake up check my PayPal and no money. So I contacted him later that day and he said he was going to pay me in a bit that day. Well he didn't again so I called him back that same day and said he was going to pay it that night. I said ok cool.
Now at this point maybe some of you readers think I'm being a pushy sales technique but I'm not. I'll explain. I have a ZERO hold policy. No money no hold. I have been burned on prob 60% of every time I have held an animal and passed up a sale so I just don't do it anymore. He expects me to just take his word well I have no idea who this guy is. I have seen him in Facebook but that's it. I don't think he is well known so I had no extra reason to trust his worst hat I should hold them with ZERO money.
Ok sorry got off track. So I'll back it up on Wednesday evening he said for the second time that day that I would recieve payment. Well I wake up on Thursday and still nothing. I'm beyond frustrated but I do not show it. Every time is a brand new excuse. Ok so it's Thursday we talk he gives me some other brand new BS excuse for no paying and says I'll pay you in 20 mins. Don't know why but I believed him. He didn't say later I'll pay he said in 20 mins you will be paid. Well hours and hours go by and I contact him he says he will pay later that night. Just to help you guys follow along later that night is Thursday. What do you guys think happened????? Yup your right he lied again. I believe it was on this day I said "look if you can't afford them just tell me and no hard feelings". He laughed it off in a text and basically was talking like he had some money and didn't have financial issues is what I took from it. Now did I believe him? Hell no. I might be wrong on the day that this little exchange took place but it was over a month ago so forgive if I'm off a day.
Ok fast forward to Friday. Still no pay only empty promises. In the morning when I woke up I thought to myself today is the day wether he pays or not. No payment will mean I ambandom anymore efforts for payment. I had already passed up several sales at that point. Sometime in the afternoon we talked and he said I'm having a hard time paying and to send him an invoice and he would pay it that way. But now he wants to break up the payments but pay them all that day (Friday). He was going to pay me $850 of the $950 and come pick up on the way to the VA beach show and give me $100 in cash. I was cool with this. I mean no one is going to ambandom a deal after paying $850 with a $100 cash balance when he picked up. So I sent the invoice but he still couldn't pay it. We talked on the phone and I figured it out in like half a second. He was using his wife's credit card to pay an invoice that was in his name. Finally I said just give me your card number and I'll manually run it through Mypaypal app. He said run it for $300. So I did and finally I had atleast a little something from this nightmare customer. He said he would finish paying me that night. Well a little time had passed and I knew what was coming. MORE EXCUSES!! So I texted him and said congratulations you now own 2 chameleons if you do not follow through with your word this time I am going to start advertising everything else in the deal starting the moment I wake up. That would have been Saturday morning. Well that lit a fire under his ass and it really pissed him off. At that point I was getting so annoyed with his daily lies I just wanted it over one way or the other. He texted me that night but I was asleep at that point. I feel like I'm leaving out something right now. If I remember I'll come back to it.
Ok now it's Saturday morning and guess what NO PAY. I know right like what a surprise. I called him and he said after I sent that text about pay me or I'm selling starting tomorrow he started to do searches on my name.
****if you only remember one thing I have wrote so far remember this. Late last year I was scammed by a guy that claimed I sold him a chameleon with MBD. That guy said pay me back now or I'll smear your name on fauna BOI. Even though I knew I was being scammed I didn't want to take the chance of my good name being hurt so I caved and paid. Do a search for Craig Wyatt Bad apple. Tells the whole story of how he scammed me by using MBD as his weapon. Whole thing blew up in his face. Towards the end I said TO ALL FUTURE POTENTIAL SCAMMERS I WILL NEVER FALL FOR THIS AGAIN. Something like that.
So when Jay McNight AKA Jason Ciconne did searches on here I know he read it because it's on the front page when you do a search on me. Plus this will all start making since very soon. Just follow along closely.
Ok so he tells me he did searches on y name because of what I said the prior night. Basically pay or quit. So we are talking in the phone in Saturday and the conversation and attitudes are back on track atleast I thought. He had paid me $300 the past night and is talking again about paying me more but can't seem to get his card to work. So he said just charge it for $500 the same way you did last night. Well I did and it went through no problem at all. At that point he owed me only $150 so I was finally comfortable that it all wasn't for nothing. We hang up the phone and I log into my PayPal account and guess what he conviently forgot to tell me on the phone. He did a freakin charge back for the first $300 from the night before!! So I contact him and say you need to undo your charge back for the $300. He plays stupid and acts like he has no clue what I'm talking about. He said he never filed a chargeback and had no clue how this happened. Well he called PayPal and pretty quickly the money was back in my account.
Now follow along closely please. We are on dat Saturday. It's either the last Saturday in June or the first one in July. Not sure. He then decided on this day that he wasn't going to go to the VA beach show and if I had buyers I could just sell them. I said I have no buyers sorry. And now that your not going to the show how would you like to pay your balance of $150. Now $50 of that is now shipping money. I sent him an invoice and he paid I believe within a couple days. I wasn't worried about that little bit of money because I knew he would pay it since he had already paid me $800 at that point.
Ok fast forward I get paid the $150 and I ship. Don't remember the exact day but it was that week following that Saturday.
He recieved them and says I have them they are good. I did a huge exhale and was like FINALLY this deal is complete and over!!! Never again will I deal with this dude.
Well that was short lived. Sends me another text and says "you have 5 mins to call me and explain why these Chams have MBD.
I called him and was like what are you talking about. He said come on Craig there is no way you missed this. We went back and forth a bit and I said forget it. Send me back everything for a full refund. He said I'm going to tell you right now that is never going to happen. He demanded I send him a full refund with him not sending me back the animals. I even just asked for pictures which he refused. A severe case of MBD will easily show up on pictures. He said they all didn't have MBD. He said 3 tamataves and 2 ambilobis had it. I said that's not going to happen (zone sending back his money without animals in exchange) Then he said I have 2 uncles in the construction business in your state and if you don't send me back my money right now they will be paying you a visit. If he denies this I swear to god on everything dear to me that those were his words. Can't remember his exact wording but that's the gist of it. That really pissed me off I raised my voice and cursed at him then hung up the phone on him. Understand this I am a really cool dude to meet or talk to in person but I am a family man first. I have a beautiful family that I would do any for and when a stranger to me threatens to send 2 men to my house let's just say I wasnt a happy camper. Would these guys do something to one of my children to get back at me who knows. Was it an empty threat. Probably but I don't feel good knowing that my kids are "probably" safe to go outside and play.
After that phone call I take it to texts. Where I say again send me back the animals for a full refund. Then for some reason he changes up a little and says send me $400.
About 2/3 weeks ago I started to get chargebacks for every transaction. He filed them under unauthorized use???
Hey buddy you need to either send me back my animals or undo these chargebacks. YOU SCREWED THE EXACT WRONG PERSON. You stole all the brand new school clothes right off my kids backs.

Just look at the texts and judge for yourself.
This happened over a month ago so I'm sure I missed a few things but this is the gist of the story. I fully believe when I threatened to sell everything I was holding he looked me up and found where that other scammer found my weak point. Well guess what Jason/Jay whatever your name is ITS NOT MY WEAK POINT ANYMORE.
PLEASE ALLOW ME 10 mins to post screenshots of texts before anyone replys.
Old 08-17-2016, 01:17 PM   #2
Craig Wyatt
In order from the moment he recieved the animals. Remember there is a phone conversation before it all goes south on texts.
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:19 PM   #3
Craig Wyatt
Next text
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:21 PM   #4
Craig Wyatt
Text 3 in order
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:22 PM   #5
Craig Wyatt
Text 4
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:23 PM   #6
Craig Wyatt
Number 5
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:24 PM   #7
Craig Wyatt
Number 6 text
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:25 PM   #8
Craig Wyatt
Number 7 still in order
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:26 PM   #9
Craig Wyatt
Number 8
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:26 PM   #10
Craig Wyatt
Last one 9
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