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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 05-08-2019, 10:59 AM   #41
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by MOC REPTILES View Post
Nobody is defending you here lol because you are obviously wrong... keep making a fool of yourself. I am very straight forward and you will keep being offended also here on fauna in front of everyone if you lack of respect and play stupid and hypocrit games.

And as a matter of fact, your little brother and friends are writing negative reviews about my business allready, even they have no clue about reptiles lol

This is what you are made of .... and how hypocrit/false you are. People like you, are a true disgrace to this hobby.

My brother? Dude you must literally be nuts. I have not made anyone make you a bad review? Weirdos like you are the disgrace to the community. And I bet if we met in person, you’d shit your pants and not be so tough. There’s one other person in this convo not tons. Just because Lucille who already has a shady rep on here is on your side and has always been against mine doesn’t mean I’m getting “destroyed” you bafoon. The only hypocrite is you accusing me of things I never did. Meanwhile calling me the accuser lol

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:00 AM   #42
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
You waited almost a month to get this critter treated at the vet as you claim it became progressively worse. There is still no proof it arrived sick. Sellers are simply not responsible for what may well be husbandry errors of their buyers. Making lots of noise and talking about 'caring for the animal' doesn't entitle you to money from a seller when you have not shown he did anything wrong.

I do believe this thread has value- it may caution sellers not to do business with this buyer because he may come after them even if they sold perfectly healthy stock.

You also warned people of me when I exposed someone for doing a contest. After I saw a post where someone said you pushed someone to suicide, maybe you should be the one avoided....
I know many breeders that I’ve done absolutely great business with. There’s a reason why they only get good reviews.

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:02 AM   #43
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by Insomniac101 View Post
Wow, I missed that one. Emery, you probably should quit while you're behind.

It was a order from Underground reptiles. All DOA. They’re replacing it for me

Proof is right there!

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:08 AM   #44
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
OP, you certainly seem to have bad luck with animals, a little more than a month ago, you were here on Fauna trying to sell a freezer full of dead ones you had on hand:

Freezer full of dead ones. Wow you really take the words of what I wrote and twist them to make me sound bad. Cuz a few tiny animals that could fit in a shipping box take up a “freezer full”. Do you really have no life, so you defend whoever you think is righteous? You try to spit out whatever you can to make someone look bad;whatever side you don’t like. Well I posted my proof of what happened with those animals so your argument right there just got popped on...
The Nosy Be panther female that I had frozen died of natural causes as far as I’m concerned. It was 6 years old, and I just found it passed out one day.

I’ve had experiences and mistakes with animals in the past, believe me. I’ve been keeping reptiles since I was 12 so I’ve had my fair share of mistakes, but I know that this frilled dragon arriving sick was not mine.

There’s no way I can prove he was sick on the day of arrival besides my own word, just like how he can’t prove he shipped it out in prime condition unless you go by his word.

I know it wasn’t my fault, because yellow fungus is generally contagious and nothing in my collection has any, as well as he was put into quarantine too....
As for RI-it’s more dry here than in Florida. Perhaps he made it too wet in its shipping container over here, but the cage has vents, the temperatures are correct, and the humidity is never kept too high so it doesn’t make sense for him to have received the RI in my care. I saw him gaping the first day I got him and the only proof is the picture I posted where he looks “decent” with his mouth open. Either way, no way for me to prove that this was when I first got him since there’s not a date on the photograph...

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:12 AM   #45
Alone against the world... once again, not going to be professional here with you since you are getting personal and continuing with your ig threats, you are welcome to come to Florida to my shop and I will demostrate how I .... my pants. Will make sure you will go back home crying for forgiveness.
As said, not scared about steroid abusers, they have obviously damaged your brain and God knows what else... lol you little kid

Originally Posted by emeryfbrecovery View Post
My brother? Dude you must literally be nuts. I have not made anyone make you a bad review? Weirdos like you are the disgrace to the community. And I bet if we met in person, you’d shit your pants and not be so tough. There’s one other person in this convo not tons. Just because Lucille who already has a shady rep on here is on your side and has always been against mine doesn’t mean I’m getting “destroyed” you bafoon. The only hypocrite is you accusing me of things I never did. Meanwhile calling me the accuser lol

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:28 AM   #46
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by MOC REPTILES View Post
Hahaha this guy got destroyed on fauna when he said what happened, I didn’t even have to say anything there. He made a fool of himself, and just disappeared

Kids? Lmao. I bet you’d poop your pants if I walked into your store.
I proved your lil buddy’s accusation of me having a “freezer full” or dead animals because of negligence or bad husbandry wrong. At least that’s how she tried portraying it, and I’m not surprised, she surfs all of fauna and doesn’t do anything else... I see her name more than anyone else’s on here. You’d think she’s the owner. But she didn’t even know the details and still tried to make false accusations.

Now that you don’t have that for ammo, I’m sure you guys will still hammer in “it took you a month to go to the vet!?”

Good f*cking lord. I work 2 jobs. Not retired like you Lucille first off. I’m 20 years old, own a 6 bedroom house and live in San Diego. If you have any idea how expensive it is living down here, you’d understand why i work 2 jobs. That’s why it took so long. Because vets aren’t open 24/7 and sometimes they are booked. I was trying to make appointments less than a month after receiving the dragon, but the first available time to get in and get all the antibiotics wasn’t until the time listed on the sheet. I still got it diagnosed before then. I was still sure something was wrong long before then. I was trying to message MOC before then as well.
Again it took him 13 days to reply to my original message. He was ignoring me. So I tried using over the counter medication and was studying his illness so I could possibly avoid going to the vet, since at the time the problems weren’t as extreme and I thought maybe it was something I could take care of.

Call me an irresponsible pet owner for that, but I was just trying to avoid spending another couple hundred dollars after spending over a rack and not getting any help from this guy. Fortunately the vet bill wasn’t as high as I anticipated, but it’s not like I just waited until 5 weeks after I got the frilled and said “oh shit let’s go to the vet”. No I had been trying to get ahold of MOC long before, had known some issue was going on after 1 week.

After the first week, I went to LLL to see if they had medication for mouth rot, RI, or yellow fungus. They did have over the counter stuff for mouth rot (didn’t work) but besides that, they said to increase temps to cause an artificial fever which should help with the RI but that didn’t help either.

I’ve never once claimed to be a reptile expert-but I don’t think you guys are either.
In fact when MOC finally started replying, he was trying to give me home remedies instead of telling me to go straight to the vet. And giving his possible ideas as why the frilled may be having issues.

So don’t act like I’m some non caring idiot. It wasn’t horrific looking at first but symptoms were there. I didn’t know how to spot the symptoms like someone who’s experienced and dealt with these illlness’ in the past. But that’s why I tried taking matters into my own hand. Because I personally wanted to save money, and because I wanted the seller to finally reply- which he did. And he advised me to try and care for it myself. He didn’t even mention going to the vet to save it. Once I saw that these home remedies weren’t working though, I managed to get time off work and go to the vet.

And before you kiss his butt some more- Him responding and giving his input on the situation is not great customer service any and all breeder should be there to help and give you advice even long after purchase. That’s standards not going above and beyond.

Like how you made it sound like he was doing me a favor by offering me another for a lower price. He was doing that because he wanted to make another sale. Not because he wants to help me or the sickly frilled I already received out. How would another frilled dragon help out the one I already got.

And why would he offer me a frilled dragon for $200 less (he claims the female is like $700 less) vs just selling those and making the $200-$700 profit and just helping pay the $120 vet bill. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times since you two like to repeat yourselves as well- IT’S BECAUSE HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT THE SICK FRILLED. It’s out of his store and he couldn’t care less if it died now... But he saw this as an opportunity to make another sale off me. Why would I want to spend another almost thousand dollars just to possibly receive another sickly frilled? And if that one arrived sick I’m sure he’d deny it being his fault as well.

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:36 AM   #47
Emery Aranda
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
OP, you certainly seem to have bad luck with animals, a little more than a month ago, you were here on Fauna trying to sell a freezer full of dead ones you had on hand:

I read this over and over and it’s still funny to me how you try to manipulate words and make people sound bad. “Freezer full”. How big is your freezer Lucille? Because if it can’t hold a nosy be panther chameleon, a few fire skinks, and some baby Solomon island ground boas then you must have the worlds smallest freezer. I could fit all of those into a mini ice cream container? Lol and you try and make it sound like my freezer is just filled with all these dead animals that I neglected rather than received dead.

I do have bad luck from time to times. For example, this MOC guy selling me a sickly frilled and then later denying any responsibility for it. He’s just lucky I wasn’t educated about all the illness’ sooner otherwise I would’ve been able to confront him even earlier on and when he would’ve denied it then, I could’ve posted it on here and it would make my case even stronger. The only part from my side that’s “shady” is the dates. But for how severe the issues are and if you look at how I’ve explained myself -especially the fact that MOC wasn’t even replying- it clicks. Just step into someone else’s shoes for a second instead of trying to sweep their legs while they’re still in em.
Of course you’re going to try and search the depths of fauna for any possible ammo you think you can use here, but I already proved those DOA were DOA. That stands for death on arrival if you weren’t aware. Not death in my care.

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:37 AM   #48
Hahaha and who the f..k is going to read all that nonsense lolll dude, a simple suggestion, quit those drugs
Originally Posted by emeryfbrecovery View Post
Kids? Lmao. I bet you’d poop your pants if I walked into your store.
I proved your lil buddy’s accusation of me having a “freezer full” or dead animals because of negligence or bad husbandry wrong. At least that’s how she tried portraying it, and I’m not surprised, she surfs all of fauna and doesn’t do anything else... I see her name more than anyone else’s on here. You’d think she’s the owner. But she didn’t even know the details and still tried to make false accusations.

Now that you don’t have that for ammo, I’m sure you guys will still hammer in “it took you a month to go to the vet!?”

Good f*cking lord. I work 2 jobs. Not retired like you Lucille first off. I’m 20 years old, own a 6 bedroom house and live in San Diego. If you have any idea how expensive it is living down here, you’d understand why i work 2 jobs. That’s why it took so long. Because vets aren’t open 24/7 and sometimes they are booked. I was trying to make appointments less than a month after receiving the dragon, but the first available time to get in and get all the antibiotics wasn’t until the time listed on the sheet. I still got it diagnosed before then. I was still sure something was wrong long before then. I was trying to message MOC before then as well.
Again it took him 13 days to reply to my original message. He was ignoring me. So I tried using over the counter medication and was studying his illness so I could possibly avoid going to the vet, since at the time the problems weren’t as extreme and I thought maybe it was something I could take care of.

Call me an irresponsible pet owner for that, but I was just trying to avoid spending another couple hundred dollars after spending over a rack and not getting any help from this guy. Fortunately the vet bill wasn’t as high as I anticipated, but it’s not like I just waited until 5 weeks after I got the frilled and said “oh shit let’s go to the vet”. No I had been trying to get ahold of MOC long before, had known some issue was going on after 1 week.

After the first week, I went to LLL to see if they had medication for mouth rot, RI, or yellow fungus. They did have over the counter stuff for mouth rot (didn’t work) but besides that, they said to increase temps to cause an artificial fever which should help with the RI but that didn’t help either.

I’ve never once claimed to be a reptile expert-but I don’t think you guys are either.
In fact when MOC finally started replying, he was trying to give me home remedies instead of telling me to go straight to the vet. And giving his possible ideas as why the frilled may be having issues.

So don’t act like I’m some non caring idiot. It wasn’t horrific looking at first but symptoms were there. I didn’t know how to spot the symptoms like someone who’s experienced and dealt with these illlness’ in the past. But that’s why I tried taking matters into my own hand. Because I personally wanted to save money, and because I wanted the seller to finally reply- which he did. And he advised me to try and care for it myself. He didn’t even mention going to the vet to save it. Once I saw that these home remedies weren’t working though, I managed to get time off work and go to the vet.

And before you kiss his butt some more- Him responding and giving his input on the situation is not great customer service any and all breeder should be there to help and give you advice even long after purchase. That’s standards not going above and beyond.

Like how you made it sound like he was doing me a favor by offering me another for a lower price. He was doing that because he wanted to make another sale. Not because he wants to help me or the sickly frilled I already received out. How would another frilled dragon help out the one I already got.

And why would he offer me a frilled dragon for $200 less (he claims the female is like $700 less) vs just selling those and making the $200-$700 profit and just helping pay the $120 vet bill. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times since you two like to repeat yourselves as well- IT’S BECAUSE HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT THE SICK FRILLED. It’s out of his store and he couldn’t care less if it died now... But he saw this as an opportunity to make another sale off me. Why would I want to spend another almost thousand dollars just to possibly receive another sickly frilled? And if that one arrived sick I’m sure he’d deny it being his fault as well.

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:39 AM   #49
Emery Aranda
And look. He calls me a child yet is claiming I’m a steroid user?

You look really professional dude and sound very educated. I’m fit and have some muscles so I must obviously be on steroids. That would be super sad considering I weigh about 180 lbs. but like I said you’re a hypocrite and claim that i jump to conclusions, even though here you are spitting out bull sh*t.

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Old 05-08-2019, 11:40 AM   #50
Originally Posted by emeryfbrecovery View Post
You also warned people of me when I exposed someone for doing a contest.
Where was this contest, I do not recall this issue, please provide proof..

Originally Posted by emeryfbrecovery View Post
After I saw a post where someone said you pushed someone to suicide
You are telling me that you believe everything you read on the internet, with no proof? Or are you telling me that you believe that my words are actually that compelling and powerful?

Originally Posted by emeryfbrecovery View Post
The Nosy Be panther female that I had frozen died of natural causes as far as I’m concerned. It was 6 years old, and I just found it passed out one day.
Originally Posted by emeryfbrecovery View Post
The Chameleon had severe eye issues, that were too far along to be treated
You can even seem to keep straight the reasons your own critters died.

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