NASA just discovered a surprisingly close Super Earth - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 08-01-2019, 03:38 PM   #1
NASA just discovered a surprisingly close Super Earth

You know that old ecoactivist bumper sticker about fighting to save this planet because “There Is No Planet B”? Well, in the tradition of bumper stickers that turned out to be false (including “My other car is a Porsche” and “Al Gore 2000”), there may be a Planet B after all.

NASA has just announced the discovery of a new super-Earth that could be both habitable and accessible. The agency’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS (a powerful orbiting telescope that scouts the sky), spotted three previously unknown planets circling a nearby star in the Hydra constellation. One of those planets, called GJ 357 d, could be a Planet B for humans when this world gets too hot and too flooded to support life.

GJ 357 d is about six times larger than Earth and orbits a dwarf sun called GJ 357, much smaller than our own, making the journey around the sun in just 55.7 days. The international team of astronomers that discovered the planet said in a news release that it could “provide Earth-like conditions.” But don’t start buying plastic water bottles, throwing glitter, burning coal, and huffing CFCs to celebrate humanity’s new home yet. GJ 357 d could be Earth-like, but only if it has a thick enough atmosphere to envelop the planet.

“If the planet has a dense atmosphere, which will take future studies to determine, it could trap enough heat to warm the planet and allow liquid water on its surface,” Diana Kossakowski, a member of the team that discovered the planet, said in a press release. Without an atmosphere, the planet would have an equilibrium temperature of 64 degrees below zero, according to NASA, which would make it “more glacial than habitable.”

Still, if the atmosphere is sufficient to warm the planet enough to support liquid water, it could be the most promising Planet B out of the 4,025 planets tallied so far outside our solar system. Plus, it’s one of the closest of the 45 exoplanets confirmed to date, a mere 31 light-years away. (Of course, we’d still need to invent the technology to get us there.)

“With a thick atmosphere, the planet GJ 357 d could maintain liquid water on its surface like Earth, and we could pick out signs of life with telescopes that will soon be online,” Lisa Kaltenegger, the director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell and an associate professor in astronomy, said in a statement. “If GJ 357 d were to show signs of life, it would be at the top of everyone’s travel list—and we could answer a 1,000-year-old question on whether we are alone in the cosmos.”
Old 08-01-2019, 04:20 PM   #2
So... will we find Vulcans, Romulans, or Klingons?
Old 08-01-2019, 04:21 PM   #3
Originally Posted by bcr229 View Post
So... will we find Vulcans, Romulans, or Klingons?
Surprise - Ferengi!

edit to add:
Originally Posted by Article
NASA has just announced the discovery of a new super-Earth that could be both habitable and accessible.
Great... so humans can go destroy that new planet as well

I really hope we don't expand beyond our Earth for the sake of the galaxy
Old 08-01-2019, 05:35 PM   #4
If we ever get there it will be our replacements on earth. They will talk about us as one of the early men that advanced basic fire and hand tools. About how archaic the hardware was we used to find new planet. They will laugh at how we discussed the planet on some basic thing they called the internet. They will talk about how we had to grow food from the ground and depend on animals for meat. They will wonder how we lasted so long being weak with limited intelligence.

I think it would be cool if it was in the stages of our earth 100 million years ago
Old 08-01-2019, 09:07 PM   #5
The way things are going, I am doubtful that mankind will ever be able to cooperate enough to launch such a large scale project that such a trip would require from us on a planetary level. Even if the technology is ever developed to make such a long term trip even feasible, humans will still be humans.
Old 02-03-2021, 02:25 AM   #6
The presence of a super-earth in the habitable zone of a red dwarf does not mean that there are living organisms, plants or bacteria on it. At the beginning of their life cycle, red dwarfs are much brighter and hotter. Even if the exoplanet initially had conditions suitable for life, it might already have become too hot by the time life could theoretically arise there.
Old 02-03-2021, 02:44 PM   #7
Originally Posted by JColt View Post
You know that old ecoactivist bumper sticker about fighting to save this planet because “There Is No Planet B”? Well, in the tradition of bumper stickers that turned out to be false (including “My other car is a Porsche” and “Al Gore 2000”), there may be a Planet B after all.

NASA has just announced the discovery of a new super-Earth that could be both habitable and accessible. The agency’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS (a powerful orbiting telescope that scouts the sky), spotted three previously unknown planets circling a nearby star in the Hydra constellation. One of those planets, called GJ 357 d, could be a Planet B for humans when this world gets too hot and too flooded to support life.

GJ 357 d is about six times larger than Earth and orbits a dwarf sun called GJ 357, much smaller than our own, making the journey around the sun in just 55.7 days. The international team of astronomers that discovered the planet said in a news release that it could “provide Earth-like conditions.” But don’t start buying plastic water bottles, throwing glitter, burning coal, and huffing CFCs to celebrate humanity’s new home yet. GJ 357 d could be Earth-like, but only if it has a thick enough atmosphere to envelop the planet.

“If the planet has a dense atmosphere, which will take future studies to determine, it could trap enough heat to warm the planet and allow liquid water on its surface,” Diana Kossakowski, a member of the team that discovered the planet, said in a press release. Without an atmosphere, the planet would have an equilibrium temperature of 64 degrees below zero, according to NASA, which would make it “more glacial than habitable.”

Still, if the atmosphere is sufficient to warm the planet enough to support liquid water, it could be the most promising Planet B out of the 4,025 planets tallied so far outside our solar system. Plus, it’s one of the closest of the 45 exoplanets confirmed to date, a mere 31 light-years away. (Of course, we’d still need to invent the technology to get us there.)

“With a thick atmosphere, the planet GJ 357 d could maintain liquid water on its surface like Earth, and we could pick out signs of life with telescopes that will soon be online,” Lisa Kaltenegger, the director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell and an associate professor in astronomy, said in a statement. “If GJ 357 d were to show signs of life, it would be at the top of everyone’s travel list—and we could answer a 1,000-year-old question on whether we are alone in the cosmos.”
using this line of reasoning many planets could be habitable and long as we invent the technology to live there and get there first.

Its probably more likely that we will all end up on a planet ruled by apes before we can travel to this new Planet B
Old 02-03-2021, 05:01 PM   #8
Originally Posted by sschind View Post
Its probably more likely that we will all end up on a planet ruled by apes before we can travel to this new Planet B

Too late, It already is!
Old 02-03-2021, 05:47 PM   #9
Originally Posted by JColt View Post
Too late, It already is!
We should be so lucky.

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