Is this a realistic scenario? - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 10-21-2005, 09:18 PM   #1
Is this a realistic scenario?

Heard a story online about someone who was bitten by an Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake. I just wanted to check out what was going on. Google certainly wasn't any help, so I'm turning to you guys and hoping that you can give me an answer to a couple questions. The situation is as follows:

Victim began coughing up blood between September 30th and October 6th. He noticed the blood on October 6th and began to cough up significant quantities of blood. He planned on going to the hospital at 11:17 AM to see what was going on, but the hospital was closed.
By 2:52, he had been to the hospital, where he was given an "antidote" in the nick of time.

By October 9th he gave the following explanation as to his condition:

I probably whacked [the snake] or something since it hit me in my sleep and I thrash...anyway, I sleep like a rock so I didn't feel the bite, and it was a small snake, so I didn't see the venom or bite until it got nasty. The doctor's found it and I was lucky they had a specialist for snakes in the poison controle section.

The nurse saw the bite and I was transfered to the poison controle area and got the antidote in time. Still a bit weak, and I'm going to the hospital tommarrow so I can get blood-work done to see if the venom is still in there and I need further treatment, but the doctor's and specialist highly doubt it.
By October 16th, he began to have a "relapse" with the following symptoms:

I'm tasting blood in my mouth again, and the venom part of the test isn't done yet...I also hacked up a few droplets just now. This is how it started the last time...

By October 20th, he was in the hospital again with the following symptoms:

Coughing up blood, 102 degree fever, internal bleeding--the reason [he's] coughing up blood--passing out, severe chest pains--screaming so hard last night I had to call 911 after said person passed out--and the list goes on...They don't know the snake, but they're calling in a specialist.

We're on an unknown--I didn't ask--time frame to find an antidote...

Here's the kicker.

The following information was given on the 20th:

Bigger problem...they made a discovery that they have six months to figure out the venom and make the antidote if they don't already have it, and six months and 24 hours to administer it.
Here's another kicker.

I kissed [him] before we knew said person was poisoned...and I just coughed up a droplet of blood...The hospital's way to full for me to go in there just yet, and we already know there's nothing they can do until they find out the snake. I'll be joining [him] soon if this keeps up...I already have a slight fever, too...

By the 21st, victim had a fever of 104 degrees. The snake was somehow identified as an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. The hospital obtained Eastern Diamondback antidote on the same day and administered the poison. Victim was recovering by afternoon.

And that's it.

So, what we have here is the following:

1. Victim is bitten in sleep. The only noticeable symptoms are small droplets of blood from coughing.

2. Victim goes to hospital and is given an antidote.

3. Several days later, they go into a "relapse" with 102-degree fevers and chest pains. Unless they get an antidote, they will die.

4. By the next day or so, victim has fever of 104 degrees. Based on symptoms, the hospital identifies the snake as an eastern diamondback rattlesnake and administers anti-venin. Patient recovers.

So what do you think of this? I know it's a lot to handle, but please bear with me.
Old 10-21-2005, 09:32 PM   #2
Sounds like an urban legend to me.
Old 10-21-2005, 09:34 PM   #3
Well, it's a firsthand account. Thanks for looking through the message, though.
Old 10-21-2005, 10:43 PM   #4
Clay Davenport
To claim a bite from an EDB can result in all that happening is complete nonsense.
The claim that they have six months to administer the "antidote" and the very suggestion that the venom was passed from one person to another are the most rediculous of the various impossible statements made.

If someone was suffering from these symptoms and everything happened exactly as described one thing is for sure, it was not the result of an EDB envenomation.

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