High End Shipping Cost - FaunaClassifieds
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General Business Discussions This is a general purpose forum open to business related topics concerning Reptiles and Amphibians that are neither appropriate for the Board of Inquiry, nor sales, purchase, or trade solicitations.

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Old 06-15-2006, 01:53 PM   #1
High End Shipping Cost

I have been thinking about this for a while. When shipping a high end snake(we will say neonate as size affects shipping price) do you have the buyer pay shipping?

I have seen animals for sale at those high prices like $10,000 and the seller has the buyer pay the shipping. What is the point? I know that goes both ways, what is the big deal when it comes to paying $60 for shipping when forking out $10,000 for the snake? On the other hand, why not just toss in the shipping for free? I know some people that spend months saving to buy an animal and then they have to have another $100 just to have the animal shipped air cargo. What are your thoughts?
Old 06-15-2006, 03:19 PM   #2
On one hand you have to look at it like a business. When a company buys 10k, 20k, 100k or however much worth of supplies for their manufacturing plant they still have to pay shipping to get those supplies to their plant. It is really no different in the snake biz.

I know when I get my bulk orders of rat food and sani-chips and aspen bedding from Harlan-Teklad they charge me shipping or I can go pick it up at their warehouse for free. It's a business, it's about making money. So personally I go pick the stuff up, it is worth an hour of my time to save $50 on shipping cost.

Now on the other hand I know some breeders, as well as some companies have free specials or deals on shipping when a minimum dollar value is purchased. That is an incentive or a perk for a customer, but it should not be expected just because you are buying a certain dollar amount. Bottom line this is a business, it is all about maximizing profits.
Old 06-15-2006, 04:45 PM   #3
The BoidSmith
I agree with Michael. It's like if you were buying a brand new Mercedes Benz for $50,000, and they sell it to you with no gas in the tank, it could be perceived as "cheap". With purchases above $500 some reputable breeders pay for shipping. It's just a simple detail but it makes the buyer happy.

Old 06-15-2006, 04:51 PM   #4
Yep, I agree with you too, Michael. Don't we keep saying "customer service" is the basis of a good business? Sure, making a profit is one thing, but I can't help but think if someone just plopped down 10 grand to buy an animal from you, it's not going to hurt your profit margin much to pay the $100 shipping. Make that customer happy, and there's a good chance they will return to you for their next animal, and you can make back what you "lost" by paying the shipping.
Old 06-15-2006, 05:30 PM   #5
Don't get my post wrong, I certainly believe once you pass a certain dollar threshold that including shipping in the price is the best thing to do. Just saying that as a consumer I don't expect it, but certainly appreciate it when it is there.
Old 06-16-2006, 12:45 AM   #6
Clay Davenport
The main difference I see when it comes to producing reptiles is the lack of overhead on the product. What I mean is you hatched it, you didn't buy it for resale.
I admit, I don't approach my breeding as a strict business, but I see hatchlings that I produce as basically as product which cost me very little to bring to market.
If I bought a snake for 9,000 and had it for sale for 10,000 then the $100 shipping would be 10% of my profit, but if I hatched that 10,000 dollar snake the $100 is basically 1%.

As far as I'm concerned I would never think of charging shipping for anyone giving me 10 grand for a snake. I would feel petty and cheap regardless of what they thought of the situation.
My policy is on any order of $1,000 or more shipping is on me automatically. I still consider a grand a good chunk of change and I appreciate that level of business, and when someone thinks enough of my animals to pay that for them, whether it's one expensive snake or 20 cheap ones, I'm going to take care of getting it to them.
Old 06-16-2006, 08:13 PM   #7
Sammy I understand what you post completely, as a business shipping of the products is paid for by the customer. I expect to pay for shipping, but heck, even when I am given a split of paying only half of the cost I am happy. There are far more hobbyist in this industry compared to those that do this as a business, to me, paying for shipping on an expensive animal seems as petty as asking for the buyer to cover the paypal surcharge. As we all know, if you are the best with your customers, repeat business is almost a guarantee, but being a petty hobbyist over paypal charge, that is cause for dislike and gossip.

I guess it is one of my pet peeves(no pun intended).
Old 06-16-2006, 09:08 PM   #8

I understand your what you are saying completely. I know I personally would not charge shipping on a high end morph. Or like Clay said, many less expensive ones. I would happily cover shipping just to show my gratitude and appreciation for someone spending that much money with me.

Just as a consumer I am so used to paying shipping I really don't even think about it. It's just part of the total price of the purchase.
Old 06-16-2006, 10:08 PM   #9
The BoidSmith
As a result of some of the people with which I have dealt with lately my expectations have gone the other way. As Clay stated, when I purchase an animal that exceeds the value of a “normal” animal (let’s say above $1,000) I almost always take for granted that the price includes shipping. Nevertheless I always ask in advance and the answer has nearly always been affirmative.

Most sellers leave some room for negotiation that can be used towards paying shipping. If the seller wants $1,000 net for his animal he can always ask $1,050 and pay for shipping. As a buyer, the feeling I’ve got when I’m going to invest $1,000 and I’m told that on top of it I’ll have to pay $50 for shipping is: “And I’ll milk you for all you’ve got”! Maybe just perception, but is the perception of the buyer which is the one you want to make feel good as a seller.

Clients are those that purchase for a second time, and that single detail will lure me to purchase again from that seller.


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