San Diego Vivarium and IBD - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 03-17-2002, 02:05 PM   #1
First, let me say that I am not here to bash anyone or to start controversy.  I am simply here to verify the facts.  

Here are the facts on my end of this situation:

 I bought a large female Suriname from Dale Picolla of the San Diego Vivarium.  He was asking $650.  I offered him $350 and he took it.  I put the animal in quarantine and shortly after she died.  I thought this to be rather strange as the animal seemed to be outwardly healthy.  She had very good weight with nice fat reserves and showed no signs of health problems.  Because of the oddity of her sudden death I sent her to the vet for analysis.  Chuck Barker of Central Florida Reptile Breeders was nice enough to take her to his vet to be examined.  The vet contacted us after all of the lab work was done to inform us that the cause of death was IBD.  I contacted Dale and let him know what happened. ( Again, I am not here to bash however, I am astonished at the fact that Dale is still selling animals after being told an animal that came from his collection had IBD.)  Dale could not believe the news and he further told me ( in so many words ) that he did not believe that IBD is a valid disease.  I requested that he refund my money and he agreed.  I have not recieved any money yet.  A hard copy of the results of the test will be availible later in the week.  I would like to say that I love and care for all of my animals.  The people that know me and that have purchased animals from me know that I am honest and that I genuinely care about my animals as well my customers happiness.
 Thankfully I did not introduce this animal into my collection.  We all have something to learn from this situation.  Quarantine is a must, and if a deal seems to good to be true then it probably is!
I hope I have cleared things up.  I would also like to say that I have talked to Mr. Cagle and the details he posted on the boa forum were correct and hopefully I have verified them further.  I have never met Bill and I have only just started conversing with him over the phone.  He contacted me once he found out that I was one of the victims of this unfortunate ordeal.  Bill, I want to say thanks for your support and for telling the truth.  Chuck, thanks for caring enough to help me get my animal tested by a trusted vet.  

Old 03-17-2002, 02:11 PM   #2
Neil Gubitz gave us the facts....NOW...FOLLOW THE RULES OF THIS BOARD AND DELETE THIS POST AND PUT IT WHERE IT BELONGS!! ....ON THE BOTTOM OF THE ***EXISTING*** POST! Didn't you READ the rules of this board??? ....Neil
Old 03-17-2002, 04:24 PM   #3
Hey Neil,

This looks like a totally new thread to me. Maybe I missed something. One person is posting about a "good" deal, Matt is posting about a "bad" deal. Shouldn't that be two different threads? If not, then once again, the rules on this site do not make much sense.
Old 03-17-2002, 05:18 PM   #4

The attempt is made to consolidate all the postings about a company/subject under one heading. As you enter the first page of the BOI you will notice that there are at least six other pages of postings. Now on the first page there is a number of posting all dealing with this IBD incident. So common sense says to clear up the clutter of the different posts you place all the postings about a company/subject under one main post. I don't think Webslave is trying to work magic or make it confusing to you on purpose just trying to keep it organized.

I know nothing of snakes or IBD and no none of the players in the events but I do know programming and website design. It is common to have problems when setting up a site of this scale with registrations/log ins especially when bouncing around to multiple hosting scenerarios.  I would give him a break and use the forum to post your side of the story and not sweat the small stuff as it really isn't that big of a deal.

My .02
Old 03-17-2002, 05:26 PM   #5
Actually, it IS a separate post. It is related to the lower posts of the IBD case involveing Bill Cagle. But those posts are about Bill Cagle and his deal with the person who got two snakes from him.
  THIS post is about San Diego Vivarium, as is in its title. This is a different post about a different transaction with a different set of people. Just because Bill Cagle also bought his snakes that he sold in the other post, doesn't mean this one belongs there.
  My .02 cents
Old 03-17-2002, 05:49 PM   #6
Neil Gubitz
Bill...first of all, it's nice to "hear" your voice! I am NOT trying to berate YOU in ANY WAY!! I like, AND respect you!
If you look at the heading on the will see a BUNCH of topics about San Diego Vivarium and IBD...I just don't think it's fair to WASTE Rich's money by using up all his bandwidth with many different posts concerning the same company and disease!
I suppose KenyanBoa "guy" throws his untensils away after every meal?? I mean, heck...why should you use the same fork for a totally different dinner?? I guess it's because it's not HIS money he's WASTING!! That is very self-centered and, as far as the RULES of this board go, WRONG!
Doesn't ANYBODY give a XXXX about anybody else anymore???
Where do you think ROAD RAGE comes from?? It's the TOTAL LACK of respect for the OTHER person, that's where...people will drive 20 miles per hour in the fast lane, and then SLAM on their brakes if another car flashes them to move over....who the heck are THEY to tell me I can't drive 20 in the fast lane?? THE LAW, that's who!
This scenario (to ME) is the SAME THING!! And if this KenyanBoa dude can't understand that....I wouldn't be surprised!!
Now, I suppose he'll STILL try to tell me it's a different topic and mind my own business! ....Neil
Old 03-17-2002, 05:57 PM   #7
I just wanted to come up and state my opinion of Matt Hunter of
Matt is probably one of the nicest guys I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and doing business with. spam_I purchased an impeccable baby female guyana rtb from him about 2 months ago. spam_He was extremely courteous, informative, and fair. spam_The entire transaction went as smooth as I could ever hope for and I could not ask for more (except maybe an incredible male to go with my female, hehe).
I was recently on spring break and I was about 30 minutes away from Matt's place and before I arrived down in Florida, I asked if I could drop by. spam_Matt said he would be delighted to meet me and that I was more than welcome to check out his operation (as I put it). spam_When I arrived there, Matt welcomed me into his home, introduced me to his beautiful wife and we promptly headed for the snake room. spam_My friend and I spent a decent amount of time checking out all of his snakes and speaking with and getting to know him better than just through phone and email. spam_He was even more pleasant in person. spam_His snake room is very well kept and he has some amazing animals including an amazing Argentine that I want. spam_(Matt, if you're reading this, I will end up with that bad boy, spam_<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''> ). spam_While I was there, we even discussed the Bill Cagle, Chris Red, San Diego Vivarium issue a little. spam_Unfortunately, I had somewhere to be so I had to cut my visit short. spam_I do know however that Matt will welcome me at his place any time and that he is one of the greatest guys I have ever met. spam_His knowledge and character can not easily be surpassed. spam_I look forward to many future business transactions with Matt as well as a long frienship. spam_Matt IS one of the good guys in this business and I wouldn't doubt a word of his story for a second.
Matt, best of luck to you my friend, I will be in touch.
Jonathan Brady
Old 03-17-2002, 06:36 PM   #8
Neil Gubitz
Jonathan...I NEVER said Matt was a bad guy??? I've heard A LOT of good things about Matt (even though we've never done biz with each other...I don't think??) ....that wasn't the point?? Matt is probably the greatest guy on the face of this planet...but, IN THIS INSTANCE....he just didn't follow the rules??? It has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING ELSE! It's NOT a life or death thing! ....Neil
PS...Heather...sorry for calling you "dude"!! It should have been "dudette"!! <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>
Old 03-17-2002, 06:55 PM   #9
Just a quick word about my rules, since they were brought up in this thread (among others).

The rule about appending messages to a pertinent thread instead of starting a new thread was in response to a limitation of the message board system I was originally using. &nbsp;In that message board, every new thread started a physical line on the message board that was displayed by each and every person whom viewed the BOI. &nbsp;This was cumulative, and each day it kept getting larger and larger.

When the size of the message board got to around 200K, it began to take it's toll on the bandwidth I was having to pay for. &nbsp;I was limited to 10 gigabytes of transfer traffic, and this was being exceeded every month, requiring that I continually upgrade my service (with more cost involved) EVERY month.

In an effort to reduce the bandwidth problem, I made this rule about threads. &nbsp;This was done to try to keep the money hemorrhaging from becoming life threatening (to the BOI) and to also keep those people that are still using slower modems from giving up in frustration just trying to read the BOI.

This is no longer a problem. &nbsp;I am now leasing my own server with quite a bit of bandwidth, plus the new message system we are now seeing paginates the posts so they all don't display at the same time. &nbsp;There is also a very powerful search engine in this message board that can be used effectively to find someone you are looking for messages about.

When I get a chance, I will modify my rules to reflect this situation, but anyone reading this here and now can consider my rule about posting messages in existing threads to be rescinded. &nbsp;Of course, anything can be abused, and if I see someone abusing this by posting a LOT of threads about the same topic, I will do whatever is necessary to curtail it.

Please bear in mind that every rule I have made has been done so in an effort to respond to a problem being discovered on the BOI, and how people have used and abused it. &nbsp;As the situation changes, then so will the rules to reflect the new landscape. &nbsp;But in any event, anyone using even a thimble full of common sense should be able to post their messages in the BOI without ever having me step in to take action concerning their messages.

Old 03-17-2002, 07:02 PM   #10
Neil Gubitz
Well, I guess he told ME!! With that in mind....I apologize to anyone I told to stop waisting bandwidth space! Run Wild! You're FREE! I'll now shut up! (on THIS thread&#33<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''> lol ....Neil

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